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THE USE OF THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOODI. SIMPLE SENTENCES In simple sentencesthe synthetic forms of the Subjunctive Mood are more frequent than the analytical forms. In simple sentences the Subjunctive Mood is used: (1) to express wish (пожелание): Long livethe Kazakh Army! Да здравствует Армия Казахстана! (2) to express an unreal wish: If only he were free! (Galsworthy) Если бы только он был свободен! (3) in oaths and imprecations: Manners be hanged! . К черту всякие церемонии! (4) in some expressions: Be it so! Пусть будет так! II. COMPLEX SENTENCES The Subjunctive Mood is used in conditional sentencesto express an unreal condition (in the subordinate clause) and an unreal consequence (in the principal clause). In sentences of unreal condition referring to the present or future the Past Subjunctive of the verb to be is used in the subordinate clause; with other verbs the same meaning is expressed by the Past Indefinite of the Indicative Mood. In the principal clause we find the analytical subjunctive consisting of the mood auxiliary should or would and the Indefinite Infinitive. Should is used with the first person singular and plural, would is used with the second and third persons singular and plural. The world would behealthier if every chemist's shop in England were demolished.(Shaw) Человечество было бы здоровее, если бы все аптеки в Англии были уничтожены. I should killmyself to-day if I didn't believethat tyranny and injustice must end. (Galsworthy) Я бы сегодня же покончила с собой, если бы не верила, что тирании и несправедливости придет конец. An unreal condition referring to the future can also be expressed by the Past Subjunctive of the verb to be + to-Infinitive of the notional verb or the analytical Subjunctive with the mood auxiliary should for all the persons. Such sentences are often translated by means of 'Если бы случилось так...', 'Случилось так...' If I wereto offer my home..., my station..., my affections,., to any one among the young women engaged in my calling, they would probably be accepted. Even readily accepted. (Dickens) Если бы случилось так, что я предложил бы свой дом, свое положение в обществе, свою любовь любой молодой женщине моей профессии, все это, вероятно, было бы принято. Даже охотно принято. In sentences of unreal condition referring to the past the Past Perfect of the Indicative Mood is used in the subordinate clause; in the principal clause we find the analytical subjunctive consisting of the mood auxiliary should (with the first person) or would (with the second and third persons) and the Perfect Infinitive. If I had consultedmy own interests, I shouldnever have comehere. (Galsworthy) Если бы я думал только о себе, я бы никогда сюда не пришел. There are two mixed types of sentences of unreal condition. In the first of these the condition refers to the past and the consequence refers to the present or future. If you had taken your medicine yesterday, you would be well now. Если бы вы вчера приняли лекарство, теперь вы были бы здоровы. Note. — Unreal conditions may also be expressed in the following ways: (a) But for the rain, we should go down to the country. Если бы не дождь, мы бы поехали за город. (b) If it were not for your help, I should not be able to finish my work in time. Если бы не ваша помощь, я не смог бы вовремя закончить работу. In sentences of unreal condition the modal verbs might and could are often used; I could have donevery well if I had been without the Murdstones. (Dickens) Я мог бы очень хорошо учиться, если бы не Мердстоны. Would, when used in the subordinate clause of a sentence of unreal condition, is also a modal verb forming with the infinitive a compound verbal modal predicate. If you wouldcome and see us..., mother would be as proud of your company as I should be. (Dickens) Если бы вы пожелали навестить нас..., моя матушка была бы так же польщена этим, как и я. Note.— In conditional sentences of real condition naturally the Indicative and not the Subjunctive Mood is used. Such sentences can refer to the present future or past. But I can bearanything gladly if you are happy. (Eliot) The conjunctions introducing adverbial clauses of condition are: if, in case, provided, suppose, unless, and some others. If is the most common conjunction used in sentences of real and unrealcondition. In case and provided are chiefly used in sentences of real condition. In case I don't findher at home, I shall leaveher a note. В случае, если я не застану ее дома, я оставлю ей записку. I shall gothere provided you consentto accompany me. (Ch. Bronte) Я пойду туда при условии, что вы согласитесь пойти со мной. Suppose is more common in sentences of unreal condition. Suppose he wroteto you, would you answer? Предположим, он написал бы вы, вы бы ответили? Unless is used in sentences of real and unreal condition. I shall comein time unless I am detainedat the Institute. Я приду вовремя, если меня не задержат в институте. Isabel would not haveengaged herself to Mr, Hardyman unless she had beenfond of him. (Collins) Изабелла не согласилась бы выйти за мистера Хардимена, если бы не любила его. Note. — Unless has a negative meaning; it corresponds to the Russian если не. There are cases, however, when the Russian если не cannot be rendered in English by unless; only if not is possible. Осторожно переходите улицу, если не хотите попасть под машину. Cross the street carefully if you don't want to be run over. In this sentence unless would sound ironically (... разве что тебе захочется попасть под машину). Adverbial clauses of condition containing the verbs had, were, could and should are often introduced without any conjunction. In these cases we find inversion. Hadthe wanderer remainedawake for another half an hour, a strange sight would have met his eyes. (Conan Doyle) Если бы путешественник продолжал бодрствовать еще в течение получаса, его глазам представилось бы странное зрелище. I should be myselfwere I once again among the heather in those hills. (E. Bronte) Я стала бы такой, как прежде, если бы вновь очутилась на этих холмах, поросших вереском. Should he comethis way, I will speak to him. (Ch. Bronte) Если ему случится быть здесь, я поговорю с ним. The Subjunctive Mood is used in sentences expressing what may be understood as an unreal consequence,the condition of which is not expressed as such. I suppose you are a stranger in these parts, or you would have heardwhat happened last autumn. (Ch. Bronte) Наверно, вы приезжая, иначе вы бы знали о том, что случилось здесь осенью. The Subjunctive Mood is used in adverbial clauses of purpose. When a clause of purpose is introduced by the conjunctions that, so that, in order that, we find the analytical subjunctive with the mood auxiliary may (might) if the principal clause refers to the present or future; if the principal clause refers to the past, only the form might is used. As has already been stated, the mood auxiliary may (might) retains in this case a shade of modality. Mr. Micawber impressed the names of streets, upon me that Imight findmy way back easily. (Dickens) Мистер Микобер заставил меня запомнить названия улиц, чтобы я легко нашел дорогу обратно (чтобы я мог легко найти дорогу обратно). Occasionally the mood auxiliary should is used. I made shorthand notes of all that she said, however, so that there should beno possibility of a mistake, (Conan Doyle) Ясделал стенографическую запись всего, что она говорила, чтобы исключить возможность ошибки, If a clause of purpose is introduced by lest the mood auxiliary should (for all persons) is generally used. Lest has a negative meaning (чтобы не). She... looked steadily at her coffee lest she also should beginto cry, as Ann was doing already. (Eliot) Она не поднимала глаз от чашки кофе, чтобы не заплакать, как уже плакала Анна. The Subjunctive Mood is used in adverbial clauses of concession.Adverbial clauses of concession are introduced by the conjunctions and connectives though, although, however, no matter, whatever, whoever, etc. The analytical subjunctive with the mood auxiliary may (might) is generally used. No matter how tired he may (might) behe will go to the concert. Как бы он ни был утомлен, он пойдет на концерт. Whatever obstacles may arise, we shall not give in. Cold though it maybe, we shall go to the skating-rink {Subjunctive Mood). Как бы ни было холодно, мы пойдём на каток. Cold as it is, we shall go to the skating-rink (Indicative Mood). Как ни холодно, мы пойдем на каток. The Subjunctive Mood is used in adverbial clauses of time and placeafter the conjunctions whenever and wherever; in these cases the clauses have an additional concessive meaning. Whenever you may (might) come,you are welcome. Когда бы вы ни пришли, мы вам всегда рады. Wherever she may (might) live,she will always find friends. Где бы она ни жила, она всегда найдет друзей. Of course, I shall come for your marriage, whenever that may be fixed.(Trollope) Конечно, я приеду на вашу свадьбу, когда бы ее ни назначили. The Subjunctive Mood is used in adverbial clauses of comparison (or manner)introduced by the conjunctions as if and as though (the latter is more literary). If the action of the subordinate clause is simultaneous with that of the principal clause the Past Subjunctive of the verb to be is used; with other verbs the same meaning is expressed by the Past Indefinite of the Indicative Mood. She speaks (spoke) about him as if she knew him well. Она говорит (говорила) о нем так, как будто она его хорошо знает (знала). If the action of the subordinate clause is prior to that of the principal clause the Past Perfect of the Indicative Mood is used. She speaks (spoke) about him as if she had knownhim for years. Она говорит (говорила) о нем так, как будто знает (знала) его много лет. The Subjunctive Mood is used in predicative clauses: (a) introduced by the conjunctions as if, as though, when we find the link verbs to be, to feel, to look, to seem, etc. in the principal clause. If the action of the subordinate clause is simultaneous with that of the principal clause the Past Subjunctive of the verb to be is used; with other verbs the same meaning is expressed by the Past Indefinite of the Indicative Mood. If the action of the subordinate clause is prior to that of the principal clause the Past Perfect of the Indicative Mood is used. I feel as if we wereback seven years, Jon. (Galsworthy) У меня такое чувство, как будто мы вернулись на семь лет назад, Джон. ... now I feel as if you hadnever beenaway. (Shaw) Теперь у меня такое чувство, как будто вы и не уезжали. (b) when the subject of the principal clause is expressed by an abstract noun such as wish, suggestion, aim, idea. etc. In this case the analytical subjunctive with the mood auxiliary should For all persons is used: Mary's wish was that... our mother should come and livewith her. (A. Bronte) Мэри хотелось, чтобы нашамать переехала к ней жить.... The Subjunctive Mood is used in subject clausesafter principal clause of the type It is necessary. It is important, etc. the analytical subjunctive with the mood auxiliary should is used in all persons. Itwas necessary that the child's history should be knownto none. (Trollope) Надо было, чтобы историю этого ребенка никто не узнал. The Subjunctive Mood is used in object clauses: (a) When the predicate of the principal clause is expressed by the verb to wish. If the action expressed in the object clause is simultaneous with that of the principal clause the Past Subjunctive of the verb to be is used; with other verbs the same meaning is expressed by the Past Indefinite of the Indicative Mood. I wish I were a girl again. (E. Bronte) Я хотела бы быть снова девочкой. The above examples show that such sentences are often translated by means of как жаль, мне жаль. The analytical subjunctive with the mood auxiliary would (for all persons) is also used in object clauses after the verb to wish. This form is used only in sentences referring to the present or future; it is possible only if the subject of the principal clause is not the same as the subject of the object clause. It is chiefly used in sentences expressing request or annoyance. I wish you wouldstay with me for a while. (Voynlch) Я бы хотел, чтобы вы побыли немного со мной. With the verb to be this form is hardly ever used. (b) The Subjunctive Mood is used in object clauses introduced by the conjunction lest if in the principal clause the predicate is Expressed by a verb denoting fear. The mood auxiliary should is used for all persons. She fears (feared) lest she should be blamed. Она боится (боялась), как бы ее не осудили. After verbs denoting fear object clauses are often introduced by the conjunction that, in which case the Indicative Mood is used often with the modal verb may (might). She fears (feared) that she will (would) be blamed. She fears (feared) that she may (might) be blamed. (c) The Subjunctive Mood is used in object clauses when we find verbs and word-groups denoting order, suggestion, advice, desire, etc. in the principal clause. The analytical subjunctive with the mood auxiliary should (for all persons) is used. He orders (ordered)/He suggests (suggested)/He proposes (proposed)He demands (demanded) /He desires (desired)/ He insists (insisted) /He is anxious (was anxious) that everything should beready by 5. The Subjunctive Mood is used in attributive appositive clausesmodifying the nouns wish, suggestion, aim, idea, etc. The analytical subjunctive with the mood auxiliary should (for all persons) is used. She had been enormously flattered by his request that she shouldtemporarily keep his house.(Bennett) Она была чрезвычайно польщена его просьбой временно вести его хозяйство. The Subjunctive Mood is also used in attributive clausesmodifying the noun time in the principal clause It is time. It is high time. In this case the Past Subjunctive of the verb to be is used; with other verbs the same meaning is expressed by the Past Indefinite of the Indicative Mood. It is time we went home.Нам пора идти домой. The analytical subjunctive with the mood auxiliary should is also possible, though less common. It was indeed high time that some one... should cometo the aid of the old fanner and his adopted daughter. (Conan Doyle) The emotional should occurs in different kinds of subordinate clauses; the principal clause in such cases contains: (a) An adjective expressing astonishment, incredulity, regret, joy, such as strange, wonderful, unnatural impossible, fortunate, ufortunate, etc. It is strange I shouldnever have heardhim even mention your name. (Austen) Странно, что я никогда даже не слышала, чтобы он упоминал ваше имя. (b) A noun with the same meaning: wonder, pity, shame, etc. He is such a charming man that it is quite a pity he should be so grave and so dull. (Austen) Он такой чудесный человек; как жаль, что он такой серьезный и скучный. (с) The principal clause may be of the following type: I am tarty, glad, pleased, vexed, etc. I am sorry you should takesuch needless trouble. (Ch. Bronte) Мне оченьжаль, что вы берёте на себя такие ненужные заботы. The Subjunctive Mood with the emotional should mayalso oссur in such sentences as: Why shouldyou and I talk about it? (Dickens) К чему нам с вами говорить об этом? То think this should have comeupon us in our old age! (Hardy) Подумать только, что на старости лет с нами случилось такое! 1 was still busy, when who should come inbut Caddy! (Dickens) Я была еще занята, как вдруг вошла — кто бы вы думали? — Кэдди! Exercise1. Translate from Russian into English: 1.Что бы вы сказали, если бы я пригласил его провести с нами субботу и воскресение? 2. Какое лекарство вы бы рекомендовали, если у мальчика заболит горло? 3. Если бы я умела хорошо играть на рояле, я бы сыграла для вас.4.Мальчик не дрожал бы, если бы ему не было холодно. Дайте ему чашку горячего чая. 5.Мы бы с удовольствием посидели еще часок, если не было так поздно.6.Если бы я знала, что ты позвала меня, чтобы упрекать, я бы не пришла.7.Если бы вы регулярно принимали лекарства, которые прописал врач, вы бы чувствовали себя теперь гораздо лучше.8.Если бы мы начали работать рано утром, мы бы уже все закончили.9. На вашем месте я бы с ними не спорила. То, что они говорят, правда.10. Знай мы это тогда, мы бы приняли меры.11.Если бы все было в порядке, он не выглядел бы таким озабоченным.12.Я бы давно это сделала, если бы знала, что это так важно.13.Если бы ты последовал моему совету, все было бы теперь в порядке.14.Если бы вы не отказались от его предложения, мы бы уехали все вместе, а не сидели бы здесь одни.15.Я уверен что вы могли бы сделать это без моей помощи, если бы постарались .Это было вовсе не трудно.16.Я бы, пожалуй осталась если бы мне разрешили.17.Вы бы сэкономили время, если бы поехали поездом а не пароходом.18. Если бы вы знали его так же хорошо, как я, вы бы ему тоже доверяли.19.Я бы давно ответила на твой вопрос, если бы могла.20. Если бы вы мне позвонили, я бы зашел вчера. Unit 3 Theme: The Passive Voice Rules: The Passive Voice in English is found with different types of verbs (mostly transitive): 1 There are a number of verbs in English which take two objects – a direct and an indirect object. These verbs may have two passive constructions. The most frequently used verbs of this kind are: to tell, to give, to offer, to show, to pay, to live, to promise, to send, to teach, to allow, to ask, to answer, to forgive, to invite, to adviseand a few others. E.g.: A very good job was offered to me. 2 There are a great number of verbs in English that require a prepositional object. These verbs may also be used in the Passive. The preposition retains its place after the verb. This construction may be called the Prepositional Passive. E.g.: You are being made a fool of. 3 The Prepositional Passive is not used with verbs which take two objects, direct and prepositional. Here belong such verbs as to explain, to point out, to announce, to dictate, to describe, to mention, to repeat, to suggest, to propose. E.g.: The mistake was pointed out to us. NB: the active forms of the verbs sell, wash, peel, crease, wear, bake, burn are used through the meanings are passive: E.g.: Detective stories sell well. Dry leaves burn well. NB: There is a certain group of transitive verbs which are not used in the passive voice. They are semantic reasons for this, as these verbs don’t denote actions or processes, but states. E.g.: John resembles his father. (John looks like his father) Exercise1. Change the sentences from active to passive: 1. The teacher explains the new rule. 2. The teacher is explaining the new rule. 3. The teacher has explained the new rule. 4. The teacher explained the new rule. 5. The teacher was explaining the new rule. 6. The teacher had explained the new rule. 7. The teacher is going to explain the new rule. 8. The teacher will explain the new rule. 9. The teacher can explain the new rule. 10. The teacher should explain the new rule. 11. The teacher ought to explain the new rule. 12. The teacher must explain the new rule. 13. The teacher has to explain the new rule. 14. The teacher may explain the new rule. 15. The teacher might explain the new rule.