

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Q.1: What is the scientific term for each of the following…? 1- The process results in transformation of mechanical energy into heat energy

1- The process results in transformation of mechanical energy into heat energy


2- Heat transfers through solids from one end to another. [-----------------------]

3- Heat transfers without any need for a material medium. [----------------------]

4- Heat transfers through gas & liquid media. [---------------------------]

5- It is the condition which states the direction of heat energy from or to the object when it comes in contact with another. [----------------------------]

6- It is a form of energy which transfers from higher temperature to a lower one. [----------------------------]

Q.2: Give reason:

1- The temperature of the bicycle tire increases during using of the brakes.


2- The freezer found at the top of the fridge.


3- Electric heater found on the floor of the room not at the top.


4- It is preferable to use solar heater than both electric heater and petroleum heater.


Q.3: Put (P) or (x) with correction:

1- Heat transfers from lower temperature to higher temperature. ( )

2- Temperature is raised as speed of spheres increases. ( )

3- Density of heated molecules is higher than cooled molecules. ( )

4- Petrol fuel is one of the non permanent resources of energy. ( )

5- Solar energy is one of the permanent resources of energy. ( )

6- Transferring of heat by conduction doesn't need to media to transfer through. ( )

7- Transferring of heat by radiation needs media to transfer through. ( )

8- Friction turns mechanical energy into heat energy. ( )

9- Convection takes place through solids. ( )

Q.4: Mention activity to explain:

1- Transfer of heat from high temperature to low temperature.


2- Friction cause raising the temperature.


3- Heat transfer through solids by conduction.


4- Heat transfer through air by convection & radiation.


Q.5: Complete the following:

1- Heat transfers by ---------------------, -----------------------, ---------------------

2- Heat transfers by conduction through --------------------------

3- Transfer of heat by -------------------- doesn't need media.

4- Heat transfers by convection through ------------------ & -----------------

5- From technological applications to produce heat ----------------, -------------- and ---------------------

6- ------------------ is a permanent resource of energy and ----------------- is a non-permanent resource of energy.

7- The most of the resources depends on that energy produced by ---------------

Q.6: Define:

1- Heat energy: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

2- Temperature: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q.7: your classmate put his hand beside a lighted bulb and he feels warm, when he put it above the bulb he feel warm also, but when he touch it he feel hot.

Mention the way of heat transfer in the three states.














Lesson 1

Q.1: Write the scientific term:

1- Organisms that can't bee seen with naked eyes. [---------------------------]

2- It is a branch of biology searching the similarities and differences among living organisms. [---------------------------]

3- The plants in which their seeds are formed inside cones not inside apericarp. [---------------------------]

4-Plants that can’t be distinguish into roots, stems or leaves.


5- Invertebrate animals that characterized by a type of legs known as jointed legs. [---------------------------]

6- Arthropods that have 3 pairs of joint legs. [---------------------------]

7- Arthropods that have 4 pairs of joint legs. [---------------------------]

8- Arthropods that have more that 4 pairs of joint legs. [-------------------------]

9- Mammals that have one pair of incisors in each jaw. [-------------------------]

10- Mammals that have two pairs of incisors in the upper jaw and only one pair in the lower jaw. [---------------------------]

11- The scientist who had considered the species as fundamentals of a natural classifying system. [---------------------------]

12- A group of more similar living organisms shape that can reproduce to give birth of new fertile individuals. [---------------------------]

13- Small terrestrial plants that are reproduce by formation of seeds.



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