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KO Counts 2 страница

Quests that have green background give the 液体染料 (Dye Liquid x1).

Quests that have orange background give the Clothing Materials for 仕立て (Tailoring)!

· 不気味な兵士群 gives 鮮卑布 (Xianbei Cloth x1).

· 山道整備 gives 武陵布 (Utopia Cloth x1).

Quests that have light blue background gain a new ingredient for合成 (Synthesis). [Only once]

*二人で腕と運試し: New Year Event (January 18th, 2008 ~ February 20th, 2008)

It gives the helmet日輪冠 for male or 金角緋兜 for female for Rank A (Lv 1 Helm) and Rank S (Lv 5 Helm).


*楼多くとも三人で: Chinese’s New Year Event (February 20th, 2008 ~ March 19th, 2008)

It gives the helmet独角龍腕甲 for male or螺旋金麗環 for female for Rank A (Lv 1 Gloves) and Rank S (Lv 5 Gloves).


Rank S:Blue Book x4, Taoist Water x4, Table Tea Set x3, “Slot 5” Bottle x4, X-Ice Orb x2

Rank A:Blue Book x3, Taoist Water x3, X-Destructive Strip x5, X-Ice Orb x1

[E01] 息子の更正 − The Son's Correction (Rank: E)


Obtain This Quest form: 行商 (Trader NPC in Market)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



Victory Condition: You meet with 阿直and all the bandit leaders who meet are defeated before time run out.



Defeat Condition: The bandit leaders with all the mountain heads cannot be defeated when time run out OR this officer (阿直) is defeated by mistake.



Just don't defeat阿直, but defeat the other 4 Bandit Leaders (will be in different names)... All officers are buffed with DEFENSE x2. They can be in any of these 5 locations: southeast of enemy’s supply base, east of west base, at the isolated red group southwest of the north base, west of the north base, and another one at North of the Southwest base. If you defeat all bandits and 阿直 survived, you completed the quest.

To Get Rank S: Complete this quest with 11:15 Minutes on the clock!


[E02] 算法老師の問い − Algorithm Question of Roushi (Rank: E)


Obtain This Quest from: 骨董商 (The Antique’s Shop NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



Victory Condition: The answer of a mysterious hermit or the problem putting it out is found in the time limit.



Defeat Condition: The answer of the hermit or the problem putting it out is not found in the time limit.



  • Solve these math problems! (Time Limit: 12 Min, Rank S: Complete this quest with 7:15 Minutes on the clock.)
  • Get the amount of K.O. to anything that can divided by 21 then enter to East Base.
  • Get the amount of K.O. to anything that can divided by 35 then enter to East Base.
  • Get the amount of K.O. to anything that can divided by 63 then enter to East Base.
  • Get the amount of K.O. to anything that can divide by 21, 35, and 63 then enter to the ally’s Supply Base!
  • Shortcut! Just get 315 K.O. then enter to East Base until condition changes and then rush to Supply Base!


[E03] 鉄材の収集 − Collection of Iron (Rank: E)

Obtain This Quest from: 鍛冶識人 (Blacksmith NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



Victory Condition: Your K.O. Count is 200 or MORE before time run out.



Defeat Condition: Your K.O. Count is LESS THAN 200 after time ran out.



Simple, kill tons of troops! However, there is a trick through. It started with isolated group of 5 troops spread throughout the map. To get more enemies, you have to take the bases! It is recommended to take 2 bases that are close to each others. After you take a base, more troops will be show up outside the base that you took and its respawn rate is much better than the start of the battle. Recommended to kill more than 200 KOs for better grade (To Get Rank S: Get more than 950 KOs!)

[E04] 娘を救い出せ − Rescue My Daughter (Rank: E)

Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player


Victory Condition: The base of the enemy who has been caught daughter is suppressed in the time limit.



Defeat Condition: My daughter can't be saved in the time limit.


  • First, take the base at southwest.
  • Then defeat Bandit Chief. He will try to escape, kill him before he escapes!
  • To Get Rank S: Finish this quest with 10 minutes left on the clock!

[E05] 幻の酒 − Rare Sake (Rank: E)


Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



Victory Condition: The thief is defeated in the time limit and "Rare Sake" is got back.



Defeat Condition: You did not get "Rare Sake" back in the time limit.



  • Take 2 of 3 tower bases
  • Kill the Bandit Leader (頭領), the signal will locate where he is.
  • Kill the Genetic Officer (運び屋) who will run away from you try to escape and hold “Rare Sake.”
  • To Get Rank S: Finish this quest with 9:15 minutes left on the clock!

囲まれた討伐隊 − Enclosed Subjugation Corps (Rank: D)


Obtain This Quest from: 武官 (Clash Officer NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



Victory Condition: A home base of enemy troops is controlled in restriction time.



Defeat Condition: A home base of enemy troops can't be controlled in restriction time. Or the subjugation officer is defeated.



  • Get 100 KOs then 200 KOs. Get those KOs near the blue general surrounded by enemies.
  • Take 2 bases, the 4-Captains base at the southeast of you starting position and the 4-towers base at the 2nd north base (not most north).
  • Defeat officer (Hyper Mode) at the northwest of the 4-towers base.
  • Finally, take the enemy’s supply base!

弟子を連れ戻せ − Bring the Apprentice Back. (Rank: D)


Obtain This Quest from: 仕立て職人 (Clothing Shop NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



Victory Condition: The apprentice who controls the base in the time limit and is hiding by him/herself in the base somewhere is discovered.



Defeat Condition: It fails to discover the apprentice in the time limit.



  • Just take bases until you found the base contain apprentice. (Usually, about 2 ~ 3 bases)
  • To Get Rank S: Finish this quest with 10 minutes left on the clock!

密売組織掃討戦− Illicit Sale Class Knowledge Cleaning Up War (Rank: D)


Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



Victory Condition: The illicit sale class knowledge of the river port is made to be annihilated in the time limit.



Defeat Condition: It is escaped by the people of the illicit sale class knowledge.



  • This quest is not easy as I thought. There is some conditions that can being lower grade if you do anything wrong.
  • There are 4 of 4-Captain bases and 2 of 4-Tower bases. You cannot go close to the 4-Tower bases. Otherwise, your grade cannot be higher than Rank B. (Because the objective of this quest is to kill all officers along with the boss without watchtower notice you)
  • You will start at northwest area. First officer you need to defeat is located at southeast of the map near the enemy’s supply base. Go through the 4-Captain base (at the north of the map, in front of your starting point). Then, go all the way to the east, then goes to south to get there. Then, defeat the bandit there.
  • The second target is located at center northeast (below the most east 4-Captain base) of the map. From the first target’s location, loop back through the path that contain the spread of yellow troops. Watch out for 4-Tower base at center of the map there. Stay as far as possible. Then, go to northeast path to defeat the second officer.
  • The third target is located at southwest of the map. However, before you go there, go back down to center intersection, and then loop back to make a visit to second north 4-Captain base there. If it says, “保管庫を占拠した!” (Storage was occupied!) Then take that base. If it says, “この拠点は保管庫ではないようだ” (This base doesn't seem to be the storage), then move on to southwest of the map. Watch out for 4-Tower base at center area. You can avoid by go to eastern path at center intersection then go straight south to defeat officer there. You should pass another 4-Captain base. Again, if it says “保管庫を占拠した!” Take the base. Otherwise, move on.
  • Once all 3 officers are defeated, boss will appear at the north of the map (east of 4-Captain northern base) and the sub-boss near the enemy’s supply base. You don’t have to defeat the sub-boss to get Rank S. However, you need to capture the Storage Base. Therefore, if either of last 2 bases was Depository, then just defeat the boss to finish the quest. If not, then after you defeat the third one, visit the base there. If that base says “保管庫を占拠した!” Then take it! Otherwise, the northern base is the Storage Base and you should be taken that base.
  • Then, finish up by defeat the boss at the north of the map to finish this detective quest!
  • NOTE: If you got the message that say “頭目と副頭目が撤退の準備を開始!” (A boss and an associate boss begin to prepare a withdrawal). This means that the watchtower already caught you. You will still complete the quest by defeat the boss, but the highest possible grade will be only Rank B.
  • To Get Rank S: Just complete all tasks and do not let watchtower catch you. Time is not determining the grade.

悪いのは誰? − Who is the Bad One? (Rank: D)


Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



Victory Condition: In the time limit, the brother who is fighting is defeated to each brother without fail by one person and four total people or more.



Defeat Condition: To the place where the name withheld by request exists though it is not possible to knock down to each brother or more (four total people or more) in the time limit or it doesn't knock down and to the line



  • There are 8 generals can to be kill, 4 in red and 4 in yellow. Go either one, and kill all 4. Locations are told at the beginning.
  • Out of 4, there is one is a bowman. However, all 4 are in super-Hyper Mode, bewared!
  • After kill 4 generals, if you wanted to end the quest now, go report at the northwest corner (blue area) and stand with general for 15 seconds. The quest ends right after 15 seconds had been reached.
  • However, to get Rank S, defeat all 8 officers with more than 6:19 Minutes left on the clock!
    (Ignore the 15 seconds waiting report!)

戦場の亡霊 − Revenant in Battlefield (Rank: D)


Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



Victory Condition: Revenant's true color is solved in the time limit and the disclosure problem is solved.



Defeat Condition: Cannot the disclosure problem be solved or revenant's true color is done in the time limit.



  • Take the center-north base.
  • There will be 3 officers appear. You have to keep killing those 3 until all of them are retreat.
  • A blue group will appear near the enemy’s supply base with 4 officers nearby. Defeat those 4 officers there will make more enemies spawn. Do not defeat the guy at the east of the map, it will just keep reappearing.
  • After all 4 officers defeated, use those newly spawned troops to get at least 777 KOs.
  • Finally, defeat that Nanman officer at the east of the map to finish this quest!

捕虜と盗品の奪還 − Captive and Recapture of Stolen Goods (Rank: D)


Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



Victory Condition: The Futoshi white is rescued in the time limit, and sake is recaptured.



Defeat Condition: The Futoshi white is not extricable in the time limit.



  • There will be 2 generals appear at you starting point (southeast of the map), kill them both!
  • Then go to the 3 bases that have the Supply Base at the northwest of the map. You have to take the bases until it says, “奪われた酒を発見!”(The missing sake was found!) The best order to take these bases is Base #6, then Supply Base, and then Base #5. If you found goods in earlier base, you do not have to take anymore base in the northwest. Take note on which base that you found the good, and then move on to the northeast area.
  • Then go to the 3 bases area at the northeast of the map. Now, this is depending on which base that you got the missing goods from. You have to take the right base for the fastest way to do this step. If you take the right one, it will says, “捕らわれた太白を発見!”(The person who got captured was found!) Here are the matches…
    • If you found the goods from Base #6, take the Base #3.
    • If you found the goods from Enemy’s Supply Base, take the Base #1
    • If you found the goods from Base #5, take the Base #2
  • Finally, defeat the chief bandit at the northeast of the map! (in Defense x2 Buff)
  • To Get Rank S: Finish this quest with more than 7:09 minutes left on the clock!

援軍出撃要請 − Reinforcements Sortie Request (Rank: D)


Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



Victory Condition: The role of reinforcements is played, and it smashes the enemy.



Defeat Condition: The role of reinforcements cannot be played.



  • The general will speak then disappear to another battle. He is just actually telling the instruction. He asks you to clear ALL of enemies in the island of your starting point. Defeat all troops and 2 bases there before the enemy reinforcement appears (Those troops are not respawn)
  • If you succeed, the reinforcement will appear at the south of the map. Now, take the north base!
  • After you take that base, it actually prevents enemy’s reinforcement. The Thief Leader will appear at the west of the map. He is in Hyper Mode though. Defeat him to finish this quest.

有閑七賢人 − Seven Leisured Wise Men (Rank: D)


Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



Victory Condition: Found seven people from their origins and defeated in the time limit.



Defeat Condition: Seven people cannot be discovered in the time limit.



  • Kill 7 officers. They appeared all over the map. At beginning, the map will locate first 6. After defeat each one, the map will show their locations again until you defeat all 6. You have to clear two barriers when you travel through the western path. Therefore, it is recommended to upgrade Destructive Power.
  • After all 6 are done, the last one will appear just south of your starting points. Defeat him to finish the quest.
  • To Get Rank S: Finish this quest with 6 minutes on the clock and achieve at least 400 KO Counts!

湖沼の怪 − Of Lakes and Marshes (Rank: D)


Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



Victory Condition: The cause of grotesqueness is ascertained and solved in the time limit.



Defeat Condition: The cause of grotesqueness is not ascertained in the time limit.



  • Get 100 KOs in 3 Minutes!
  • Kill the Hyper Mode officer in the northwest corner.
  • Kill the 2 women Amazon Officer at (roughly) the same time in the southwest corner.
  • Kill the officers at southeast corner before he reaches to your commander.
  • Last, but not least, kill the Hyper Mode Nanman officer in the central area!

行方知れずの兄弟 − Brother of Zu (Rank: D)


Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



Victory Condition: At least one of among brothers who exist somewhere in the battlefield is protected in the time limit.



Defeat Condition: All three brothers who exist somewhere in the battlefield are defeated in the time limit.



  • This quest is annoying! You have to protect at least 1 out of 3 brothers to complete this quest. However, to achieve with Rank S, you must protect them all! (1 = E, 2 = C, 3 = S)
  • You just have to make the visit to all brothers, not staying with brothers! After you saw the brother, just move on and kill soldiers around the area! (You are acting like their bodyguards here…)
  • 1st Brother: Enter to the north base of your starting point. He will appear at the east of the map. Rescue him when he request until he goes to town safely.
  • 2nd Brother: Get 2 bases in the northwest corners. He will appear at the southeast of the enemy’s Supply Base. Do the same to him by rescue him if he requests until he goes to town safely.
  • 3rd Brother: Defeat the Chief Bandit at southeast corner and he will appear. This one must be quick! No loitering! Run like crazy to him to complete this insane quest!
  • To Get Rank S: Secure all 3 brothers with more than 4:07 minutes left on the clock!


Some important lines:


_________ が無事 街に帰っていった! _____ が敵に撃破された!

__________ safely returned to the town. ______ was defeated by the enemy.

迷惑な道士 − Troubled Taoist (Rank: D)


Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



Victory Condition: All Taoists of the mystery is defeated in the time limit in correct order.


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