

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Unit 10

Unit 1

Vocabulary Bank

1. in the course of

2. change the earth beyond recognition

3. spiritual treasures of mankind

4. thanks to (owing to, due to)

5. significant

6. belong to

7. discover

8. invent

9. put into service

10. steam engine

11. attach to a loom

12. various

13. speed up

14. mode of production

15. bring about

16. make a great contribution

17. spread of information (knowledge, science)

18. advance of learning

19. choose engineering (radio engineering, computer engineering, etc)

20. chain reaction

21. solve a problem

22. achieve an aim

23. have a broad view

24. see a possibility

25. design

26. gather data

27. gap

28. take an early interest in

29. alert mind

30. natural curiosity

31. mix well in society

32. have a profound impact on

33. share

34. build a strong foundation

35. creative solution

36. be thorough

37. be satisfied with

38. pay attention to

39. available resource

40. succeed in

More Words to Learn

1. age

2. prove

3. decisive

4. remarkable achievement

5. volume of the machine-memory

6. store

7. radio-valve

8. solid circuit

9. impart

10. property

11. appropriate treatment

12. man-machine relationship

13. affect

14. process information

15. demand

16. search

17. beneficial

18. draw a conclusion

19. call for

20. communications



Unit 2

Vocabulary Bank

1. capacity of a body

2. perform work

3. designate

4. fall freely

5. rate of descent

6. attain maximum velocity

7. reach the ground

8. motion

9. convert

10. difficult

11. measure

12. product

13. resistance

14. overcome

15. cover

16. determine

17. weight

18. imagine

19. strike against

20. be brought to rest

21. difference

22. original (velocity)

23. obstacle

24. be equal to

25. acceleration

26. divide

27. accomplishment

28. multiply

29. undergo change

30. average

31. substitute (syn. replace)

32. consider

33. appreciate

34. be linked with

35. remain the foundation

36. condition

37. heat

38. supply

39. electric device

40. particle

More Words to Learn

1. be like

2. nucleus (pl. nuclei)

3. appear

4. matter

5. burning

6. consequence

7. release energy

8. take part in

9. circumstance

10. unlike

11. equilibrium

12. disturb

13. split

14. fission

15. occur

16. sustain a nuclear fire

17. lead

18. switch on

19. devise

20. raw materials


Unit 3

Vocabulary Bank

1. language

2. force

3. power

4. definite

5. meaning

6. differ

7. push

8. pull

9. state of rest

10. state of motion

11. act

12. take into account

13. lie (lay, lain)

14. lift

15. stone

16. throw (threw, thrown)

17. scientific sense

18. stand (stood, stood)

19. hold (held, held)

20. apply (force)

21. amount of work

22. calculate

23. mean

24. ability

25. light

26. water

27. flow

28. drive

29. make use of

30. burn (burnt/burned, burnt/burned)

31. mankind

32. fossil fuel

33. internal-combustion engine

34. transmission line

35. conventional

36. everlast

37. provide for

38. utilize

39. be engaged in

40. try

More Words to Learn

1. know (knew, known)

2. heavy

3. carry

4. charge

5. attract

6. surround

7. electronic shell

8. collision

9. interaction

10. short range

11. give rise to

12. scattering

13. surface

14. deflect

15. mean

16. show (showed, shown)

17. lead to

18. excite

19. influence

20. cross-section


Unit 4

Vocabulary Bank

1. be capable

2. precise

3. statement

4. careful

5. choice

6. conceal

7. consist of

8. sign

9. carefully

10. purposefully

11. precise

12. concise

13. translate

14. deal with

15. capacity

16. permeate

17. pervade

18. belief

19. successive

20. be independent of

21. term

22. certain

23. frequent

24. gradually

25. denote

26. superscribe

27. drop

28. leave (left, left)

29. unknown magnitude

30. given quantity

31. survive

32. be involved in

33. calculus symbol

34. think through

35. reward

36. square

37. double

38. order

39. count

40. fulfill

More Words to Learn

1. letter

2. suppose

3. interchange

4. multiplicand

5. multiplier

6. equality

7. agree

8. indicate

9. peculiar

10. figure

11. be subjected to

12. evaluate an expression

13. value

14. numerical

15. involution

16. evolution

17. addition

18. subtraction

19. square (the number)

20. reading


Unit 5

Vocabulary Bank

1. to manifest

2. since

3. means

4. to generate

5. to invent

6. crude device

7. production

8. probably

9. photo-cell

10. similar application

11. surface

12. to surround

13. extent

14. angle

15. absorptivity

16. precaution

17. to prevent (prevention)

18. to cause

19. straight line

20. perpendicular

21. intensity

22. sheet

23. glass-like material

24. transparent

25. air space

26. space heating

27. purpose

28. flat plate collector

29. low enough

30. air conditioning

31. domestic refrigeration

32. typical arrangement

33. pressure

34. to track

35. physicist

36. to discover

37. direct(ly)

38. relative(ly)

39. immense

40. inexhaustible



More Words to Learn

1. to measure

2. exclusively

3. engineering

4. to prefer

5. confusion

6. to avoid

7. height

8. liquid

9. immerse

10. ice-water mush

11. to divide

12. thus

13. in common use

14. to convert

15. hence

16. therefore

17. to require

18. division

19. to add

20. reading


Unit 6

Vocabulary Bank

1. radar equipment

2. to determine

3. radio echo

4. range

5. radar set

6. essential component

7. namely

8. transmitter

9. receiver

10. power supply

11. detect

12. powerful pulse

13. ultra-high frequency radio wave energy

14. directional antenna

15. radiate

16. beam

17. search light

18. portion

19. to reflect

20. visual readable signal

21. fluorescent screen

22. within

23. to sweep across

24. predetermined interval of time

25. constant velocity of light

26. simple means

27. accuracy

28. both … and

29. elevation

30. by means of

31. directional antenna

32. to enable

33. three-dimensional

34. entirely safe

35. as well as

36. harbor

37. to prevent collision

38. regardless of night or weather

39. mountain ranges

40. poor visibility



More Words to Learn

1. to provide

2. to observe

3. subtle chase

4. to occur

5. spectrum (spectra)

6. beyond

7. broadcast

8. frequency

9. kilocycle

10. megacycle

11. vibrating current

12. in order to

13. to approach

14. to fan out

15. to feed(fed ,fed)

16. to lie

17. to design

18. to flow ceaselessly

19. to defect



Unit 7

Vocabulary Bank

1. unusual ability

2. to work out

3. occasionally

4. relativity

5. everyday affairs

6. Planck’s quantum theory

7. express

8. equation

9. roughly

10. the square of the speed of light

11. to push

12. to declare

13. circumstance

14. constant quality

15. entirely

16. to attack

17. to defend

18. conclusion

19. to refuse

20. to grow slowly but surely

21. unified field theory

22. to include

23. to provide

24. intense work

25. mysterious force of gravitation

26. to combine

27. electronic valve

28. to describe

29. development

30. statement

31. logical explanation

32. to mention

33. to award

34. honorary title

35. increase of human knowledge

36. solid

37. to control forces of light and energy

38. pure

39. absorption

40. research

41. while

More Words to Learn

1. ignorant

2. however

3. to foresee

4. destructive power

5. worthwhile contribution

6. originally

7. legacy

8. interest

9. judge

10. numerous

11. to share

12. to suggest

13. to extend

14. time lag

15. instantaneous

16. resultant emission

17. incident beam

18. to conceal

19. to display

20. property



Unit 8

Vocabulary Bank

1. vast expanse of water

2. thoroughly

3. surface currents

4. to chart

5. to border

6. carefully

7. until recently

8. to disclose

9. to bring to light

10. dozens

11. complicated ocean research

12. criss-cross

13. to be engaged in

14. measuring instrument

15. to induce

16. because of

17. earth’s magnetic field

18. to reveal

19. floor of the ocean

20. deep trench

21. to obtain

22. acute profile

23. to survey

24. moreover

25. depth

26. to take specimen

27. soil

28. inaccessible

29. origin of the ocean bed

30. inch

31. remote geological past

32. investigation

33. greatly

34. to expand

35. relationship

36. to exist

37. heat

38. technique

39. tide gauge

40. aid



More Words to Learn

1. to drop

2. pool

3. outward

4. to observe

5. former position

6. upward and downward motion

7. rather than

8. to fasten

9. jerk

10. to impart

11. medium

12. to diminish

13. to cease

14. tuning fork

15. prong

16. alternately

17. recede

18. inversely

19. amount

20. decrease


Unit 9

Vocabulary Bank

1. to conduct

2. conductor

3. semiconductor

4. insulator

5. ore

6. to influence

7. to create

8. to count

9. resistance

10. conveyer belt

11. photo resistance

12. emergency signals

13. to reproduce sound

14. radiation

15. to employ in

16. to react to

17. to convert into

18. electronic counter

19. by means of

20. thermocouple

21. to turn one’s attention to

22. electric circuit

23. photocell

24. to transform into

25. sun-ray energy

26. electric power

27. to burn ( burnt)

28. wood

29. to accumulate

30. fraction

31. to manufacture

32. to maintain

33. irrespective of

34. to surround

35. to vary

36. range

37. alloy

38. heat-resisting

39. superhard

40. to reveal



More Words to Learn

1. investigation

2. to elucidate facts

3. organic glass

4. sponge-glass

5. rectifier

6. non-linear resistor

7. thermopile

8. amplifier

9. semiconductor solid

10. electrical performance

11. to emit current

12. remote control

13. measuring technique

14. high-voltage transmission lines

15. alternating current

16. direct current

17. speed up

18. sufficient

19. to appreciate

20. peculiarity


Unit 10

Vocabulary Bank

1. electrical engineering

2. radio engineering

3. to come into being

4. dielectrics

5. intermediate

6. small-dimensioned

7. to consume

8. successful

9. thermal elements

10. radiant energy

11. solar

12. to revolutionize

13. incandescence

14. property

15. vacuum tube

16. extreme complexity

17. outer look

18. alien

19. to impart

20. room lighting

21. precisely

22. promise

23. to hold out promise

24. efficiency

25. reliable

26. on a great scale

27. to exhaust

28. inexhaustible

29. simple compounds

30. lead

31. arsenic

32. provided

33. the former

34. the latter

35. to expose to

36. pre-set physical properties

37. to obtain

38. admixture

39. copper

40. transistor equipment



More Words to Learn

1. solid

2. crystalline

3. to flow

4. readily

5. thermionic valve

6. crystal set

7. crystal valve

8. true conductors

9. point-contact transistor

10. junction transistor

11. semiconductor triode

12. oscillator

13. pulse circuit

14. entertainment

15. acceleration

16. steady

17. advantage

18. to waste power

19. delay

20. to wear out



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