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Gerard's POV. "So, I have this problem," Frank said, coming outside to where I was smoking"So, I have this problem," Frank said, coming outside to where I was smoking. He sat on my lap. Immediately I looked at his crotch. Well, his problem wasn't cock-related. "I don't have a lighter. I need some assistance," he said, placing one of his cigarettes in between my lips and waiting for me to light it. I stared him right in the eyes the whole time while I clicked my fingers and lit his cigarette, before he took it out of my lips. Both of us still stared into one another's eyes as he placed it between his lips. As he pulled it away from his lips, he grinned. It was the sort of grin that you tried to repress, but it didn't work, so you ended up with a goofy look on your face. "So, what brings you into the lap of yours truly?" I asked him. "Well, I just wanted somewhere comfortable to sit. And you're comfy," he said, winking at me as Erica came outside. "You guys got a light?" she asked us. "No. Sorry," Frank replied. "How'd you light yours?" she asked us. "Gerard used his lighter, but then he had to fulfill his fire-fetish, so it all ran out," Frank said, recalling a joke I'd once made to him. "Oh. Ok then," Erica said, going inside to find another lighter. "My god, she believed you. She thought you were serious about the whole fire-fucking thing," I spoke as Frank laughed. The rest of the day flew by and Frank and I fought the small amount of crime that there was. It was raining. Usually when it rains, there isn't too much crime. I guess criminals don't like their hair getting wet. But it meant that we decided to scout out for car accidents and things. We helped out at one, but it was pretty minor and everyone was ok. We decided to go home. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow," Frank said, looking at the ground awkwardly, playing with his Skeleton costume. "You will. I'll make sure I'm on time so that we can spend more time together," I voiced to him. The next morning, I managed to be at work 20 minutes early. Frank was already there talking to the owner about stuff. It wasn't until the owner left that Frank jumped up on me, wrapped his legs around my waist and gave me a massive hug. I really enjoyed our hugs and I had the feeling Frank did too. He always seemed eager for more. "So, on Saturday, I was thinking we could go see some local bands, if you're interested," Frank asked me. "I'm not sure. I mean, I'd like to go but my Mom's coming to visit Mikey and I. She'll be here in the day and I have no clue what time she'll be leaving or even if she'll be leaving. Sometimes her visits can last up to 2 weeks depending on if Mikey and I are keeping the house clean and behaving ourselves," I informed him. "Well, you know, I'd like to meet your Mom," he said to me. "I don't think that's a good idea. She's homophobic," I reminded him. "So... you know, if she doesn't leave by the time the concert starts, just come out to her, tell her that we've made out loads of times and then she'll get pissed off and leave. Then on Sunday morning you can call her up and talk to her on the phone about it until she comes around. My Mom wasn't too happy when she found out I was gay. I mean, I'm her only child. She wanted me to reproduce. But she got over it. Now she has about 10 cats living with her who reproduce at least twice per year. So she got over it. And I'm sure your Mom will too. "I've been wanting to tell her for so long. I'm just scared," I pointed out. "How old were you when you found out you were gay?" he asked me. "14", I replied. "14? I didn't find out until I was16 and some guy at a concert who was moshing behind me got hard and was squashed against me so he was grinding into me. I got hard over it," he confessed. "Yeah 14. I got a crush on my English teacher," I spoke. "The other kids picked up on it. They saw me staring at him dreamily every lesson. They noticed I would purposely stay behind and talk to him after class." "Wow. Was your teacher hot?" he asked me. "Yeah. But he had a girlfriend. For some stupid reason I still thought I had a chance with him," I told him. "Aw. Well that's all in the past. Now you've got me to perve on," he said, hugging me again. I couldn't help but chuckle. "I think I'll come out to her. This weekend. It's not like I live with her anymore. I mean, the worst thing that will happen is that she won't speak to me. And she's bound to find out some time," I realized. "Exactly. And I'm gonna be there to hold your hand if you're scared," he decided, making me smile. Frank was really proving himself to be trustworthy.