АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
PRE-TEXT EXERCISES. 1. Look at the following international words, guess their meaning and check the pronunciation:
1. Look at the following international words, guess their meaning and check the pronunciation:
Business; partner; vision; mentality; tolerance; stable; tendency; expert; occupation; opportunities
2. Here are some expressions with the preposition into. Translate and learn them:
3. Fill in the gaps with the preposition into or the expressions given above in the appropriate form:
1. Please ___ the meat ___ ten slices. There will be ten of us. 2. She ___ novels ___ German. 3. We always ___ all the remarks given. 4. He ___ his sandwich ___ three parts. 5. They ___ the apple ___ five pieces. 6. All your wishes ___. 7. They translated the text ___ English. 8. We have ___ the cake ___ six slices and put them on the table.
4. Fill in the correct prepositions:
1. We always like to play ___ the open air. 2. They hoped to find his relatives but ___ vain. 3. We came ___ the end of the month. 4. He laughed ___ her and she began to cry. 5. He visited his sick uncle day ___ day. 6. She went to Sochi ___ plane. 7. Her father was a surgeon ___ profession. 8. Be very attentive and think it ___. 9. She apologized ___ her brother for forgetting to buy the cigarettes for him. 10. We subscribed ___ five newspapers and two magazines. 11. This house is ___ repair and we can’t move this month. 12. Don’t wake me ___ so early because I had a sleepless night. 13. He filled the glass ___ cold water and slowly drank it. 14. It goes ___ saying that he always washes dishes.
5. Fill in the gaps with the correct word to complete the sentences:
1. Ted was sorry ___ his behaviour and apologized to his parents. a) for; b) on; c) of. 2. I have been waiting ___ you for three hours. a) in; b) for; c) of. 3. He got the papers somewhere ___ and gave them to us. a) from behind; b) from among; c) from on. 4. The situation has got ___ in the last three days. a) from good to better; b) from bad to worse; c) from nice to nicer. 5. We were translating the text ___ French when the principal entered. a) on; b) in; c) into. 6. The book consisted ___ twenty units connected with each other. a) of; b) at; c) from. 7. They are fond ___ skating very much and spend a lot of time on the lake. a) after; b) on; c) of. 8. It was ___ his power to help her in this case. a) down; b) beyond; c) after. 9. Please write it ___ in your copy books at once. a) over; b) above; c) down. 10. I know he did it ___ purpose but I cannot prove it. a) on; b) at; c) in.
6. Explain the meaning of the following phrases in English:
New standards of communication; to be able to speak foreign languages; understanding and tolerance towards other peoples’ views 7. BRAINSTORMING: What is your understanding of the words below? Give examples.