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  1. Read the text about the process of adjusting to living in the US. Fill in the gaps changing the form of the word given in brackets. Then explain the words in bold and use them in the sentences of your own.

When international students attend schools in the United States, they often experience (vary) _______________ degrees of emotional and physical distress in the first few months of living in the new country. These (feel) _____________ of distress and (alien)_____________, known as culture shock, tend to disappear with timealthough some students suffer more than others. Research shows that this "up­rooting disorder" will be (severe) _______________________ if students are highly motivated, psychologically ma­ture, (experience) ______________________ in living in other countries, and competent in the language. Of course, if students don't have a good command of English, the language barrier will make it even (hard) _________________ for them to learn the appropriate social skills they need in their new environ­ment.

First of all, in trying to adjust to the customs and traditions of this country, students may find the general pace of life a problem. This is (particular) _____________________ true for students who are attending schools in large cities because life in large cities in the United States is lived at a fast pace. People seem to rush around and don't take time to relax, except on weekends. Families rarely eat lunch together, and some don't even eat dinner at the same time because they are just too busy (try) ______________ to keep up with all their activities. According to one Chinese visitor, "The average American does not understand the calm conversing, napping, strolling, sitting quietly, and various other kinds of leisurely (relax) ________________________ that Chinese enjoy. They think they are alive only when they are 'doing' and 'moving.'

Another problem is caused by the fact that most new students lack the social support systems they had in their home countries. A network of friends can enable an international student to overcome many difficulties, and it is especially (help) ____________________ to form friendships with native English speakers. However, although North American students can seem friendly, their (friend) __________________ is rather superficial and insincere. "Let's get together," they say, without setting a definite date. "Hi. How're you doing?" they ask, without expecting or waiting for an answer. To international students, Americans appear to be self-absorbed and uninterested in making friends.

Also, ethical beliefs and value systems differ from culture to culture, and students may feel anxious about living in a society whose values do not match theirs. For instance, some international students may consider the attitudes of Americans much too liberal in regard to moral issues, such as young men and women (have) ______________ inti­mate relationships or living together before marriage. Moreover, the use of drugs and alcohol may be (accept) ______________________ to them.

Finally, the blandNorth American food is usually not at all (appeal) __________________ to students whose native food is (spice)_______________, healthful, and full of variety. Hot dogs, hamburgers, potato chips, and French fries can become (bore)_____________________ on a daily basis, and they aren't as healthful as fresh fruits and vegetables or rice and beans. Because they dislike the food, many students do not eat properly during their (one) ___________ few months in the United States. Therefore, it is fairly common for them to lose weight or get sick during this period of (adjust)_______________________.

Despite these various problems, most international students are flexible enough to acquire the (cope) ___________ skills (require) ___________________ in their new surroundings as they become more aware of others' values and practices. Gradually, they grow accustomed to the lifestyle in the United Sates, build a network of friendships, and learn to enjoy the benefits of living abroad. Actually, culture shock can be a positive experience of growth and learning and is a normal (respond)______________________ to change. In fact, students who have become assimilated into North American culture may even have reverse culture shock when they return to their home countries.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 140; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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