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The “Fuu un Musouden” (風雲無双伝) Event’s Quests

(Wednesday, December 19th, 2007 @ 17:00 JST ~ Wednesday, January 16th, 2008 @ 14:00 JST)


No. Quest Name Need x Players NPC Rank Domestic Affairs Value’s Added to…
商業 流通 軍事 技術 治安
放浪歌人の悩み 影浩宣 C        
気まぐれな隠者 影浩宣 C        
敵は内にあり? 影浩宣 C        
復活の歌声 影浩宣 C        
No. Quest Name Need x Players NPC Rank Awards (Rank S, Unless Noted)…
放浪歌人の悩み 影浩宣 C Special Gloves (無敵烈女環) x1, Ice Orb x2
気まぐれな隠者 影浩宣 C Special Shoes (双黎脚甲) x1, Musou Wine x2, Table Tea Set x2
敵は内にあり? 影浩宣 C Special Helmet (風鳥羽冠) x1, Fire Orb x2
復活の歌声 影浩宣 C Special Armor (雲錦楽衣) x1, Ice Cloak x1



放浪歌人の悩み - Worries of a Roam Poet (Rank: C)

(Available from Wednesday, December 19th, 2007 @ 17:00 JST ~ Wednesday, January 16th, 2008 @ 14:00 JST)


Obtain This Quest from: 影浩宣

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player


You get… Special Gloves = 無敵闘魂腕 for Male, 無敵烈女環 for Female!

(Attack +6, Destructive +2, Defense −1, Musou +10)



  • First, go to the Yellow Officer (張三) location at the center-east of the map.
  • He will start to run away to the west, defeat him!
  • Now, the thief team appears. Your task now is to take 100 troops base, defeat that 2 twin female thieves at the same time, and take the tower base at northwest of the map!
  • Take the 100 troops base first is recommended. After you take the base, the hidden thief appears and run to the west. Defeat that thief!
  • Now, defeat that 2 twin female thieves at the same time! Try to do in one shot. Otherwise, they will revive with “Attack x2” buffs and you will have harder time to fight with them!
  • Then take down the bowmen tower base at northwest of the map. Once the tower destroys, the bowman captain will appear with “Defense x2” buff. Defeat him!
  • Finally, run to ally’s supply base to complete this quest!
  • Note: You will get Rank S regardless of time leftover on the clock!



気まぐれな隠者 - Capricious Hermit (Rank: C)

(Available from Wednesday, December 26th, 2007 @ 17:00 JST ~ Wednesday, January 16th, 2008 @ 14:00 JST)


Obtain This Quest from: 影浩宣

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player


You get… Special Shoes = 双璧長靴for Male, 双黎脚甲for Female!

(Destructive −2, Musou +10, Speed +3, Jump +3)


  • This quest is tricky! You really have to read the instructions when the NPC giving you the quest…
  • He said the following:

o 『この暗号を解いて指示の通りに従えば 汝の弦を返却せん』
When solving this cipher and following as directions, your bowstring isn't returned.

o 『倒すべし 黄金の中の赤き遁世者砦通ふ四神 二道を行き三国は六天を生ず砦避くる五聖 七転八倒して一に帰する行くなかれ 米麦の有る処 災い多からん過ぐるべし 北東北面の門』
You have to defeat... Gold medium red retirement person. Fort expert of four god in Three Kingdoms takes two ways and five Takashi who comes 砦避 which causes Rokuten writhes, and attributes to one.

  • With these conditions, the true conditions are:

o You cannot just do all instructions.

o You cannot go to Base #5 (Southwest Base), Base #7 (South Base), Base #8 (Southeast Base), and either of Supply Base.

o This means that Base #1 (North Base) is not included due to it is not include in conditions.

o Go from South to North… which means you have to go in this order, Base #6, Base #4, Base #3, and Base #2.

  • If you accidentically enter to wrong bases, this quest will become automatically failed…
  • Do the following in this order strictly!
    NOTE: You know the Base # by count the dots inside the base’s square on the map.
  • Base #6 (Center-South Base → 4-Tower Base):
    Do KO Count that can divide by 101, but less than 1,000 and return to Base #6.
  • The go to west, at south of Base #4, you should see a Taoist officer there, defeat him!
  • Base #4 (West Base → 100-Troop Base):
    There will be one yellow officer appears at south of the ally’s supply base. He must be alive for one minute then defeat him after that. (The time counter will not start until you reach to officer location.)
  • Then make a u-turn. Do not enter to supply base, no matter what! Go through Base #4, Base #6, and then proceed to Base #3.
  • Base #3 (Center-North Base → 4-Captain Base):
    You and your bodyguard stay apart from each other and go to Base #2 (Northeast Base).
  • Base #2 (Northeast Base → 100-Troop Base):
    Take the Base #2 in 3 minutes.
  • After that you go a bit further north, Taoist officer should be appears. Defeat him to finish this quest!


敵は内にあり? - Is There an Enemy Inside? (Rank: C)

(Available from Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008 @ 17:00 JST ~ Wednesday, January 16th, 2008 @ 14:00 JST)


Obtain This Quest from: 影浩宣

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player


You get… Special Helmet = 風韻頭巾for Male, 風鳥羽冠for Female!

(Destructive +2, Musou +10)



  • The task in this quest is to defeat a real thief without defeating the wrong one!
  • First, take two 4-tower bases at southeast (Base #3) and northwest (Base #4) bases inside the castle area. You have to go upstairs and jump down to go to these bases.
  • After you take those 2 bases, kill some troops until your KO Count is 200 KOs.
  • Do not get your KO Count to 200 until you take both tower bases out!
  • Once your KO Count hits 200 KO, the 4 witnesses appears in the following locations: near tall building at the north of the map, north of the large stair at the north of the map, at the stair of in the west of the map, and the stair beside the southwest base (Base #2) inside the castle area. One of them is the thief. The thief has Nanman face with the name賈景. Do not defeat anybody else. Search for him (as he can be anywhere) and defeat him (he is in Hyper Mode) to complete this quest!
  • However, you cannot get the awards yet, until you go to the market area and find the NPC named趙虹 to give her stuff back. Then, you can go to影浩宣 to get the awards.

復活の歌声 - Revival Singing Voice (Rank: C)

(Available from Wednesday, January 9th, 2008 @ 17:00 JST ~ Wednesday, January 16th, 2008 @ 14:00 JST)


Obtain This Quest from: 影浩宣

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player


You get… Special Armor = 雲彩綺羅for Male, 雲錦楽衣for Female!

(Attack +2, Destructive −2, Life +5, Musou +15)



  • This quest is not too hard after all, but the process is just longer than other previous event quests.
  • First, the signal says that bandit is hidden at the north of the map. Do not believe that one!
  • Instead, buff up your Destructive Power and destroy all 4 tower bases!
  • After each base you takes, signal will locate the bridge that bandit uses for communication. Continue to take bases and then clear out troops in one of these 4 locations.
  • Bandit will be appears at the north of the map, the same location that said hidden earlier. Just defeat him!
  • However, that bandit is the fake! The real one is actually started to pack up for escape at the center of the map. Officer will appear at the center of the map. Go down and defeat him quickly (He buffed with Defense x2)!
  • After that, there will be bunch of officers (all buffed with Defense x2), just defeat one of these officers.
  • Then go down to southwest corner of the map. There will be a couple groups of troops with Attack x2 buff (but it does not really hurt), defeat them all!
  • After the troops gone, the boss officer appears! He comes with Hyper Mode along with his Hyper Mode troops! Defeat him to finish this quest!
  • Once you completed this quest, you can do “/passion” and “/burning” emotion along with hear the full song (with the actual singing) of “Fuu un Musouden” (風雲無双伝) , official Dynasty Warriors Online Theme Song in the bar!




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