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Part III. 1. To correspond is to exchange letters1. To correspond is to exchange letters. A person corresponds when he writes a letter to another person. The word correspond also means to be in agreement with something. That clerk corresponds exactly with my requirements. His performance at work does not correspond with his claim. Correspondence is letter-writing. We have been in correspondence on this subject. Commercial correspondence is an interesting subject. A correspondence course is a course of study taken by post. A correspondent is one with whom one exchanges letters. A newspaper correspondent is one who submits articles to a newspaper. 2. A spare part is a part of a machine that is used for replacing a worn-out one. 3. To be accurate is to be careful and exact. A good watch is one that is accurate. Please ensure that the figures are accurate. 4. To register a letter is to send it by special post. The sender will be provided proof of delivery, if desired. 5. A counterpart is a person or thing alike. Jane is a receptionist. Her counterpart in my office is Mary. I phoned my counterpart in the bank for advice. 6. To base is to use something as a basis for some action. My views were based on his report. Don’t base your decision on his evidence. 7.Devoid of means without. He behaves as though he was devoid of common sense. 8. To word carefully means to choose words with care to ensureaccuracy, tact etc. Exercises I. Answer the following questions. 1. Why is there a need to correspond in business? 2. Why may a shopkeeper want to correspond? 3. How should a letter be sent for extra safety? 4. How may letters be sent for a speedy delivery? 5. Why must a telegram be carefully worded? II. Give the meanings of the following words. 1. To correspond. 2. Accurate. 3. Brief. 4. Courteous. 5. To arrange. III. Give the word that fits the description. 1. Letter-writing. 2. A statement that one is dissatisfied. 3. Charge for carriage by post. 4. A system for sending printed messages by using a teleprinter. 5. The documents attached to a letter. IV. Fill in the blanks with correct words. 1. To ______ is to exchange letters. 2. To ______ is also to be in agreement with something. 3. ______ is letter-writing. 4. A ______ is one with whom one exchanges letters. 5. One who submits articles to a newspaper is a ______ ______ . Discussion about letters Part I Mrs Smith. Is a business letter very different from an ordinary letter, dear? Mr Smith. There are some similarities and quite a few dissimilarities. Mrs Smith. What are the similarities? Mr Smith. Both carry a message from the sender to the receiver. Mrs Smith. How are they different? Mr Smith. The contents of business letters will refer to business matters. They will be formal and to the point. Mrs Smith. Can you name some examples of business letters? Mr Smith. Yes, they include a letter of introduction, an application for a job, an order letter and a letter of complaint. Mrs Smith. What is a letter of introduction? Mr Smith. It is a letter introducing the representative of a company to other companies. Mrs Smith. Of what use is it? Mr Smith. It helps the representative to meet new customers. Mrs Smith. What is a letter of application? Mr Smith. Such a letter is written by a person applying for work. Mrs Smith. What is an order letter? Mr Smith. It is a letter by which a shopkeeper orders goods from his supplier. Mrs Smith. Can you tell me something about a letter of complaint? Mr Smith. It is usually a letter written by a dissatisfied customer about defective goods. Mrs Smith. Will anything be done by the shopkeeper? Mr Smith. If the goods are defective, he will replace them.