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Frank's POV. After we'd watched the movie, Mikey put on Tomb Raider and made us watch the whole thing

After we'd watched the movie, Mikey put on Tomb Raider and made us watch the whole thing. At the start, Gerard would call out 'fish lips' every time Angelina was on screen. And considering she's the star, you can imagine that it was quite frequently and Mikey got annoyed. So Gerard stopped and then ended up falling asleep anyway. By 1:29am, when Tomb Raider finished, Gerard was asleep and snuggled up into me. Mikey told me that he was going to bed and that I had to deal with Gerard. In all honesty I didn't know what to do. I wanted him to sleep the way he was, but at the same time, I noticed that he was getting hard. I often checked out his crotch. It was a bad habit of mine.

His inflating crotch was enough to make me decide to wake him up before he ended up feeling embarrassed or whatever.

"Gerard," I said softly.

"Mmmm," he moaned.

"Gerard," I tried again.

"God don't stop," he mumbled. Well waddaya know. Gerard was having a sex dream. I wondered if it was about me. Hell, I hoped it was about me.

"Gerard. Wake up!" I exclaimed, shaking him. Gerard jolted awake and took in his surroundings.

"Oh. Tomb Raider's finished," he said, grinning.

"Yeah, uh you fell asleep and Mikey told me to deal with you, so I figured I'd wake you up and I'd get going," I spoke. "Nice boner by the way," I said to him. I couldn't see too well in the dark, but I was almost certain that he was blushing.

"Um, thanks. But there is no way that you are going outside in New York City at this time of night," Gerard commanded.

"Why? I can fight off anyone who starts shit," I pointed out.

"Yeah, but you could still end up hurt. Remember the bruise on your stomach? I felt so bad about that. I couldn't forgive myself if something like that happened to you again," he spoke.

"So what am I supposed to do then?" I asked him.

"You're gonna stay here," he said, like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Where?" I asked him.

"Well, there's my bed, or if you're not comfortable with that, there's this couch?" he offered. I was so tired that just laying back on this couch seemed like a good idea. But no, I wanted to spend the night in Gerard's bed. I needed to get my brain to work to make it possible.

"Your bed's probably more comfy. I don't wanna end up with a neck injury or something from this couch, considering that tomorrow I've got a full day of clients," I informed him.

"You do?" he asked, sounding sad.

"Yeah. But we still might have times where we can talk to one another," I reassured him. He nodded.

"So, to my bed then," he said, standing up.

"Dude, I'm so tired, I can't even walk," I spoke.

"And whose fault was it for watching the whole movie with fish lips in it? You should've fallen asleep like me," Gerard stated. I pouted at him and folded my arms, making him sigh. "Fine, come here," he said, pulling me up into a standing position before picking me up bridal style and walking me into the bedroom. He literally dropped me onto the bed and immediately turned away from me, removing all of his clothes except his boxer shorts. And then he turned back and caught me checking him out. But I couldn't pull my eyes away. He was just too beautiful.

"Did you need me to undress you too?" he asked, rolling his eyes playfully. I smirked before nodding.

"So then, what clothes did you wanna leave on?" he asked me, pulling off my shoes and jacket.

"Boxers. Just like you," I replied almost immediately as his hands pushed my shirt up my torso, his hands sneakily brushing against the skin as he did so. I giggled.

"What's funny?" he asked me.

"You totally went in for a feel of my chest then," I pointed out, making him grin and shrug.

"So?" he asked. "As you could tell by the very first DVD we watched tonight, I have not felt any hot guys' chests before, so I figured I might at least get my chance right now," he spoke.

"Sneaky fucker," I said, smirking, making him chuckle. He pulled my shirt over my head and threw it on top of my jacket and shoes before moving his hands to the top button of my pants. I had to remember to breathe and think of Erica trying to kiss me while he was undoing my pants. I didn't want my cock popping up. It would make things awkward.

I laid down on the pillows and bucked my hips up to allow him to remove my pants before he threw them on the floor.

"You want me to remove the socks?" he asked.

"Nah. It might be cold under the covers," I pointed out. He nodded before pulling the covers back. I had to move my ass slightly so that I could get under the covers. I didn't want to make Gerard uncomfortable, so I said a goodnight to him and rolled away from him, staying on the far edge of the bed on my side. After about 30 seconds, my whole body was pulled towards Gerard's and his arms were wrapped around me, his crotch was pressing into my ass.

Oh dear god, I was gonna have some serious morning wood in the morning.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 131; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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