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Changing Holidays

In this new holiday programme we ask two couples to plan their holiday for the same week. Then these two couples change holidays – they go on the holiday the other couple planned! But … they don’t know where the holiday is until the last moment…

Tonight’s couples are Lisa and John, and Jerry and Sue.


b)²The presenter from Changing Holidays calls Lisa Carter. Cover the dialogue. Listen. What are Lisa and John’s holiday plans? Listen again and complete the dialogue.

Couple 1 Lisa and John
Lisa Hello?
Peter Hi! Lisa? This is Peter Douglas from Changing Holidays.
Lisa Oh! Hello!
Peter Lisa, what are your holiday plans for next week?
Lisa Er… I’m going to _____ to New York with my boyfriend, John.
Peter Great. And where are you going to _____?
Lisa We’re going to _____ in the Hotel Athena in Manhattan.
Peter What are you going to _____ in New York, Lisa?
Lisa We’re going to _____ _____ – the shops in New York are fantastic – and in the evening we’re going to _____ clubbing and _____ a show on Broadway.
Peter Are you going to _____ the sights, too?
Lisa Oh yes, we want to see the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Central Park…
Peter Well, Lisa, say goodbye to New York. Because we’re going to _____ your holiday!
Lisa John, John! We’re going to _____ on TV!


c)²Listen to Peter Douglas calling Jerry Harte and complete the chart.

Couple 2 Jerry and Sue
1. Where / go?  
2. Who / with?  
3. How / get there?  
4. What / do?  
5. Where / stay?  

d)²—Make questions using the prompts in c). Listen and check. Copy the rhythm. In pairs roleplay the dialogue between Peter and Jerry.


e)²—Study the words below. Practice them in your own sentences. Listen. The two couples are at the airport. Peter is going to tell them where their holidays are. Are they happy? Why (not)?

ü a moment of truth ü an envelope ü the Big Apple



²Liz has plans for a very special trip. Read and listen to the dialogue. Complete it with the verbs in the list.

be camp come back cycle go x 2 start stay


Jerry What exactly are your plans, Liz?
Liz I’m going to _____ from Ecuador to Argentina.
Jerry Wow! How far is that?
Liz It’s about 7,500 kilometres.
Jerry Are you going to _____ alone?
Liz No, I’m not. I’m going to _____ with my boyfriend.
Jerry Where are you going to _____?
Liz We’re going to _____, and maybe sometimes stay in small hotels.
Jerry When are you going to _____ your trip?
Liz In October. And we’re going to _____ until April.
Jerry Six months – that’s a long time! Are you excited?
Liz Yes, I am. It’s going to _____ a fantastic trip!



²—Listen and complete the chart about Lara and Mick’s holiday. Write sentences about their plans. Speak about your next holiday.

Lara and Mick
1. Where / go?  
2. How / travel?  
3. Where / stay?  
4. How long / stay?  
5. What / do?  



Complete the dialogue with going to + infinitive of the verb in brackets.

Susie Rob, can we go shopping next weekend?
Rob I _____ (not/be) here next weekend, Susie.
Susie Where _____ (you/go)?
Rob To Liverpool. It’s Jamie’s birthday party.
Susie Oh, can I come?
Rob Sorry, Susie, it’s boys only.
Susie Oh. Where _____ (you/sleep)?
Rob We _____ (stay) in a hotel.
Susie _____ (you/drive) there?
Rob No, we _____ (not/take) our cars. We _____ (go) by train.
Susie When _____ (you/leave)?
Rob On Thursday night. I _____ (not/go) to work on Friday.
Susie When _____ (you/come back)?
Rob Late on Sunday night.
Susie Well, what _____ (I/do)?
Rob I don’t know. Go shopping?



Complete the sentences with the appropriate forms of going to + infinitive of a verb.

buy x 2 cook do not have study not fly

1. Our car is ten years old. We _____ a new one. 2. My mother is at work so my father _____ the lunch. 3. I _____ tonight. I’m having an exam tomorrow. 4. _____ you _____ a car for Bill? 5. We _____ to Edinburgh. It’s too expensive. 6. What _____ your brother _____ after school? 7. It’s her birthday next week, but she _____ a party.



²Listen to some students talking at the end of their course. What are they going to do?

Conversation 1. _____ Conversation 2. _____ Conversation 3. _____ Conversation 4. _____ Conversation 5. _____


²—Study the words below. Practice them in your own sentences. Listen to five conversations in the departure lounge and answer the questions.

ü a remake ü a terminal ü a rule ü a toilet ü outside
Conversation 1. What is Frank going to do? What kind of film is it?  
Conversation2. Where is the man? How is the man going to go to the hotel?  
Conversation 3. How long is the man going to be away? How often is he going to call the woman?  
Conversation 4. Where is Nicky going? Why is Esther going to Romania?  
Conversation 5. Where is the woman going? What is the problem?



a) Complete the predictions with the appropriate forms of to be going to do smth. and a verb.

be break have x 2 not show wake up win

1. It’s my dream holiday! I know I _____ a good time. 2. They are playing very well. I think they _____ the race. 3. She is a very bad student. She _____ good results at the exam. 4. Look at the blue sky. It _____ a beautiful day. 5. You are driving very fast! We _____ an accident! 6. Be careful with that glass! You _____ it! 7. The baby is very tired. I don’t think she _____ tonight.


b) What is going to happen? Use these verbs.

have sneeze win jump be late kiss rain fall


1. It _____. 2. I _____. 3. She _____. 4. He _____.
5. You _____. 6. They _____. 7.They_____a baby. 8. He _____.


c)²Put a sentence from b) into each gap. Listen and check.

1. Take an umbrella. _____ 2. Look at the time! _____ for the meeting. 3. Anna’s running very fast. _____ the race. 4. Look! Jack’s on the wall! _____ 5. Look at that man! _____ 6. _____. It’s due next month. 7. There’s my sister and her boyfriend! _____ 8. ‘Oh, dear. _____ Aaattishooo!’ ‘Bless you!’



Write a letter in the box: A = plan, B = prediction.

1. I’m going to buy a watch in the shop.
2. You are going to be hot in that jacket.
3. My brother is going to get married in the spring.
4. We are going to be late. Please, hurry up.
5. There is going to be a beautiful evening.
6. I think that restaurant is going to close.
7. They are going to buy a new car.
8. I’m going to collect my train ticket tomorrow.




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