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Introduction. The Government of the Russian FederationСтр 1 из 14Следующая ⇒ The Government of the Russian Federation The Federal State Autonomous Institution of Higher Education
Faculty of Management Department of Company Marketing
PROJECT REPORT Wissotzky Tea: Back to Russia by Voyage team
Advisor: Professor O.K.Oyner, PhD (Economics) Authors:
Moscow, 2011
Table of content Introduction. 3 PART I – Brand Story. 4 Analysis of external and internal environment 4 Strategic options, priorities and choice. 5 STP and brand story. 6 PART II - Channels policy and Marketing communications. 8 AFH.. 8 Retail 8 Digital 9 B2B Gifting. 9 Marketing communications. 10 PART III - Marketing Plan. 17 1st Year 17 2nd Year 21 3rd Year 24 4th Year 27 5th Year 30 Results. 33 Conclusion. 35 Appendix 1. Positioning map of competitors. 37 Appendix 2. Retail calculations. 38 Appendix 3. Shocoladnica collaboration calculations. 41 Appendix 4. B2B Gifting calculations. 42 Appendix 5. Digital calculations (for Ozon.ru and Voyage online store only) 45
Introduction Wissotzky Tea is a leading producer and exporter of tea in Israel with a market share of approximately 80%. Wissotzky also has a number of branches all over the world. The company produces all types of tea and provides innovations in tea production. Initially Wissotzky tea was founded in 1849 in Moscow, Russia by Klonimus Wolf Wissotzky. Since that time Wissotzky company has built a tradition for producing the highest quality tea and for the time being is considered to be a tea expert. Now is the time to get back to basics in order to share accumulated tea experience with Russian consumers. The goal of the project was to develop the branding strategy and a five-year marketing program for Wissotzky company to enter the Russian tea market under budget constraints of $1.2M on the 1st year up to $1.9M on the 5th year. The main KPIs are achievement of $20M dollars sales on the 5th year and occupation 17% market share in specialty tea market. In the framework of the report, first, the process of brand story development, including analysis of external and internal environment and strategic priorities choice, as well as immediate description of the brand story were formulated. Second, combined channels policy, considering such channels as AFH, retail, digital and B2B Gifting, together with marketing communications strategy that encompasses all of these channels were described in detail. Finally, in the third part of the report a five-year marketing plan with detailed calculations is presented. You can find additional calculations and illustrations in Appendixes.
PART I – Brand Story