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Gerard's POV. Frank and I had left my apartment soon after he told my Mom that I'd be staying with him

Frank and I had left my apartment soon after he told my Mom that I'd be staying with him. I opened my suitcase and packed some clothes, my cosmetics, hair straightener, toothbrush, shaver and my dildo. It wasn't like anyone was gonna stick their cock inside me any time soon, so I figured that I might as well have something to stick up there. I was also tossing up whether or not to bring condoms, but I figured that was just plain stupid. Frank and I weren't together. And besides, I'm sure he would have condoms if something ever did happen between us.

Frank and I went back to his place and then went out to get something to eat. We went to a football bar. If you've ever been to one of those places, you'd know that it's similar to Hooters. The only difference was that this one had wrestling and boxing pay-per-views. It was alright, the food was pretty good. But I wanted to pop every inflated tit that I saw. I know a lot of gay guys like boobs, but I don't like looking at them at all. I have no urge to touch them. I think they would be a pain in the ass to have and I would never even want to know how to undo a bra one handed. I voiced this to Frank who then decided that as a result, he would never dress up for me as a french maid. It made me chuckle to picture him in a french maid's outfit.

The concert was pretty good. The mosh pit was crowded for a local show. This band was well known in the area. Frank and I were squashed up against one another. I didn't mind the closeness and I'd doubt that he minded either.

After the concert, we went back to Frank's place. We went to his room and I laid on his bed. I hadn't been in his room since the day I saw him crying while looking at his scrapbook. I decided to open my mouth and tell him about that.

"I have a confession to make," I told him.

"Oh yeah?" he asked.

"On the morning that we became friends, before I spoke to you at work, I flew here after I watched you rescue some lady's handbag. I flew through the window and hovered right in front of you and I saw you looking at the scrapbook of the two of us. I saw you pull off your mask and I saw your tears. I saw your pain just like I'd seen for the whole week previously. And that motivated me even more to have us become friends again. We were both miserable without one another," I told him.

"Whoa. You fucking stalker!" he exclaimed, jumping on top of me and tickling me. Both of us were giggling and then we stopped. Both of us were transfixed by one another's eyes. Frank leaned forward and my breath hitched in my throat as I felt his breath linger over my lips.

And then he pulled away.

He fucking pulled away! Without even kissing me!

"I'd rather be a fucking stalker than a fucking tease," I pointed out, smirking. Frank giggled.

"I'm gonna let you make the first move. You're the one who wanted us to only be friends. And I'm still hung up on you and I know you're still hung up on me, so it's not like we want to date anyone else right now. So, when you trust me and want to be more than friends, I'll let you do what you want. But until then. I'm gonna be a major ass and jerk off loudly over you in the shower," he joked, making me chuckle. "Anyway, time to unpack your stuff," he said, pushing all his clothes to one end of his closet to make room for mine.

He then opened my suitcase and I noticed his eyes widen. He stood back up and just stared at my suitcase. And then I remembered what was on the top of everything. My dildo.

"Oh my fucking god!" he exclaimed. "It's the famous other cock in your life!" he joked, grinning, before picking up my dildo.

"Oh shit. Why did I put that on the top?," I questioned myself, as I felt my cheeks grow warm, indicating that I was blushing. Frank giggled.

"I'm gonna have so much fun with this!" he exclaimed. "You have to make sure that you're not home tomorrow night because I've got a date with your dildo. But if you wanna stay and watch, I'm not gonna stop you. Hell, you can be invisible and stalk me again if you want to," he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows. I couldn't help but chuckle.

Frank packed my clothes away for me before we stripped down to our boxers and hopped into bed. I turned around in the bed to face him and brought him close, so that our bodies were touching. I wrapped my arms around him as we both drifted off into our slumber.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 128; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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