АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Player’s Generals Stat Boost
Note: Some officers my not be assigned to their original force like in Dynasty Warriors console version because some officers are originally in the NPC (gray) forces at beginning of the episode. They will defect to the force that took their towns.
*Orange background means the officers that are no longer to be appearing in the current episode (Battle of Chi Bi). *White background means those officers may appear as the episode progress. *Sky blue background means the officers are added via patches.
GM Report #1
こんばんはShadowさん。GM lowootamです。
Title: Information from GM
Good evening, Mr. Shadow (You!). I am GM lowootam.
There was a not suitable remark on play in the chat while Mr. Shadow was playing a game. So I contacted you.
Official site > Support Information > Game Rules
While you are on the street, it is prohibited to gives the unpleasantness to other players during a game.
I hope you follow the game rules because GM will do the punishment (ex. Suspendtation or Ban) if you continue do the similar things. Please contact to me via GM report if there is anything you want to say. I must leave now.
を – wo (Sound: o) は − ha (Sound: wa)
Sample Expression Setting Shortcuts Translation (Each character’s sounds are having different quotes from the list)
In Battle Quotes:
Page 1 あちらに見えるのは どなたでしょう? Who is that? あなたか真の三國無双ですの? You're a true Dynasty Warriors of the Three Kingdoms! あら すみません I'm sorry. あら どなたか助けてくださいません? Please help me. あら もうすぐ勝ってしまうわ The victory is close. あら よろしくお願いします Let's try our best together. あら? 間違えてしまいましたわ I made a mistake. ありかとうごどいます Thanks! お強いのですね 感心しました You are very strong. I admired. この拠点 取りましたわ I got a base. これで終わりですの? Is your ability this degree? たいへん楽しかったですわ It was very fun.
Page 2 どうもありかとうございました Thank you very much. どなたか ここにいませんの? Is there anyone? どなたか ここに行きませんの? Someone go here, please? なぜ怖い顔してらっしゃるの? Why are you angry? Quests! (特務 − tokumu)
After Quest Window’s Vocabulary
難易度 − Nannido − Difficulty (Rank) 達成評価 − Tassei hyouka − Achievement Evaluation (Grade) 内政値 − Naiseiti − Domestic affairs value