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VOCABULARY FOCUS. Ex. 1. Complete the box below by inserting the missing forms. Verb Noun Adjective 1. Pattern 2

Ex. 1. Complete the box below by inserting the missing forms.

Verb Noun Adjective
1. Pattern  
2. to predict    
3.   affirmative
4.   communicative
5. to abandon    
6. devotion  
7.   conductive
8. subsidiary  


Ex. 2. Match the words from the box with their definitions.

pattern workforce staff suite subsidiary atrium notion


1. A large high open space in a tall building.

2. A set of rooms.

3. All the people who work in a particular country, industry, or factory.

4. An idea, belief or opinion.

5. A company that is owned or controlled by another company.

6. The people who work for an organization, especially a school or business.

7. The regular way in which something happens, develops, or is done.

Ex. 3. Find words in the text to complete the following expressions.

1) A professor studies ….. 7) to reaffirm their ….
2) need to devote more …. 8) the layout of…..
3) can sit around…. 9) have to abandon …..
4) To make companies more …. 10) transformation into …
5) understanding of how …. 11) to make offices more…..
6) reduce white-collar ….. 12) top managers work……


Ex. 4. Fill each gap with one word. Highlight any useful vocabulary you’d like to remember in the passage.

1. According to Frank Becker, it is good for workers to have somewhere ……….. where they can sit and ………. to each other.

2. Computers have … to an increase in office productivity.

3. A central office will be a place where off-site workers can …………… for discussions and conversation.

4. Communal rooms will become the ………….. of an office.

5. It will no longer be desirable for workers to come to work on ………… and look ………… all the time.

6. Workers will be judged by what they …………..not ………….. they spend their time.

7. Offices will become ……….. centres.

8. At Steelcase in Michigan workers in different ………… are close to each other. And the managers are ……… on the top floor.


Ex. 5. Fill in the prepositions.

1. Some American managers want to get more … of their white-collar workforce.

2. Companies will judge people … what they do.

3. New ideas about offices are catching … elsewhere.

4. A company in Finland has equipped offices …. reclining chairs.

5. Steelcase is one the firms keenest … experiment … new office layouts.

6. Top manager work … a cluster of offices that are wrapped around an atrium.


Ex. 6. Complete the phrase by matching the word / expression on the left with its best association on the right. Make sentences with these phrases.

1) to seek a) office productivity
2) to disappear b) with new office layouts
3) to increase c) problems
4) to require d) entirely
5) more conductive to e) via escalator
6) to experiment f) informal conversations
7) to solve g) advice
8) to go h) new thoughts


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