

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Unit 17

Vocabulary Bank


1. semiconductor laser

2. transform

3. wave energy

4. efficiency

5. calculation

6. super-hard substance

7. hard alloy

8. ruby laser

9. high frequency radiation

10. optical generator

11. transmit

12. flow of information

13. advancement

14. communication techniques

15. super-speed computer

16. intensify

17. quantum light intensifier

18. sensitivity

19. considerable distance

20. negligible losses

21. transmission lines

22. develop

23. source of light

24. luminescent lamp

25. determine

26. states of matter

27. active medium

28. manufacturing process

29. welding

30. heat -treating

31. part

32. improve

33. surface

34. property

35. cut

36. drill

37. hole

38. productive line

39. reduce

40. cost



More Words to Learn


1. enormous

2. significance

3. suitable

4. obtain

5. similar to

6. close to

7. possibility

8. increase

9. per cent

10. in addition

11. diversity

12. regard

13. stage of development

14. decade

15. directly

16. approach

17. as compared with

18. beam

19. widespread

20. oscillate


Unit 18

Vocabulary Bank


1. spectrum

2. universe

3. position

4. movement

5. constitution

6. analyze light

7. observe

8. amount to

9. correspond

10. wavelength

11. intensity

12. phenomenon

13. absorption

14. substance

15. vapourize

16. luminous

17. uniformity

18. isolated lines

19. yield

20. glow

21. hydrogen

22. exhibit

23. disclose

24. occur

25. pass

26. amount

27. background

28. appear

29. interpose

30. investigate

31. iron

32. calcium

33. condition

34. path

35. surround

36. contain

37. strengthen

38. layer

39. prove

40. building block



More Words to Learn

1. existence

2. matter of interest

3. acquire

4. continuous

5. order

6. rainbow

7. cross

8. immense

9. definite

10. be characteristic of

11. consequently

12. thus

13. alone

14. exactly

15. bright

16. precisely

17. in respect to

18. happen

19. complete

20. suppose



Unit 19

Vocabulary Bank


1. process (v)

2. input data

3. output data

4. raw

5. a great deal of

6. error-free

7. accuracy

8. experience

9. manmade pattern

10. brain

11. draw up

12. order

13. carry out

14. devise

15. processing

16. set of instructions

17. routine

18. break down

19. sequence

20. add

21. multiply

22. compare

23. modify

24. cause

25. capacity

26. store

27. associate

28. recall

29. accept

30. convert

31. fundamentals

32. specify

33. comprise

34. arrange

35. involve

36. list (listing)

37. input-to-output conversion

38. express

39. term

40. field of computing


More Words to Learn

1. certainly

2. case

3. prior

4. skill

5. concern

6. emphasize

7. be capable of

8. perfect

9. however

10. most of

11. avoid

12. lack of

13. combination

14. along with

15. provided (conj.)

16. virtually

17. because of

18. to be more precise

19. to be subject to

20. failure




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