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The Great Belt East Bridge is part of a link between Denmark and Sweden. The first design was made in 1965. It consisted of a box girder bridge with two central spans, each 400m in length. These were supported by piers. The idea was that ships sailing in one direction would pass under one span, and those sailing in the other direction would use the other span.

Because ships became larger and larger, this design was abandoned and a new design made in 1973. This had a much wider central span of 780m. This is greater than the limit for box girder bridges – around 500m. At this point even the strongest steel bends under its own weight. So a cable stay bridge was proposed. With cable stay bridges, the decks are built out from each pier until they meet in the middle. The longer the bridge, the more difficult it is to control the movement of the ends when it is windy – 1,000m is about the limit for such bridges.

Construction was further delayed and in the meantime ships grew larger than ever. Experiments showed that large ships could not safely pass each other under the bridge – even with the wider span. The risk of collision was too great. The only alternative was a suspension bridge. A new design was made in 1993 for a suspension bridge with a 1,600m span – at that time the longest bridge in the world. To supportsucha span, two huge towers, each 254m high, were built. The bridge deck is quite slender – only four metres deep. To prevent twisting in the wind, the deck was specially shaped. The suspension bridge was finally completed in 1998.



The Great Belt East Bridge – [brɪdʒ]

Denmark [ˈdenmɑːk] – Дания

Sweden [ˈswiːdən] – Швеция




1. to make a design [dɪˈzaɪn] The first design was made in 1965. делать, выполнять проект Первый проект был сделан в 1965 году.
2. box girder bridge[bɒks ˈɡɜːdə brɪdʒ] Thebox girder bridgehad two central spans, each 400m in length. балочный мост с прогонами коробчатого сечения Балочный мост с прогонами коробчатого сечения имел два пролета, каждый 400 метров длиной.
3. to support a span[səˈpɔːt ə spæn] To support a span, two huge [hjuːdʒ] towers were built. поддерживать пролет   Чтобы поддержать пролет, были построены две огромные башни.
4. to be supported by a pier[səˈpɔːt pɪə] The spans were supported by piers. поддерживаться промежуточной опорой Пролеты поддерживались промежуточными опорами.
5. to pass under a bridge [pɑːs ˈʌndə ə brɪdʒ] Large ships could not pass under the bridge. проходить под мостом   Большие корабли не могли пройти под моcтом.
6. in the direction[dɪˈrekʃən] I'd give you a lift, but I'm going in the opposite[ˈɒpəzɪt] direction. направление Я бы подвез вас, но я еду в противоположном (обратном) направлении.
7. to abandon smth[əˈbændən]     The game had to beabandoned because of rain. отказываться от чего-либо, прекращать (что-либо / делать что-либо) Игру пришлось остановить из-за дождя.
8. to bend under one's own weight[bend ˈʌndə weɪt] When a span is very long even the strongest steel bends. прогибаться под собственным весом   Когда пролет очень большой, даже самая прочная сталь прогибается под собственным весом.
9. to build out a deck[bɪld aʊt ə dek] The decks are built out from each pier until they meet in the middle. строить мостовое полотно Мостовые полотна строятся от колонны к колонне, до тех пор, пока они не встретятся на середине.
10. to propose a cable stay bridge[prəˈpəʊz ə brɪdʒ]   A cable stay bridgewas proposed. предлагать проект балочно-вантового моста   Был предложен проект балочно-вантового моста.
11. to control movement[kənˈtrəʊl] It is difficult to control the movement of the bridge when it is windy. контролировать колебание Очень трудно контролировать колебание моста в ветреную погоду.
12. to delay construction[dɪˈleɪ] The construction of the bridge was delayed. откладывать строительство Строительство моста было отложено.
13. the risk of collision[kəˈlɪʒən] The risk of collisionwas too great. риск столкновения Риск столкновения был очень велик.
14. alternative[ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv] Can you suggest an alternative?   There was no alternative but to close the road until February. альтернатива Ты можешь предложить альтернативу? Ничего не оставалось кроме как закрыть дорогу до февраля.
15. a suspension bridge[ə səˈspenʃən brɪdʒ] The suspension bridgewas with a span of 1,600m in length. подвесной мост   Подвесной мост имел пролет 1,600 метров длиной.
16. slender[ˈslendə] The bridge deck is quite slender – only four metres deep. тонкий, узкий Полотно моста очень тонкое – четыре метра толщиной.
17. to prevent twisting in the wind[prɪˈvent ˈtwɪs tɪŋ ɪn ðə wɪnd] To prevent twisting in the windthe deck was specially shaped. предотвращать скручивание   Чтобы предотвратить скручивание моста в ветреную погоду, полотну была придана особая форма.




1. Answer the questions


1. What is The Great Belt East Bridge?

2. When was the first design made?

3. What did the bridge consist of then?

4. What supported the structure?

5. How could ships pass the bridge?

6. Why was the new design made?

7. What was different in the new design?

8. Why was a cable stay bridge proposed?

9. How are the decks of the bridge built out?

10. What problems are associated with long bridges?

11. Why was a suspension bridge the only alternative?

12. What made the project outstanding?

13. When was the bridge completed?



2. Read the statements and say whether they are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones


1. The Great Belt East Bridge is part of a link between England and France.

2. The first design was a cable stay bridge with two piers.

3. Two central spans of a box girder bridge were supported by piers.

4. The design of a box girder bridge was abandoned because ships became larger and larger.

5. Even the strongest steel bends if the wind is too strong.

6. The limit for cable stay bridges is around 780m.

7. A cable stay bridge was completed in 1973.

8. The longer the bridge, the more difficult it is to control the movement of the ends.

9. A suspension bridge was proposed because it was easier to control the movement of the deck.

10. To support the structure of the suspension bridge two piers were built.

11. The bridge deck is quite slender and specially shaped to prevent twisting in the wind.

12. The construction of the bridge was not completed util 1998.


3. Choose the correct word or word combination


1. The Great Belt East Bridge ... part of a link between Denmark and Sweden.

a. makes b. is c. meets

2. The first design ... in 1965.

g. was supported b. was delayed c. was made

3. The first design consisted of a box girder bridge with two ... .

a. piers b. spans c. decks

4. This design ... because ships became larger and larger.

a. was completed b. was prevented c. was abandoned

5. This bridge had much ... central span of 780m.

a. larger b. wider c. longer

6. At this point even the strongest steel ... under its own weight.

a. sails b. twists c. bends

7. A cable stay bridge ... .

a. was built b. was proposed c. was shaped

8. The ... are built out from each pier until they meet in the middle.

a. towers b. decks c. ends

9. It is difficult to control the ... of the ends when it is windy.

a. construction b. direction c. movement

10. ... was further delayed.

a. alternative b. construction c. collision

11. To support such a span, two ... towers, each 254m high, were built.

a. safe b. new c. huge

12. The bridge deck is quite ... – only four metres deep.

a. slender b. stronger c. greater


4. Complete the sentences


1. The Great Belt East Bridge is ...

2. The first design ...

3. The design consisted of ...

4. Each span was ...

5. The idea was ...

6. This design was abandoned because ...

7. A new design made in 1973 had ...

8. This is greater ...

9. At this point even ...

10. With cable stay bridges, the decks are ...

11. The longer the bridge, ...

12. Experiments showed that ...

13. A new design was ...

14. To support such a span ...

15. To prevent twisting ...

16. The suspension bridge



1. Match the words and expressions with their Russian equivalents


1a cable stay bridge a подвесной мост
2to control movement b предотвратить скручивание моста
3to propose a design c выполнять проект
4a pier d предлагать проект
5a suspention bridge e балочный мост
6to delay construction f поддерживать пролет
7to make a design g промежуточная опора
8a box girder bridge hбалочно-вантовый мост
9to support a span i откладывать строительство
10to prevent twisting j контролировать колебание


2. Match the words with their definitions


1an alternative aa large strong post that supports a bridge or part of a building
2 to propose bto make a machine, system, vehicle etc move or operate in the way that you want it to
3 collision cextremely large in size
4 to twist dto stop something that you are doing or planning to do, especially because it is too difficult to continue
5 to control ea tall narrow structure or building that stands alone
6 windy fto suggest a plan, idea, or action
7 huge gsomething that you can choose instead of something else
8 a tower han accident in which a person or vehicle that is moving crashes into something
9 a pier ito force something out of its original shape by bending it or turning it round
10to abandon jwith a lot of wind


3. Put the words in the correct word order


1. Denmark / bridge / the / part / is / of / between / a / Sweden / a / link / and/ .

2. Design / made / was / first / in / 1965 / .

3. Two / spans / the / bridge / of / consisted / .

4. Piers / supported / by / were / spans / the / .

5. Span / pass / was / ships / would / the / under / that / idea / the / .

6. Larger / design / was / larger / and / ships / the / became / because / abandoned / .

7. Design / the / had / new /a / span / much / wider / central / .

8. Built / pier / are / out / the /from / each / decks / .

9. Bridge / pass /under /safely /other / each / ships / not / large / the / could/ .

10. Great / collision / of / risk / was / the / too / .

11. Suspension / 1,600m span / a / was / a / bridge / proposed / with / .

12. Twisting / was / prevent / to / specially / in / shaped / the / wind / deck / .

4. Give the English equivalents


выполнять проект………………………………………….……………………

балочный мост……….………………………………………………………….

поддерживать пролет…………………………………………………………...

поддерживаться промежуточной опорой……………………………………...

проходить под мостом……….…………………………………………………

отказаться от чего-либо…….…………………………………………………..

гнуться под собственным весом………………………………………………..

вантовый мост.…………….…………………………………………………….

мостовое полотно ………………………….......……………………………….

предлагать что-либо.…………………………………………………………....

контролировать колебание……….….…………………………………………

откладывать строительство….…………………..…………………………......

риск столкновения……………………………………………………………….


подвесной мост……..…………………………………….……………………….

предотвращать скручивание……………………………………………………

5. Prove the following statements


1. Designing the Great Belt East Bridge was associated with some problems.

2. A suspension bridge was the only alternative to let large ships pass.




1. Мост соединяет Данию и Швецию…………………..


2. Первый дизайн-проект был выполнен в 1965 году .………………………………………………………………...


3. Это был балочный мост с двумя пролетами, каждый 400 метров в длину …………………………………………..


4. Пролеты поддерживались промежуточными опорами………........................


5. Так как корабли становились все больше и больше, от проекта отказались, и в 1973 году был сделан новый проект ………………………..


6. Центральный пролет нового моста составлял 780 метров………………….


7. Если пролет более 500 метров, даже самая прочная сталь прогибается под собственным весом…………………………………………………………….


8. Мостовые полотна строятся от одной промежуточной опоры к другой до тех пор, пока они не встретятся на середине…………………………………


9. Чем длиннее мост, тем сложнее контролировать его колебание в ветреную погоду……………………………………………………………….


10. Риск столкновения кораблей был слишком велик, несмотря на то, что пролет был широким………………………………………………………......


11. Единственной альтернативой был подвесной мост…………………….......


12. Чтобы предотвратить скручивание моста в ветреную погоду, мостовому полотну придали особую форму………………………………………………




1. Interview


Work in pairs and prepare an interview

Student A is a high school student who has presented a report about The Great Belt East bridge.

Student B wants to find out more about the bridge construction and the way it operates.



2. Speak about one of the famous bridges



Список литературы


1. Glendinning, Eric H.

Technology 1. Student’s book.

Oxford University Press, 2007.

2. Glendinning, Eric H., Pohl, Alison.

Technology 2. Student’s book.

Oxford University Press, 2008.

3. Macmillan English Dictionary For Advanced Learners.

Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2002.

4. Камминг Джеймс. Английский язык для студентов архитектурных и строительных специальностей: Учеб./Джеймс Камминг; Предисл. к рус. изданию и англо-рус. словарь проф. В. Н. Бгашева. – М.: ООО «Издательство Астрель: ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2004. – 270, [2] с.


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