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General knowledge quiz

15* Below are names of some outstanding British and American men (and women) of letters. Can you identify them? Complete the table.

Willliam Shakespeare       writer
Daniel Defoe   famous English author
Jonathan Swift        
Lewis Carrol       sci fi writer
Rudyard Kipling   well-known American chirldren’s writer
Mark Twain       detective novelis
Lack London is a/an     shrot story writer
Agatha Crtise     Scottish playwright
George Wells   noted   humorist
Robert Burns       novelist
Allan Milne        
Pamela Traverse     British essayist
Jerome K.Jerome   renowned    


16* Now can you match them with their works? Add the beginnings.


............................... ………………..…... ………………......... ………………..…… ………………..…… ………………..…… ………………..…… ………………..…… ………………..…… ............................... ............................... ............................... ………………..…… ………………..…… ............................... ............................... ............................... ………………..…… ………………..…… ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ............................... ...............................   is the author of is known as the author of is famous for his/her book/s wrote   The Time Machine Robinson Crusoe Gulliver’s Travels Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass The Jungle Book (Mowgli) Winnie-the-Pooh Mary Poppins My Heart’s in the Highlands The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The White Fang Three Men in a Boat (To say Nothing of the Dog) Romeo and Juliet The Mousetrap  



17 Look at the stereotypical portraits of some English classics that can be found in English literature books and classrooms. What would your answer be if you were unexpectedly asked: “Who’s that, ma’am/sir?”

First, work out who is who and then act out a teacher-student interaction. There are names of the authors’ major or well-known works to help you.


1 David Copperfield

2 Oh , My Love is Like a Red Red Rose

3 Charles Harold’s Pilgrimage

4. The Sandcastle


5. The Citadel


6. The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

7. The Time Machine

8. Romeo & Juliet


9. The Canterbury Tales


10. The Forsyte Saga


11. The Picture of Dorian Grey

  12. Ivanhoe



18 Besides stereotypical portraits, most English readings provide stereotypical pictures of writers’ characters, both famous and notorious. Look at those below and identify them.


1) 2)


3) 4)


5) 6) 7)



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