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Managing Transition

This phase occurs when the organization works to make the actual transition from the current state to the future state. In consultations, this phase usually is called implementation of the action plans. These changes might require ongoing coaching, training and enforcement of new policies and procedures. Ideally, the various actions are integrated into one overall Change Management Plan that includes specific objectives, or milestones, that must be accomplished by various deadlines, along with responsibilities for achieving each objective. Rarely are these plans implemented exactly as planned. That’s why making the many ongoing adjustments to the plan is important.

Sustaining Momentum

Often, the most difficult phase in managing change is this phase when leaders work to sustain the momentum of the implementation and adjustment of plans. Change efforts can encounter a wide variety of obstacles, for example, strong resistance from members of the organization, sudden departure of a key leader in the organization, or a dramatic reduction in sales. Strong, visible, ongoing support from top leadership is critically important.

Employee performance management systems play a critical role in this phase of organizational change, including sharing feedback about accomplishment of goals, rewarding behaviors that successfully achieve goals and accomplish change, and addressing performance issues.

Summarize the text.


1.Use a highly- experienced consultant

2. Communicate the rationale for change - what has been done, what is to be done - openly
and honestly.

3. Get feedback from your staff.

4. Plan the change. Focus on coordination of departments and programmes.

5. Specify who reports to whom. (Job descriptions can help).

6. Delegate decisions, grant authority and responsibility to your subordinates.

7. Keep perspective, stay focused on customer needs.

8. Don't only control - expect, understand and manage change.

9. Acknowledge your team's achievements, analyze failures.

10. Remember: people are the most valuable asset.

11.Be ready for different reactions to change: rely on high-flyers change-adepts, encourage anxious followers, get rid of refuseniks.

12. Set the stage for a change; people should know the vision, goals and strategy of a company. Built up trust and respect based on realistic expectations. Change from paternalism to partnership.




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