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COMPREHENSION. Ex. 1. Mark the following sentences as true or false

Ex. 1. Mark the following sentences as true or false. Correct the false ones.

1. Worker performance is closely related to motivation.

2. Managers already realize that workers won’t be motivated by satisfying their fundamental needs for material survival.

3. Salary, safe working conditions and job security provide primary motivation for many workers.

4. Many employees are motivated to perform more effectively, when work meets their needs for learning, self realization and personal growth.

5. To satisfy the fundamental needs of workers, innovative management approaches, such as job enrichment and job enlargement have been adopted in many organizations.

6. Job enrichment gives workers authority in making decisions.

7. Job enlargement reduces the number of tasks workers perform.

8. The most powerful and basic of all elements necessary to attract and keep people is happiness.


Ex. 2. Translate into English.

1. Мотивация тесно связана с эффективностью работы и направляет поведение работников на достижение целей компании.

2. Удовлетворение основных материальных потребностей (например, хорошая зарплата, безопасные условия работы) – одна из составляющих мотивации.

3. Основной мотивацией работников высокоразвитых индустриальных стран могут являться самореализация, личный рост или желание большей ответственности.

4. Инновационный подход к менеджменту учитывает как основные, так и личностные потребности работников.

5. Укрупнения технологических операций можно достичь, позволяя рабочим чередовать рабочие места.

6. Повышение разнообразия работы даст работникам возможность принимать решения, брать на себя ответственность за составление графика работы, гарантировать выполнение работы в указанный срок.

7. Счастье – самый мощный и основной из всех элементов, привлекающих и удерживающих людей.


Ex. 3. Answer the following questions.

1. What is one of the most important aspects of a manager’s job?

2. What is an essential component of good management?

3. Is satisfying of fundamental needs of workers for material survival enough to provide the primary motivation for many workers in highly industrialized societies?

4. When is increased motivation more likely to occur?

5. What innovative approaches have been adopted in an attempt to satisfy both fundamental and personal needs of workers?

6. What is the most powerful element necessary to attract and keep people?


Ex. 4. Arrange the points of the plan of the text in the necessary order and discuss them with a partner.

– different ways to keep people motivated;

– innovative management approaches;

– the most important function of a manager;

– the most powerful element in attracting employees


Ex. 5. Speak about the importance of proper utilization of people.


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