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Liability of Shareholders

Duties and Liabilities of Directors and Officer

Duties of directors and officers: Duty of care. Due diligence (do h/w, make best decision for company by director)+Duty of loyalty. You can’t self-deal (director cant do business by yourself). And director must keep secrets of company. +Relationships based on trust, care(in the company best interests)- so they are fiduciary.

Liability of Directors and Officers:Crimes and torts /Shareholder derivative. Business Judgment Rule–rule protection. (if director make mistake but he do his business right-he doesn’t have liabilities)

§ 3: Role of ShareholdersShareholders own shares. They have intangible interest (they cant take all part). Shareholders’ Powers: include approving all fundamental changes to the corporation. Shareholders elect and remove the board of directors. Shareholder Meetingsmust be in AGM-annual general meeting. Voting procedures are: Quorum(right but not absolute) of shareholders owning more than 50% of shares; OR But sometimes corporations have for ex 10 million shareholders. So we have another way-Proxy.You can go to the net and vote.

Shareholder Voting: Shareholders may vote on resolutions. (Need majority). +Basic documents: articles of incorporation(basic info about company) andby-laws (how corporation actually works)

This documents can change if shareholders vote for this change. Normally one shareholder has one vote, but he can has more.

Rights of Shareholders

1. Preemptive rights –if I disagree with the price of my share, I go to court. 2) Inspection -look every documents in the company. 3)Transfer shares (unless restricted by articles and noted on the stock certificate)4) Dissolution: Voluntary or Involuntary, 5)To vote; +to purchase newly issued stock 6) To dividends, when declared by board. (Illegal Dividends: shareholder must return if he knew they were illegal. Directors have personally liable) 7)To have a stock certificate;8)To inspect corporate records.

Liability of Shareholders

shareholders lose just what they invested in this company. Stock Subscription Agreements-written irrevocable contracts: Par-value shares: corp. must have a value equal to the total value of the shares.+Watered stock: Shareholder is personally liable for difference. Duties of Majority Shareholders:they actualcontrol over the corporation(have enough shares ).

Merger, Consolidation and Transformation(purchase of assets+ purchase of stock).III- Corporations can grow and expand by

§1: Merger and ConsolidationA+B=A – company b no longer legally exist – merger(is two or more corporations after which only one corporation remains),A+B=C – new corporation – consolidation .

Merger and Consolidation Procedures:Directors must approve the merger plan.+Next shareholders must approve.+Articles filed with Secretary of State consolidated corporation.+ Appraisal right of shareholders. +Appraisal Rights( It's a protection policy for shareholders, preventing corporations involved in the merger from paying less than the company is worth to the shareholders. (Competitions and antitrust law- the same. )

§2: Purchase of Assets-its ownership and control over the physical assets of another company.Potential Liability in Purchase of Assets-is not liable for liabilities of selling corporation unless some excepts.

§ 3: Purchase of Stock-Common alternative to merger or consolidation is the purchase of a controlling interest (up to 51%) of a “target” corporation’s stock giving the purchaser corporation controlling interest in the target.Tender Offers-an offer to buy shares in a corporation (usually above the market price) for cash or securities or both. Target’s Responses-Directors of a corporation may consider the takeover to be friendly or unfriendly to the present management.

§ 4: Termination Dissolution: voluntary (ex, by a unanimous vote to dissolve or Board files dated articles of dissolution etc)OR involuntary(ex, Shareholders can initiate dissolution proceedings if the corp. is deadlocked; state and court can dissolve corporation) and Liquidation: Voluntary.(Board liquidates and acts as trustees of assets. Or Court will appoint) OR Involuntary. (Court appoints receiver.)


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