

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

The country mouse and the city mouse

Once upon a time a city mouse visited his cousin in the country. The country mouse shared his simple but wholesome food. Peas, barley, tasty roots were stored in the mouse's home in the field – and another store of food in the big farmer's barn – for when it rained.

«I find the countryside charming,» the city mouse said to this open-hearted cousin, «but your food is so plain, and your home quite dreary.»

«Do come to the city and live with me, we shall play in my luxurious home – and will have a banquet each day – all the delicacies your heart desires.»

So they left the blossoming green country-side to the busy, yes, even frightening city. The noise, the traffic, the hurrying, bustling crowds jostling each other was almost too much for the simple country mouse.

«Here we are at last,» said the sophisticated city mouse as they entered into a huge towering mansion.

The house was elegant... chandeliers, deep carpets, plush furniture – and a pantry that was full of the best food ever seen. Swiss cheese, salty bacon, delicious fruits, colourful vegetables, jellies and fresh biscuits – all were there, ready to eat.

Hungry from long journey, the city mouse and the country mouse began their feast, tasting one mouth-watering bit of food after another.

Suddenly a heavy door slammed, loud footsteps of big boots were heard – the threatening deep purr of an angry cat chilled the air.

«What was that?» the country mouse stuttered.

«Oh, that is the master with his big cat.»

«Good-by, cousin,» the country mouse squealed as he leaped through the hole in the pantry wall. «I'm going backto the meadow in the country. I prefer to live with the woods, the tall mountains and the fresh gurgling streams rather than in your exciting city.»

Th e M о ra l

A simple meal eaten in peace is better than a banquet eaten in fear and trembling.


(From Aesop Fables, compiled by J.N. Quinter)


* * *


«How do you feel, Tenente?»1 Piani asked. We were going along the side of a road crowded with vehicles and troops.


«I'm tired of this walking.»

«Well, all we have to do is walk now. We don't have to worry.»

«Bonello was a fool.»

«He was a fool all right.»

«What will you do about him, Tenente?»

«I don't know.»

«Can't you just put him down as taken prisoner?»

«I don't know».

«You see if the war went on they would make bad trouble for his family.»

«The war won't go on», a soldier said. «We are going home. The war is over.»

«Everybody's going home.»

«We're all going home.»

«Come on, Tenente,» Piani said. He wanted to get past them.

«Tenente? Who's Tenente? A basso gli ufficiali!2 Down with the officers!»

Piani took me by the arm. «I better call you by your name,» he said. «They might try and make trouble. They've shot some officers.» We worked up past them.

«I won't make a report that will make trouble for his family,» I went on with our conversation.

«If the war is over it makes no difference,» Piani said. «But I don't believe it's over. It's too good that it should be over.»

«We'll know pretty soon,» I said.

«I don't believe it's over. They all think it's over but I don't believe it.»

«Ewiva la Pace!»3 a soldier shouted out. «We're going home!»

«It would be fine if we all went home,» Piani said. «Wouldn't you like to go home?» «Yes.»


1 (It.) – lieutenant

2 (It.) – Down with the officers!

3 (It.) – Long live peace!


(From A Farewell to Arms, by E. Hemingway)



Т.Ю.Дроздова, В.Г. Маилова


Химера, Санкт-Петербург, 1998

Учебное пособие для старшеклассников и неязыковых вузов


Raymond Murphy


Cambridge University press, 1988

A self-study reference and practice book for elementary (intermediate) students of English (with answers)


B.A. Королькова, А.П. Лебедева, Л.М. Сизова


Высшая школа, Москва, 1989

Пособие по общественно-политической лексике на английском языке



Lingaphone Institute Limited, London, 1971-1984


А.П. Миньяр-Белоручева


Московский лицей, Москва, 1995

Сборник разговорных тем по английскому языку для поступающих в вузы


С.П. Сергеев


Издательство «А. Д. В.», Москва, 1996

120 разговорных тем


М.Д. Моисеев


Аквариум, Москва, 1997


Раздел 1. ЧТО ВХОДИТ В БИЛЕТ................................................................................................................................................................... 4

Раздел 2. ПРОИЗНОШЕНИЕ.............................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Раздел 3. ТРУДНОСТИ ПРИ ПЕРЕВОДЕ................................................................................................................................................... 15

Раздел 4. ПЕРЕСКАЗ ТЕКСТА........................................................................................................................................................................ 45

Раздел 5. ВОПРОСЫ И ОТВЕТЫ НА НИХ................................................................................................................................................ 73

Раздел 6. СООБЩЕНИЕ ИЛИ ДИСКУССИЯ ПО ТЕМЕ....................................................................................................................... 84

Раздел 7. ОПИСАНИЕ КАРТИНКИ............................................................................................................................................................... 93

Раздел 8. ВОПРОСЫ ПО ЛЕКСИКЕ И ГРАММАТИКЕ...................................................................................................................... 105

Раздел 9. ПИСЬМЕННЫЙ ЭКЗАМЕН........................................................................................................................................................ 120

Раздел 10. НЕФОРМАЛЬНЫЕ ВОПРОСЫ.............................................................................................................................................. 133

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 135

ТЕКСТЫ ДЛЯ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ.................................................................................................................................... 136

ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРА........................................................................................................................................................... 143

Учебное издание


А. П. Голубев



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