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A. Shchoutsky, A. Sauko, V. KonovalikУчебное пособие
Для студентов вузов
Зав. редакцией А.С. Обвинцева Редактор Н.В. Шишкина Технический редактор Т.В. Васильева Художественный редактор Л.П. Токарева
ЛР № 020524 от 02.06.97 Подписано в печать 02.06.10. Формат 60х841/16 Бумага типографская. Гарнитура Times Уч.-изд. л. 9. Тираж 300 экз. Заказ № 11
Оригинал-макет изготовлен в редакционно-издательском центре Кемеровского технологического института пищевой промышленности 650056, г. Кемерово, б-р Строителей, 47
ПЛД № 44-09 от 10.10.99 Отпечатано в редакционно-издательском центре Кемеровского технологического института пищевой промышленности 650010, г. Кемерово, ул. Красноармейская, 52
Тест №2. A. Shchoutsky, A. Sauko, V. Konovalik
Of books & authors, and what not…
BARANOVICHI 2007 Foreword
This book begins a series of study materials intended for upper intermediate and advanced students of English at Faculties of Foreign Languages. Thematically, it meets the requirements of the curriculum and is designed to upgrade the students’ language and interaction skills as well as training them in text processing including the stylistic analysis of works of fiction and their interpretation. The compilation includes authentic materials selected with the view to covering such areas of verbal communication as The Role of Reading in Shaping a Personality, Books and Authors, Books and Children, Literacy versus Computer Literacy. Emphasis is also laid on building up and updating thematic vocabulary, revising grammar and polishing up listening and reading comprehension skills. The book comes with an audio cassette and a CD version of classroom tasks and activities. Appended to the book are a glossary, a set of classroom expressions and a list of used resources. Authors
Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man” (Francis Bacon, “Of Studies”) Œ TIME TO HIT THE BOOKS…
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