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Frank's POV. It was Saturday afternoon and I was currently making myself look sexy for Gerard

It was Saturday afternoon and I was currently making myself look sexy for Gerard. I was gonna be at his house in an hour and he was then gonna come out to his Mom.

By the time I'd arrived outside his apartment block, I was slightly nervous. I hoped Gerard liked how I looked. I hoped his Mom was nice. I buzzed on the buzzer for his apartment. It took about a minute before someone buzzed me up. I walked up the stairs to the floor the Way brothers' apartment was on and knocked on the door. The door flew open and I was surprised by Gerard flying out and wrapping his arms around me. He was shaking and panting and his heart was beating so fast.

"Whoa. What's going on Gerard? You practicing a new technique for smothering bad guys?" I asked him. He pulled away from me.

"She knows," he said, his eyes wide. I'm pretty sure my eyes mirrored his.

"H-How's she taking it?" I asked him, feeling concerned for him as I cupped one of his cheeks with my hand. I caressed his cheek to try and calm him down. He looked really upset. He looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"Not well. She locked herself in the bathroom and won't come out. Mikey needs to pee really badly and my Mom just keeps yelling shit out to me about how I'm a disappointment to her and stuff," Gerard said, not breathing at all as he explained everything to me.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed.

"I know. I don't think it's so much that she's pissed off that I like guys. I think it's more the fact that I've known for years and never told her," he explained.

"How'd she find out?" I asked him.

"She saw my painting of The Dark Ninja and The Skeleton and asked me why I painted it. Without thinking, Mikey blurted out that I painted it because I found that sorta thing hot, and my Mom figured everything out and flipped," Gerard told me.

"Well it's ok. I'm here now. And we'll sort this whole thing out," I said, marching off to the bathroom.

"What're you doing? You can't go in there! She'll get pissed off at you too!" Gerard hissed.

"I don't give a shit," I said bravely, knocking on the door to the bathroom.

"Excuse me, but your son needs to pee," I yelled out.

"And who exactly am I speaking to?" Gerard's Mom asked.

"The man who is madly in love with your son. Please come out. I would like to meet you. You can hit me or whatever. I can take it. Just please come out of the bathroom, or Mikey's gonna wet himself," I told her. I heard some shuffling on the other side of the door before footsteps walked closer to the door and opened it. I came face to face with Gerard's Mom.

"Hey. I'm Frank," I said putting my hand out for her to shake. Surprisingly she took my hand and shook it. I was thinking that she would just stare me up and down, roll her eyes and call me disgusting. But she didn't, which was a big shock.

"I'm Gerard's mother," she said, introducing herself to me, walking out of the bathroom. Mikey took the opportunity to run in there and close the door to that he could take a leak. "You're Gerard's boyfriend are you?" she asked.

"Well, uh, no. We dated for about two weeks, but some stuff happened and now we're just friends. But I love him. Gerard just doesn't love me, nor does he want to be romantically involved with me at the moment," I told her.

"Right. So you love him, but he doesn't want you?" she verified, briefly glaring angrily at her son.

"Yup," I told her.

"So what sort of stuff happened?" she asked me curiously.

"It's complicated really. I'm Gerard's boss at his work and we didn't really see eye to eye. Then we sort of had a blind dating period where we wore disguises. When we revealed ourselves to one another, Gerard sort of told me where to go and now we're friends and I openly admit I'm in love with him and he openly admits that he doesn't trust me," I confessed to her. I figured that it was best to tell this lady exactly what she wanted to hear. That way, she might go easier on her son.

"And you're both gay?" she asked.

"Yup. Just like you, we find men sexy," I blurted out. Gerard looked amazed at what I was telling his Mom.

"Right... well I'll be staying here for the next couple of days and right now I'm upset with my son for not telling me. Sure, I don't agree with homosexuality, but he's still my son. I still love him. I wouldn't have disowned him. So because he neglected to tell me for over a decade, I am not talking to him until I'm ready to forgive him," she explained.

"Well I'm not staying in this apartment while you're here since you hate my guts," Gerard started.

"Well then it's settled. Gerard will stay at my apartment until you call him up to come home so that you can forgive him," I stated. I loved the way my brain worked.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 143; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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