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Абсолютный (независимый) причастный оборотПервая часть конструкции — существительное в общем падеже, вторая — причастие I простое или перфектное, или причастие II. Конструкция является в предложении обстоятельством и обычно отделяется от остальной части предложения запятой: ¨ The morning being cold, Nick put on his overcoat. — Так как утро было холодным, Николай надел пальто. ¨ The rain having stopped, they went on with their work. — Они продолжили работу, т.к. дождь прекратился. ¨ Time permitting, I ¨ come next week. — Еспи позволит время, я приду на следующей неделе. ¨ Nobody having any more to say, the meeting was closed. — Поскольку нечего было больше сказать, собрание закрыли. Если причастный оборот выражает сопутствующие обстоятельства, то он вводится в предложение союзом with: ¨ With Peter working in London and Lucy travelling most of the week, the house seems empty. — Дом кажется пустым, т.к. Питер работает в Лондоне, а Люси путешествует большую часть недели. Обособленные причастные конструкции обычно переводятся на русский язык придаточными предложениями. Задания. 1. Образуйте причастия настоящего и прошедшего времени от следующих глаголов: To dance, to shoot, to act, to play, to perform, to sing, to conduct, to write, to stage, to make. 2.Составьте предложения по образцу: Model: to design houses A man designing houses is an architect. To write poems, to paint pictures, to stage plays, to shoot films, to play on the stage, to sing in operas, to play on violin, to work at a film studio, to conduct an orchestra, to write novels. 3.Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на сложные формы: 1. Greta Garbo refused to play in melodramas after having been only in serious of the 20’s. 2. Having been dubbed badly the film lost its appeal. 3. Having been written with great skill Eisenstein’s script “ Sutter’s Gold” many years later inspired the composer A. Goehr to write a cantata. 4. Having been shot in colour the film made a great impact on the audience. 5. Having been taught acrobatics the actor could work without a stuntman. 4.Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на независимый причастный оборот: 1.The film was original, the main character being especially interesting. 2. We were rehearsing on the stage, George having remained at the hotel. 3. She sat quite still, with her eyes fixed on the screen. 4.Chercasov gives the ideal synthesized performance, his voice becoming part of the musical score. 5. Everything being ready, we started shooting.
1. ..... out of college at the end of the first year, Judy found a secretarial job. Being dropped Having dropped Dropping 2. Bitterly ..... , the explorers set out on the return journey. disappointed being disappointed having been disappointed 3. I heard him ..... something from the opposite side of the street, but I pretended not to hear. shouted having shouted shouting 4. Jerry shivered. The wind ..... from the north was bitterly cold. coming come having come 5. Mrs. Green doesn’t explain things well. Her explanations are ..... . confused confusing being confused 6. Jenny looked up and saw her husband ..... her reflection in the mirror. watching watched having watched 7. A ..... kindness deserves no thanks. forcing forced having forced 8. I like to study sea life. Marine biology is ..... . fascinated fascinating being fascinated 9. ..... as a taxi-driver before, Leo knew every corner of the town. having worked working worked 10. A ..... pot never boils. watched watching having been watched 11. The captain watched the sailors ..... the steamer. unloading having unloaded unloaded 12. A penny saved is a penny ..... . gaining gained having gained 13. I heard them ..... in the next room. quarreled quarreling having quarreled 14. It’s a pity my watch is fast again; I’ve recently had it ..... . repaired repairing being repaired 15. When Linda entered the room, she saw a lot of strangers and she felt ..... . embarrassing embarrassed being embarrassed