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KO Counts 5 страница


Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 2 Players



  • Get 100 KOs
  • Now, this one is tricky. Conditions will change at this point… Possible conditions are the following:

o Take all 8 bases. Recommended one player take yellow bases and another player take red bases.

o Get combination of 2,000 KOs!

o Defeat all 14 officers around the map.

  • Then just defeat 2 Hyper Mode genetic officers.

連合軍討伐 − Allied Force’s Subjugation (Rank: B)


Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 4 Players



  • First, 4 players get a total of 300 KOs.
  • Then defeat the Bandit at northeast corner (signal given).
  • Then take the 4 red bases in central area, at the same time!
  • Then all 4 players meet at the north of the map in front of huge castle’s stair.
  • When all players meet, take all 4 officers in the north, south, east, and west of meeting area. Defeat them all at once!
  • Then 1 player goes south to kill the bowman. The rest 3 players take 3 yellow bases at the west of the map (the yellow map at southwest’s corner does not have to be taken).
  • After 1 player takes yellow base at northwest’s corner, the officer appear at northwest of the map. Kill him!
  • Finally, defeat 2 officers at south of the castle to finish this quest.
  • The faster you done, the better grade you get.


天候将軍 − The Weather General (Rank: A)


Obtain This Quest from: 行商 (Trader NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



Victory Condition: You find out and settle the cause of the drought in the time limit.



Defeat Condition: You can't find out the cause of the drought in the time limit.



  • The aim of the quest is to settle the cause of drought by defeat officer! All officers are in Musou-Stunnable Hyper Mode, so use your caution!
  • First defeat the fake governor at the north of the map.
  • Go to northeast corner near the enemy’s supply base.
  • Then collect bottles and upgrade both of your sub-general and charge attack by 3 stages!
    (Make Slot 4 & Slot 7 up to MAX!)
  • Rain will fall and officer who controlled rain also appeared near the enemy’s supply base at northeast corner! Defeat him as soon as you see him!
  • Then go to the area that has the tall building at the center-north of castle.
  • Now, you need to kill troops near 2 fountains (one at east and one at west). Kill them all.
  • Then the officer who controls fog will appear at the center-north, where the tall building stands. Defeat him!
  • Go to the center of the map. (Need to go at top of the castle’s wall, so you must use the ladder!)
  • Then visit to all 4 enemy’s base at center of the map! (You do not have to take those bases). Visit the bases in this order: northwest base, northeast base, southwest base, and southeast base.
  • After you complete the tasks, the officer who made cloudy appears at the south of the castle. Defeat him as well.
  • Then go to the west of the map where signal given… (Northeast of the southwest corner).
  • Than take the southwest yellow’s base and kill all troops and bowmen towers around that base too!
  • After that, there should be ally troops appear around the bases that you just took. This confirmed that you killed all troops in that area. The officer who controls snow appears. He appears as red groups at north of the base that you just took. Defeat him!
  • After you defeated the snow officer. Go around the west yellow troops’ area to meet the real governor.
  • Finally, the Taoist will appear at the north of the map, the same location that you defeated the first officer. Defeat him to finish this most annoying quest ever!
  • To get Rank S: You must complete all tasks before time ran out!



Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 118; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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