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Quests Added After Patch 1.309 (in DWBB) and Beyond

Quests Added from Dynasty Warriors BB Patches (prior November 28th, 2007)

DWBB: Patch 1.309 (Wednesday, July 18th, 2007)


[O1A] 富豪と金と頭領と − Wealthy Man, Money, and the Boss (Rank: D)

Obtain This Quest from: 劉備 − ryuubi (Liu Bei)

Amount of Player Needed: 3 Players



  • Take some bases to find money.
  • Then take the money.
  • Then kill the thief officer to finish the quest.
  • To get Rank S: Do everything fast, with 7 minutes left!


DWBB: Patch 1.310 (Friday, July 20th, 2007)


狙われた船団 − Aimed Fleet (Rank: B)

Obtain This Quest from: 酒場主人 (Bartender Shop NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 2 Players



  • First, 2 players take all enemy’s bases, including the supply base as well!
  • Try to buffs well (but at minimal level) before complete the last base.
  • However, take all bases quickly before the enemies come (before 9:30 Minutes on the clock)…
  • If You Took All Bases before Enemies Come (Rank S, regardless of time): Then there are around 6 officers appear in Hyper Mode at northwest ship, just south of the northwest base. Hopefully, you buffed well. If not, try to make the red HP and do the “Musou-and-run” tactic. Defeat them all, including troops in that area as well! Then, defeat the boss at the center of the map to finish this quest!
  • If Enemies Come (Rank A and below):Both players defeat the bowmen captains and defeat the boss at center to finish this quest.


Quests Added After Dynasty Warriors Online Reformation Patch (After November 28th, 2007)

DWO: Patch 1.001 (Wednesday, November 28th, 2007)


強まれば弱まらん − When Strengthening, It Doesn't Weaken (Rank: B)

Obtain This Quest from: 文官 (Quest NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 1 Player



  • Your task is to defeat all 4 officers as fast as possible, while you never reinforce (buffs) at all!
  • All officers are having 2x HP than normal! So try your best to defeat all officers as fast as possible!
  • First officer you see will buff in Hyper Mode, defeat him!
  • After the first of these 4 officer defeated, the rest 3 officers will buff with Defense x2, defeat them as well!
  • Trick! Use (X-) Lighting Orb and use the weapon with high attack base power (e.g. War Axe (戦斧)). Use the “First Charge Attack (C1)” to make officer dizzy! Then, use C3 or whatever combo you like to reduce his HP even more!
  • To Get Rank S: No reinforcement (???? is fine, but no stats reinforce) with all 4 officers defeat regardless of time.


空城偵察 − Empty Castle Scout (Rank B)


Obtain This Quest from: 仕立て職人 (Tailor NPC)

Amount of Player Needed: 2 Players



  • All officers here are buffed with Defense x2 and the final bosses are Hyper Mode and all of them are unstunnable except Musou, so please watch out your HP bar while you attack these officers.
  • First, take the 2 4-tower bases, one on the third west base (Base #1, above the ally’s supply base) and another one on the southeast base inside the castle (Base #3). Each player takes one base. Then officers will appear once the bases are taken. The officer appears just the east of the third west base after the third west base is taken and another officer appears at the center path of the big castle area (the center of the map) after the southeast base is taken. Defeat them all.
  • Once both officers are defeated, the second west base (Base #5) and the southwest base inside the castle (Base #2), those bases are 4-captain bases. Again, like the first one, officer will appear once bases are taken. The officer appears at the east of the second west base once that base is taken. Defeat him.
  • However, once the Base #2 taken, officers may or may not appear. If the officer appears, he will just appears at the west of that Base #2. Defeat him. If not, then that officer will be at either south of the large castle’s stair (at north of the map) or at the east pool. Signals are given to those locations. Defeat him once your find him out!
  • Now, there will be 6 ambush locations in total, but only 2 of them will make officer appears. Those 6 locations are the following:

o Southwest of the enemy’s supply base.

o Yellow troops at tall building area at the north of the map (north of the center of castle wall’s walking path).

o The northwest base (Base #4)

o The northeast base inside the castle (Base #5)

o The northwest base inside the castle (Base #6)

o Enemy troops at the southwest base inside the castle (Base #2).

  • For those locations, you have to either take the base or approach those areas to find out if they will come out or not.

o If they come out, it will says, “敵伏兵部隊を発見! 撃破せよ!” Defeat him/her!

o If they does not come, it will says, “このあたりに敵兵はいない模様……” Move on to the next one.

  • After all those ambush points are gone and all officers defeated. Bosses appear in the north and south of the map. Defeat the south officer first will make a true boss appear beside ally’s supply base. Do not defeat the officer at the north of the map or else you will get only Rank A! Then defeat that true boss officer to complete the quest!
  • To Get Rank S: Defeat the south officer first to make true boss appears, all ambush points must be completely clear, and all officers must be defeated!



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