KO Counts 4 страница
Pattern #3
1. S: 天同 → N: 巨門
2. S: 天府 → N: 破軍
3. S: 天相 → N: 武曲
4. N: 禄存 → S: 七殺
5. N: 廉貞 → S: 天梁
6. N: 貧狼 → S: 天機
7. N: 文曲
Some important lines:
Though the legend was investigated in detail…
_______ of the North Star & _________ of South Star are the match to each other!
落ちぶれ道士 − Taoist Corruption (Rank: C)
Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player
- Another annoying quest! Speed is a must in this quest!
- First, you have to defeat 2 officers that are like 100 meters apart from each other within 10 seconds apart!
- Therefore, you have to lure them as close as you can. The best way is to take bases. They will move from base to base. Take the yellow one to make yellow officer move and take the red one will make the red officer move.
- Keep taking bases until those officers move to center of the map, use this change to kill them both fast! (Be warned, They will get power-up after you take those bases)
- Once you done that, 4 Taoists will appear! They all also in Hyper Mode too! Kill the correct one to finish this quest!
- To Get Rank S: Finish this quest with 7 minutes left on the clock!
獣のごとき山賊 − Bandits Like Animals (Rank: C)
Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player
- This one is just to take bases and kill the officer with animal names in Japanese!
- There are 7 bases in total. All of them are 4-captain base. After you take a base, one officer will appear. However, if you take all seven bases, to make all officers appear. You may get confuse and killed the wrong officer, which lead to failure of the quest.
- Since you start at the Base #2, just take that base. Then, look at the Base #5 (at the center of the map) really closely!
o If the red dot (officer) appears at the east of the Base #5. That’s the non-animal officer. Then, you have to take Base #1, #3, #5, and #6 to call all 4 animal officers out!
o If the red dot (officer) appears at the north of the Base #5. That officer is the animal officer. Then, you have to take Base #3, #5, and #7 for another 3 animal officers!
- After you take the bases that you need to kill these four animal officers. Their names are羊融 (Sheep), 馬鵬 (Horse), 呉熊 (Bear), 田豹 (Leopard). All of those officers buffed with DEFENSE x2 and they are in Hyper Mode (Unstun to normal attack), so watch out your HP bar! Defeat those four officers to finish this quest!
- To Get Rank S: Finish this quest with 7:05 minutes left on the clock!
盗品回収 − Collection of Stolen Goods (Rank: C)
Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player
Victory Condition: Two thieves who run away in another direction with the jar one by one are defeated compared with the time limit.
Defeat Condition: Thief can't be destroyed in the time limit.
- First, take a yellow base near your starting point.
- Then, defeat the yellow officer in Hyper Mode located near your starting point.
- Then, take another yellow base.
- There are 2 thieves. One at south of east base and another one at west of north base. The Hyper Mode genetic officers are also there along with thieves.
- First, go to the east; kill both thief and the hyper genetic officer.
- Then, a yellow officer appears at southwest corner of the map. Defeat him too.
- Finally, defeat the hyper genetic officer before you defeat the thief to finish the quest with Rank S.
泉の仙人 − Hermit in Fountain (Rank: C)
Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player
Victory Condition: The soldier who lost contact is found in the time limit.
Defeat Condition: The soldier who lost contact cannot be found in the time limit.
- First, find the soldier who lost contact at the south of northwest base. Do not defeat him! Just walk pass by him. Then break the barrier there and kill Taoist at the north water area.
- After that, his clones will start to play jokes on you. Kill in this exact order to make the real Taoist appears!
o Start by break the barrier at the east, and then go to south to defeat Taoist at southeast area.
o Then, defeat another Taoist at southwest area.
o Then, another Taoist appears just northeast of the last Taoist that you just killed (near original starting point in the southwest area), defeat that Taoist.
o There will be more Taoist appears. Go to the northwest area near enemy’s supply base. Defeat some troops to make that Taoist appears. Defeat him as well!
- If you do these steps right, the real Taoist appears at the northeast area of the map. Defeat him to finish this quest!
- To Get Rank S: Finish this quest with more than 8 minutes left on the clock!
算法老師ふたたび − Double Algorithm Questions of Roushi (Rank: D)
Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 2 Players
- If you think 1 person math quest is easy, try this!
- First math problem for both of you is…
o 1st Player: Get the amount of K.O. to anything that can divide by 21.
o 2nd Player: Get the amount of K.O. to anything that can divide by 35.
o The sum amount of K.O. of both players is can be divided by 10.
o After all 3 conditions are done; both players go to ally’s Supply Base.
o Defeat odd numbers’ officers that can be added up to whatever sum he asked! Officers are in Hyper Mode!
o Do this strictly! Do not go beyond the sum that he asked for or else this quest will fail!
o Key Numbers on Yellow Side: 7, 23, 27, 31 & Key Numbers on Red Side: 5, 13, 17, 29
o Once you done, both players go back to ally’s supply base to finish this silly math quest!
Possible Sum on Math Problem #2:
- 44 = 31 + 13
- 47 = 31 + 13 + 3
- 58 = 31 + 27
- 60 = 31 + 29
- 87 = 31 + 29 + 27
- 92 = 31 + 27 + 29 + 5
月の絆 − Honeymoon (Rank: C)
Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 2 Players
Victory Condition: The enemy who becomes a target is defeated in the time limit.
Defeat Condition: The enemy who becomes a target cannot be defeated in the time limit. Also, the quest will fail if 2 players stay apart too far for too long.
- This quest seems to be like the “Husband and Wife” stage in Dynasty Warriors 5 that you have to stick together and can’t be too far away from each other…
- The simple task is to take all 4 bases and then kill the female officer, that’s it! However, you need to keep stick together all the time though!
- To get better grade, try to stick together and finish the quest as fast as possible!
落ちこぼれ黄布軍 − Wipeout Yellow Turban Army (Rank: C)
Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 2 Players
- Take 2 bases just in front of both players (signal given) in 3 minutes!
- Then take the yellow 4-towers southwest base.
- Then, troops will appear near the base that you just took. Defeat them until players get combination of 1000 KOs.
- Then, both players will be separate to defeat 2 officers, one in northwest and another one in southeast.
- Last, but not least, the final showdown is to defeat 2 Zhang Jiao in Hyper Mode! Then the quest is done…
- To Get Rank S:Complete this quest with 7 Minutes left on the clock!
伝令護送作戦 − Orderly Convoy Operation (Rank: C)
Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 3 Players
Victory Condition: The orderly is safely sent to the destination in the time limit.
Defeat Condition: The orderly is not sent to the destination in the time limit.
- Take all 3 bases in the northeast corner (where you started)
- Kill all enemies in the same area after you took bases.
- Take 2 bases: One in northwest and one in the east. Follow the yellow bombardier, NOT defeat him.
- Lure yellow officer to whatever base he asked for.
- Take whatever base that bombardier asked for.
- Your team (all 3 K.O. Count combined) kills the amount of K.O. that bombardier asked for! [Usually, 1200 KOs]
- Take the supply base, defeat all troops in the south of southwest base, and then protect him to supply base!
- Kill 3 officers that appear. They will try to run at first, kill them all. (Hyper Mode)
- Finally, go to where bombardier is. All players must be there in order to complete the quest!
- To Get Rank S: Finish all task with 5 Minutes left on the clock!
三者三様三賊軍 − Three Rebels of Three Different Ways by Three Different Persons (Rank: C)
Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 3 Players
Victory Condition: Three rebel armies are defeated before time run out.
Defeat Condition: Three rebel armies are not defeated after time ran out.
- You should equip the weapon with high Attack and use equipments that add Musou for this quest.
- First, all 3 players should take all 3 bases: One in west, one in east, and one in northeast and take all 3 in 4 minutes!
It will make signal on bases that you needed to take. (One player per base is recommended!) - Then do all these 3 tasks as fast as possible, which are: Take 2 the 4-towers bases at north of the map, kill 7 Hyper Mode Sub-Generals at the south of the map, and get your team to 1,000 KO Counts. Your team should cooperation very well to do these tasks as fast as possible.
- After those are done, defeat 3 Hyper Mode Shu Brothers (Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Liu Bei) to finish the quest!
- For the best performance: Get the weapon with Slot 6 as “????” Then, make that slot as “Attack 2x” (攻撃2倍). Then, try not to get any more bottles to use for defeat those 3 brothers later. All 3 players should lure Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, and Liu Bei in 3 different directions. Lure them to the box and hope for “Imperial Seal” for 10 seconds unlimited Musou. If you got that, use it and buff the “Attack 2x” then use the Musou to kill them to death!
- To get Rank S: Finish this quest with 5 minutes left on the clock!
街道整備 − Street Maintenance (Rank: B)
Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player
Victory Conditions:
· Enemies are destroyed in time limit, and bases are controlled, with a safe way for a regular customer visitor is made.
· Existence of robber's boss is also talked about, whether you're going to defeat him or not...,....
Defeat Conditions:
· A safe way for a regular customer visitor can't be made in time limit.
· Safety of a regular customer visitor can't be secured.
- The aim for this quest is to make a passage that customer can go through safely.
- The customer is at the top, you started from the bottom of the map.
- You must kill every single troop, nothing left and bases that you passed by!
- As you walk pass by, there will be thieves appear! Kill them!
- After you make your way to the top of the map and done correctly (kill troops and take bases), the boss appear in Hyper Mode. Defeat him to finish the quest!
- Take the left path when you start then go to the right path after you take the center base to get Rank S on this quest.
山道整備 − Mountain Path Maintenance (Rank: B)
Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player
Victory Condition: You complete all of the tasks to defeat an enemy, control a base, secure safety of a regular customer visitor, and destroy a boss in the time limit.
Defeat Condition: Safety of a regular customer visitor can't be secured in the time limit.
- This quest is just similar to the “街道整備 − Street Maintenance” quest. Take bases as you passed by. Kill all troops as you passed by to make the safety passage.
- Troops are connected from base to base, defeat them all! (Troops’ color should be red alternated with yellow continuously if you take the right path.)
- Also, you have to take enemy’s supply base as well, then the boss will appear just south of that supply base! He is in Musou-Stunnable Hyper Mode, so defeat him!
鮮やかな進撃 − Vivid Advancement (Rank: B)
Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player
Victory Condition: Robber's messenger and the chief are defeated in the time limit. When whether you were the person who helps enemy troops appeared, those are also defeated.
Defeat Condition: Robber's messenger and a chief (When having gone out of whether they're the person who helps enemy troops, those are included.) can't be defeated in time limit.
- Note: Do not run too fast or you will miss out some important officers to kill!
- There will be 2 messengers at the beginning of the quest. One yellow and one red. They will be moving and trying to leave the map. However, you can enter bases (not necessary taking them) to confuse them.
- Do not take the enemy base at all and pass these bases once or the highest grade is only Rank C!
- When you meet one of those messengers, defeat him! Defeat another messenger as well!
- After 2 messengers are defeated, the Chief Bandit appears near enemy’s supply base, defeat him as well!
- Start to return the ally’s supply base, but…
- There will be another partner appear while you returning, defeat him too! Then go to Supply Base to finish the quest!
- To Get Rank S: Complete all tasks without pass enemy base more than once!
魔城の幻術士 − Magicians of an Addict Castle (Rank: B)
Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player
- The aim of this quest is to defeat 3 pupil officers before you defeat the Taoist officer as the last one.
- All officers in this quest are in Hyper Mode, use your caution!
- Defeat the Taoists (4 yellow dots that signal given at beginning) will be useless, since they will keep reborn!
- First pupil located at southeast of the southwest central enemy’s base. Defeat him!
- Second pupil locate somewhere in red area. However, in order to find him, you need to use stairs and step up at the top of the wall! After that, signal will locates where he is. Defeat him as well!
- You have to take central enemy bases (4 red bases) until third pupil appear. Defeat him!
- Finally, go to where the last Taoist is. Signal will be given to locate him. Defeat him to finish this quest!
Requirement Patterns:
- If 2nd Child found at east of the northwest central base (possible bases for 3rd child are)…
o Take the northwest central OR southwest central base to make 3rd Child appears.
- If 2nd Child found at south of the northeast central base (possible bases for 3rd child are)…
o Take the northwest central OR southeast central OR northeast central base to make 3rd Child appears.
- If 2nd Child found in front of the south of castle’s large stair (north of the map)…
o Take the northwest central OR southwest central OR southeast central base to make 3rd Child appears.
不気味な兵士群 − Weird Soldier Group (Rank: B)
Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player
Victory Condition: It is defeated whether you're some persons who handle soldier earth in time limit.
Defeat Condition: It can't be destroyed whether you're some persons who handle soldier earth in time limit
- This quest is just plain annoying! First get 100 KOs, but most troops are bowmen, so a bit hard to get KOs.
- Then, Zhang Jiao appears in Hyper Mode as usual, kill him!
- That is not the end. The Taoist appears! (Darn, he is easier to kill then Zhang Jiao…) Defeat him to finish the quest!
不死の香炉 − Immortal Censer (Rank: B)
Obtain This Quest from: 骨董商 (Antique’s Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player
Victory Condition: A censer is regained before time run out.
Defeat Condition: A censer can't be regained before time run out.
- This quest is help you learn secret passages on the map! Since those thieves are hide in there!
- First, defeat a thief at north of your starting position. He says I did not hold the censer!
- Then go down south, exit the secret passage, and kill another thief. (Hyper Mode) He will say I don’t have one!
- Now, go through the secret passage again. Then, exit at center of the map (there should be no barriers in between path). Defeat the red troop right on the exit.
- Then, enter to northern secret passage. Signals will be given to show where you can enter from.
- Once you enter, there will be an ambush, defeat all troops inside from the entrance to exit at northwest of the map.
- Then take the northwest’s base! It will say, the information was false report!
- The real thief appears, in Hyper Mode too! Kill him along with his Hyper Mode troops too!
- Finally, the real censor is located at southeast corner, go there and finish the quest!
- To Get Rank S: Finish this quest with 10 Minutes on the clock!
盗賊団撃退戦 − Thief Mass Repulsion War (Rank: B)
Obtain This Quest from: 鍛冶識人 (Blacksmith NPC in Market)
Amount of Player Needed: 2 Players
- First, take all 8 bases and kill all 8 officers (officers will turns into Hyper after kill some officers) that spread throughout the map. (Signals will be given rapidly to remind you where officers and bases are)
- Then, just kill the Hyper Mode genetic officer at center of the map, that’s it!
路峰を救え!− Rescue the Returning Path! (Rank: B)
Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 2 Players
- First, one player stays where he/she is and another player attracts the enemy.
- The attracting player needs to destroy the yellow base at the northeast corner and also attract enemy at the same time.
- If both players found out by enemies, then enemy officers will come out in front of the bases. Officers are in Hyper Mode! You have to defeat them if that occurs.
- No matter which situation you faced, after you complete the tasks, boss will appear in Hyper Mode. Defeat him!
昆虫採集 − Insect Collection (Rank: B)
Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)
Amount of Player Needed: 2 Players
- The objective for this quest is to get first rank by get as many invisible bugs as possible!
- First, both players need to run down to the most southern base through the hidden paths at the center of the map.
- Ignore any yellow officers in the hidden paths, as they are just the bug collector challengers.
- After both players arrive at the southern base. One player stands at the east of the bases, while another player stands at the west of the base. The signal around your partner and you indicate that your team gets a bug. Just stand there and clear troops around the area for another nine boring minutes. Don’t move too much, as you will be slower rate on getting bugs. By the end, your team should be in the first rank and get Rank S on this quest! What the…
二人で腕と運試し − The Test of Luck: 2 Persons Edition (Rank: B)