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Примечания. 1A. Saudi Oppositionist's View // Terrorism Monitor, The Jamestown Foundation

1A. Saudi Oppositionist's View // Terrorism Monitor, The Jamestown Foundation. Washington, D. C. December 4. 2003. Vol. 1. Issue 7, P. 1.
2Mansour al-Nogaidan. Telling the truth, facing the whip // International Herald Tribune. 2003. November 29-30. P. 8.
3Khalid al-Dukhayl. Al-Wahhabiyya: Ru'ya Mukhtalifa (Wahhabism: a different vision) // Al-Ittihad. 2004. March 7.
4Абдулла бен Ахмад ал-Зайд. Обучение молитве (Министерство вакфов, да'вы и ориентации в сотрудничестве с благотворительной организацией Ибрахима беи Абд ал-Азиза ал-Барахими). Королевство Саудовская Аравия, Б.г.
5Jason Burke. AI Qaeda Today and the Real Roots of Terrorism // Terrorism Monitor. 2004. February 12. К 2.
6Муфлихунов Н. Книга проповедей и наставлений. Казань: Иман, 1998. С. 143-144; см. также: Makarov D., Mukhametshin R. Official and Unofficial Islam // Hilary Pikington, Galina Emelyanova (eds.). Islam in Post-Soviet Russia: Public and Private Faces, London; N.V.: Routledge Curzon, 2003. P. 123.
7Esposito J. Unholy Wan Terror in the Name of Islam. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. P. 49.
8Francois Burgat. Face to Face with Political Islam. London; N. Y.: I.B. Taurus,2003. P.XV.
9Esposito J. Unholy War: Terror in the Name of Islam. P. 157.
10Bernard Lewis. Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror. N.V.: The Modem Library, 2003. P. 153-154.
11Haddad S., Khashan H. Islam and Terrorism, Lebanese Muslim Views on September 11// Journal of Conflict Resolution. December 2002. Vol.46. №6. P. 814.
12Gellner E. Nations and Nationalism. Oxford: Blackwell, 1983. P. 99.
13Galvert R. Identity, Expression and Rational-Choice Theory //Ira Katznelson, Helen V.Milner (eds.). Political Science: The State of the Discipline. Washington, DC: W.W.Norton & Company, 2002. P. 592.
14См.: Gellner E. Nations and Nationalism.
15Quintan Wiktorowicz. Quintan Wiktorowicz (ed.). Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2004. P. 4.
17Expert: US Failure to Comprehend Islamic Radical Motivations Undermines Democratization Hopes for Middle East, Central Asia, EurasiaNet: Eurasia Insight, 2004. May 13. www.eurasianet.org/departments/recaps/articles/eav051304.shtml,2.
18Gurr T.R. Minorities at Risk: A Global View of Ethnopolitical Conflicts. Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1993; Idem. Peoples Versus States. Minorities at Risk in the New Century. Washington, DC: United States Institute of People Press, 2000.
19Motyl A. Sovietology, Rationality, Nationality. N.Y.: Columbia University Press, 1990. P. 37-39.
20Haddad S., Khashan H. Islam and Terrorism, Lebanese Muslim Views on September 11. P. 814.
21Bruce B. Lawrence. Defenders of God: the Fundamentalist Revolt against the Modern Age. San Francisco: Harper & Roe, 1989. P. 201.
22Nissim Rejwan. The Many Faces of Islam. Gainesville, Fl.: University Press of Florida, 2000. P. 137.
23Tilly C. The Politics of Collective Violence. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003. P. 35.
24Бектимирова Н.Н. Участие камбоджийской сангхи в политике: вызовы и последствия (неопубликованная статья).



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