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1. 82-year-old chartered accountant who has had a perfect driving record after passing his test before the Second World War was banned for a year yesterday for traveling seventeen miles in the wrong direction on a dual carriage way. William Howarth became confused as he tried to avoid roadworks and set off a road between Oxford and Newbury in the wrong direction, magistrates were told. Howarth, who uses a hearing aid and wears glasses, was driving in the fast lane of the northbound carriageway as he traveled south causing several drivers to swerve on a dark January afternoon. A police car in the correct lane drove alongside Howarth’s car and stopped him, but as the policeman climbed over the central barrier Howarth set off again. He continued for another ten miles until the police road block forced him to stop.

2. Howarth pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and was also fined J175. He was ordered to re-take his test if he wants to drive again after the year in which he is banned from driving is over. He leaned forward as he strained to hear yesterday as Mr John Horn, prosecuting, said police received a number of 999 calls saying a car was traveling in the wrong direction.

3. Mr Robert Hawes, defending said Howarth still worked five days a week as accountant, sometimes until eight at night, and had a “perfect” 60-year driving record. He had driven on to the road as he tried to avoid roadworks and had not at first realised he was in the wrong lane because traffic was light and trees blocked his view of the opposite carriageway.

4. “Within a mile, he realised he was on the wrong carriageway and his intention was to get off as quickly as possible and get back on to the right road. “There were in fact eight lay-bys along the route where he could have stopped and for that reason he accepts that he is guilty. “This was not a wicked piece of driving. Mr Howarth was disorientated. It was a nightmare journey for him and he was dazed, confused and in obvious chock.”

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Mr Howarth did not realise his mistake at first because there were other cars traveling in the same direction.

-: в тексте нет информации

-: истинным

-: ложным

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Mr Howarth realised he was on the wrong side of the road before he had driven a whole mile.

-: истинным

-: ложным

-: в тексте нет информации

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Mr Howarth’s lawyer claimed that this was not typical of this normal behaviour.

-: в тексте нет информации

-: ложным

-: истинным

Определите, является ли утверждение:

Mr Howarth’s eyesight has extremely worsened lately.

-: ложным

--: в тексте нет информации

-: истинным

Укажите, какой части текста (1,2,3,4) соответствует следующая информация:

The court decided about Mr Howarth that he should pay a fine and be prohibited from driving for a year.

-: 1

-: 2

-: 4

Укажите, какой части текста (1,2,3,4) соответствует следующая информация:

Mr Howarth felt terrified and upset about the accident.

-: 1

-: 3

-: 4

-: 2


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