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SPEAKING. Divide the class into two teams, have a debate on the following topic:



  1. Divide the class into two teams, have a debate on the following topic:

International students shouldn’t come to another country to study untill they have mastered the language.


Follow the rules:

    1. Each team should have approximately the same number of members.
    2. Each team should elect a leader who will give the two-three minute opening presentation and a two-three minute closing summation.
    3. All members of the team should be prepared to speak at least once and to give a rebuttal to the opposing team’s statements.
    4. All team members must contribute equally to the debate.
    5. The person who is speaking should not be interrupted.



  1. Role-play one of the following.
    1. The scene between Dita and Sandra when they go out to dinner together and Dita tries to tell Sandra ho unhappy she is, but Sandra is unsympathetic.
    2. The scene between Dita and her Arts teacher.
    3. The scene n the future when Dita meets her adviser and receives some moral support and practical advice.

Remember to plan and practice before you present your role-play:

*work in teams of two or three, the third person can serve as a director to help the two actors prepare and rehearse the role –play;

*discuss the role-play scenario with your partners, choose your role, and reread the text;

*develop several objectives for your role play and write them down;

*think about your character and plan what your character will say (make notes about the broad ideas and emotions you will act out, decide how to achieve your objectives);

*rehearse your role-play with your partner (don’t try to write out the dialogue; let your dialogue develop naturally and spontaneously; remember about eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, and body language);


  1. Discuss the role-plays you’ve seen. What reactions did you have? Were the objectives of the students presenting the role-play achieved?
  1. Prepare and give an oral presentation on one of the topics listed.
    1. Reasons International Students Attend College Abroad.
    2. Three Major Cultural Differences between Russia and Indonesia (the USA, Japan, etc.)

Follow the plan:

I. Introduction (background, main idea).

II. Reason 1 (reason, analysis).

III. Reason 2 (reason, analysis).

IV. Reason 3 (reason, analysis).

V. Conclusion (summary, restatement of the main idea).


  1. Do library or internet research to speak on the topics provided.
    1. Culture Shock (definition, symptoms, stages, ways to avoid and to overcome).
    2. Organisations which help newcomers to cope with culture shock (names, functions, programmes, examples).
    3. Reverse culture shock |culture shock on return (symptoms, reasons, ways to cope).


6. Game. One of the students chooses a stage of culture shock. The other students ask him| her yes-no questions trying to guess the stage.




Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 140; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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