Test 6.
Задание I. Зазначте черення, які б перекладалися на українську мову з часткою “би”.
a) If a person can do what he wishes with his property, time and effort he is economically free.
b) If citizens were completely free, some landowners might built in unsuitable places.
c) The professor's data published last year could change our results.
d) If you like to take part in the conference send your report as soon as possible.
e) If she were not afraid to ask questions, she would find out everything about a new system of management.
f) If the new device had been introduced, the production plan would had been carried out ahead of time.
g) Unless he is busy, he will come to the meeting.
h) If we had applied this method of work we should have had the results desired.
Завдання II. Зазначте речення, що точніше передає зміст пред'явленого речення.
1.Had we know about this meeting we should have attended it.
a) If we know about this meeting we shall attend it.
b) We knew about this meeting and therefore we attended it.
c) We had no idea about the meeting, that's why we couldn't attend it.
2.Mankind would be better off (багачі) if the waste of raw material were stopped.
a) Probably mankind will be richer if it stops the waste of raw materials.
b) The waste of raw materials has been stopped and mankind is richer now.
c) Mankind has stopped the waste of raw materials.
3. If there were no system of control, factory owners might make their employees work too long each day.
a) Factory owners make their employees work harder because there is no system of control.
b) Factory owners can't make their employees work too long each day because there is a system of control.
c) Factory owners want to make their employees work too long in spite of a system of control.
4. Unless the situation were favourable they couldn't apply the new theories.
a) The situation was favourable and could apply the new theories.
b) The situation was unfavourable that's why they couldn't apply the new theories.
c) The situation was unfavourable but they could apply the new theories.
5. They could have reorganized economy long ago.
a) They have already reorganized economy.
b) They didn't reorganized economy before that.
c) They haven't reorganized economy yet.
| Past Indefinite
| Participle 11 (V3f)
| Перевод
| to be
| was, were
| been
| быть/ бути
| to bear
| bore
| born
| рождать/народжувати
| to beat
| beat
| beaten
| бить/ бити
| to become
| became
| become
| становится/ ставати
| to begin
| began
| begun
| начинать(ся)/починати
| to blow
| blew
| blown
| дуть/дути
| to break
| broke
| broken
| ломать/ломати
| to bring
| brought
| brought
| приносить/приносити
| to broadcast
| broadcast; ~ed
| broadcast; ~ed
| передавать по радио/
передавати по радіо
| to build
| built
| built
| строить/будувати
| to burn
| burnt
| burnt
| гореть, жечь/горіти
| to buy
| bought
| bought
| покупать/купувати
| to catch
| caught
| caught
| ловить, хватать/ловити
| to choose
| chose
| chosen
| выбирать/вибирати
| to come
| came
| come
| приходить, приезжать/
приходити, приїздити
| to cost
| cost
| cost
| стоить/коштувати
| to cut
| cut
| cut
| резать/різати
| to deal (with)
| dealt (with)
| dealt (with)
| иметь дело с/мати справу з
| to do
| did
| done
| делать/робити
| to draw
| drew
| drawn
| рисовать,чертить/малювати
| to dream
| dreamt; ~ed
| dream; ~ed
| мечтать/мріяти
| to drink
| drank
| drunk
| пить/пити
| to drive
| drove
| driven
| везти, управлять/везти
| to eat
| eat
| eaten
| есть /їсти
| to fall
| fell
| fallen
| падать/ падати
| to feed
| fed
| fed
| кормить, питать/кормити
| to feel
| felt
| felt
| чувствовать/відчувати
| to fight
| fought
| fought
| бороться/боротися
| to find
| found
| found
| находить/знаходити
| to fly
| flew
| flown
| летать/літати
| to foresee
| foresaw
| foreseen
| предвидеть/передбачати
| to forget
| forgot
| forgotten
| забывать/забувати
| to freeze
| froze
| frozen
| замерзать/замерзати
| to get
| got
| got
| получать, становиться/ставати
| to give
| gave
| given
| давать/давати
| to go
| went
| gone
| идти, ехать/іти, їхати
| to grow
| grew
| grown
| расти, становиться/рости
| to hang
| hung
| hung
| висеть, вешать/висіти
| to have
| had
| had
| иметь/мати
| to hear
| heard
| heard
| слышать/чути
| to hold
| held
| held
| держать, владеть/тримати
| to keep
to know
| kept
| kept
| держать, хранить/тримати
| to lay
| laid
| laid
| класть/класти
| to lead
| led
| led
| вести/направляти
| to learn
o leave
| learnt; ~ed
| learnt; ~ed
| учиться, узнавать/вчитися
оставлять, уезжать/
| to let
to lie
| let
| let
| позволять, пускать /дозволяти
| to light
| lit
| lit
| зажигать, освещать/освітлювати
| to lose
| lost
| lost
| терять/губити
| to make
| made
| made
| делать/робити
| to mean
| meant
| meant
| значить, предполагать/
| to meet
| met
| met
| встречать/зустрічати
| to overcome
| overcame
| overcome
| преодолевать/переборювати
| to pay
| paid
| paid
| платить/ платити
| to put
| put
| put
| класть/класти
| to read
| read
| read
| читать/читати
| to ring
| rang
| rung
| звонить, звенеть/звонити
| to rise
| rose
| risen
| вставать/вставати
| to run
| ran
| run
| бежать/бігти
| to say
| said
| said
| говорить, сказать/говорити
| to see
| saw
| seen
| видеть/бачити
| to sell
| sold
| sold
| продавать/продавати
| to sent
| sent
| sent
| посылать/посилати
| to set
| set
| set
| ставить/ставити
| to shine
| shone
| shone
| сиять, блестеть/світити
| to show
| showed
| shown
| показывать/показувати
| to sit
| sat
| sat
| сидеть/сидіти
| to sleep
| slept
| slept
| спать/спати
| to speak
| spoke
| spoken
| говорить/говорити
| to spend
to split
to spread
to stand
| spent
| spent
| тратить, проводить/тратити, проводити
расщеплять распространять(ся)/розповсюджувати
| to strike
| struck
| struck
| ударять/ударяти
| to swim
| swam
| swum
| плавать/плавати
| to take
| took
| taken
| брать/брати
| to teach
to tell
| taught
| taught
| учить, обучать /навчати
| to think
to throw
to undergo
to understand
| thought
| thought
| думать/думати
подвергаться /піддавати
| to wake
| woke; ~ed
| waken; ~ed
| будить, просыпаться/прокидатися
| to wear
| wore
| worn
| носить/носити
| to win
to withstand
to write
| won
| won
| выигрывать /перемагати
противостоять /протистояти