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Gerard's POV. I awoke the next morning to see Frank with only a towel around his waist, water droplets dripping from his wet hairI awoke the next morning to see Frank with only a towel around his waist, water droplets dripping from his wet hair, dribbling their way down his body. He looked my way. I quickly closed my eyes before he caught me staring at him. I think he thought I was still asleep as I then heard the towel drop to the floor. I slowly opened my eyes again and watched as he bent over to pick his towel up. My god, this was the first time I had ever seen his bare ass. It was so good to look at. He had some writing tattooed onto his ass. It said the word "Spike" in small, cursive writing. I wondered who Spike was. "Who's Spike?" I asked him, making him jump before quickly wrapping the towel back around him and turning around to me. "Oh, you're awake. I'm sorry, I took a shower cause I knew you'd have one soon and I didn't want to make you late," he explained. "Who's Spike?" I asked again, a smirk growing on my face as I noticed him blushing. "Spike was uh... you know, I wanna say something totally badass right now, but the truth is, he was my pet dog. He lived until he was 16. I got him on my 5th birthday. He died the day after my 21st birthday," he explained, looking a little sad. "Why were you checking out my ass anyway?" he asked me, a smirk down growing on his face. "Well, it's not my fault that I open my eyes and there's this ass bent over right in my line of sight," I said, making him giggle and playfully hit me. "You did not just infer that my butt was big," he said, jokingly. "No, I didn't. I was referring to you being the ass," I joked back, making him feign a mock look of shock. "Well if it's any consolation, you were ready to have sex with me a week and a half ago," he pointed out. "Yep, because asses turn me on," I replied. Frank giggled, obviously noting the double meaning of that sentence. "Especially ones with Spike written on them. So classy," I said, making him giggle harder as he found his pile of clothes and grabbed his boxers, putting them on underneath the towel before removing the towel. He next grabbed his pants and put them back on. He then looked up at me. "Do ya think I could borrow one of your t-shirts? If I wear the same one to work today and arrive at the same time as you, people are gonna talk and Erica's gonna ask me if we slept together and then I'll say no. Then she'll ask me if I'll sleep with her and I don't want to get into that with her again," Frank explained. I nodded. "Sure, knock yourself out," I told him sitting up in bed and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. He opened my wardrobe and flicked through my clothes. He shrieked out of what I think was excitement. "Why is it that you only have 4 ugly shirts which were the only ones you used to wear to work when you had a whole bunch of tight fitting and band t-shirts that you never wore?" he asked. "I didn't want to be noticed before," I reminded him. "Can I wear your Iron Maiden shirt?" he asked me. "It's my favorite shirt so you'd better look after it," I warned him. "So that's a yes?" he asked me. I nodded. He squealed. "My last Iron Maiden t-shirt got eaten by Spike," he told me with a pout. I chuckled at how adorable he looked. An hour and a half later, we walked into work together joking and laughing. People were turning and looking at us. Erica looked like she wanted to ask us whether we were together. I mean, a stranger would probably think we were. They'd look at the way Frank kissed my cheek before going off to his office. The way he'd held my hand when we'd entered the parlor... ... and I can't say I didn't enjoy every second of it.