

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Exercise III. Transform word-combinations according to the model.

Model: the latest developments of modern science ® modern science latest developments.

1) the early days of human history;

2) the physical properties of the sun rays;

3) the magnifying power of the electron microscopes;

4) the supply of natural ice;

5) an application of thermodynamics;

6) the calculation of cooling load;

7) the rating of a refrigerating machine;

8) the simplest from of a refrigeration system;

9) a latent heat of vaporization;

10) the temperature of evaporation;

11) a refrigeration system of absorption;

12) determining of system requirements.

Translate the text:



By the middle of the 19-th century engineers had designed and built practical artificial refrigeration machines, though their slow-speed, oversized, and even hand-operated equipment appears, in retrospect, somewhat ridiculous. The earliest recorded patent for a refrigeration machine was issued in Great Britain in 1790 to Thomas Harris and John Long. A few years later Jacob Perkins, an American, patented the machine consisting of a hand-operated compressor, a water-cooled condenser with a weighted valve at the discharge and an evaporator contained in a liquid cooler. The unit was designed to be used with ether as the refrigerant.

There were many other nineteenth-century pioneers in refrigeration. In 1851 Dr.John Gorrie of Florida obtained the first American patent for an ice machine, designed to use compressed air as the refrigerant. As a physician he was motivated by a desire to relieve the sufferings of fever patients and other exposed to high temperatures. Professor A.C.Twining of New Haven developed a sulfuric ether machine that preceded Gorrie's; however, he failed to have it patented in the United States until 1853. Dr.James Harrison of Australia also developed a sulfuric ether machine and in 1860 made the world's first installation of refrigerating equipments in a brewery. In 1861 Dr.Alexander Kirk of England constructed a cold-air machine similar to Gorrie's; it is said to have consumed one pound of coal for each four pounds of ice produced.

Ferdinand Carre introduced absorption system to the Confederate States from France during the Civil War. The need for refrigeration had become acute, since the supply of natural ice from the North had been cut off. This was the first heat-operated absorption system and consisted of an evaporator, condenser, generator, pump, and absorber. This unit was designed to operate with ammonia as the refrigerant and water as the absorbent.


Lesson C.

Speech Practice. Introductions, Meeting Guests

to introduce — представляти, знайомити

Let me introduce myself — Дозвольте представитись

My name's Jane Smith — Моє ім'я / Мене звуть Джейн Сміт

I'd like you to meet... — Мені б хотілося познайомити вас з...

This is Bill. — Це Біл. Hello, Bill! — Привіт, Біл.

Meet my friend ... — Познайомтесь з моїм другом...

How do you do? (привітання при знайомстві) — Як поживаєте?

guest — гість

colleague — колега, співробітник

secretary — секретар

delegation — делегація

a member of the delegation — член делегації

Glad/pleased to meet you — Радий/приємно познайомитися з вами

Have you met... — Ви знайомі з...

Miss Smith, may I introduce my colleagues Mr. Boyko and Mr.Fedorenko? — Міс Сміт, дозвольте представити моїх колег містера Бойко і містера Федоренко?

Did you have a good journey? — Ви мали приємну подорож? (Як ви доїхали?)

How long did it take you to get your luggage through the customs? — Як довго ви проходили митний огляд?

І am here to take you and your colleagues to the hotel. The buses are outside the station — Я тут, щоб відвезти вас і ваших колег до готелю. Автобуси знаходяться зовні.

to greet — вітати

on behalf of — від імені

hospitality — гостинність

You are welcome — Будь ласка

Make yourself at home — Відчувайте себе як вдома

Would you care for refreshments? — He хочете чого-небудь з'їсти чи випити? Would you like a cup of tea/coffee/some juice/mineral water? — Чи не бажаєте чашку чаю/ кави/сік/мінеральну воду?

Where are you from? — Звідки ви/з якої країни?

Whereabouts in the USA? — Де приблизно в США?

Is this your first visit to... ? — Це ваш перший візит до...?

Have you been here before? — Чи бували ви тут раніше?

How do you like/find our country/city? — Як вам подобається наша країна/наше місто?

The weather is fine today, isn't it? — Погода сьогодні чудова, чи не так?

Isn't this rain awful? — Цей дощ жахливий! Хіба цей дощ не жахливий?

How are you? — Як поживаєте?

Fine, thanks. And you? — Чудово, дякую. А ви?



I. Learn the following snatches of conversations:


— Excuse me, are you Dr.Brown?

— Yes, I am.

— Oh, hello! I'm Victor Gorenko. I'm here to meet you. The car's outside.


— Mr. Brown, let me introduce my colleague Mr.Boyko. Mr.Boyko — Mr.Brown.

— Glad to meet you, Mr.Boyko.

— So am I, Mr.Brown


— Lady Bracknell, may I introduce Dr.Higgins? Dr.Higgins — Lady Bracknell

— How do you do, Dr. Higgins?

— How do you do, Lady Bracknell?


— Is this you first visit to Odesa?

— Yes, I'm here for the first time.

— How do you find our city?

— Oh, it's wonderful!


— It's a lovely day, isn't it?

— Oh, yes, warm and sunny.

— I'd like to have a talk to you.

— You are welcome. Please sit down.

II. Write a review on using words and expressions in the following situations:

1) At introducing yourself to a newcomer.

2) At meeting a guest at the station or in the airport.

3) At introducing your friend to somebody.

4) At starting a conversation.


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