АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
LESSON FOUR. I. Look through the list of the English words and their Russian equivalents:I. Look through the list of the English words and their Russian equivalents: activity – деятельность; to support – поддерживать; to administer – управлять; responsible – ответственный; announcement – сообщение; to intend – намереваться; to remain – оставаться. II. Before you read the text study the questions. Then read the text to yourself to find out which questions the author answers: 1. What is the name of the organization responsible for administering radio sport in Great Britain? 2. What word is the key one in radio sport? 3. Is radio sport supported by the government? 5. Do "foxes" identify themselves every five minutes? 6. Is the competitive spirit typical of Soviet electronics? Text С Radio Sport: a Serious Business 1. In Russian vocabulary the electronics enthusiasts are known as "radio sportsmen". Radio sport is a highly organized, serious activity supported and administered by the government. The organization responsible for administering radio sport is called the Radio Sports Federation. In radio sport, the key word is competition. The highest award, one held by a relatively few sportsmen, is "Master of Radio Sport". One particularly interesting form of radio competition is called "Fox Hunting". This is a contest in which teams of "hunters" (young people carrying portable direction finders ) race against time2 to find "foxes" (hidden transmitters). The rules call for3 the three "foxes" to take up positions one or two miles apart in a large wooded area. At the starting signal, the "foxes" begin identifying themselves by voice announcements4 at one-minute intervals, each "fox" therefore being on the air5 once every five minutes. The announcements, which are very brief, are made on amateur bands6 by means of low-powered transmitters, usually homemade. The winning "hunter" is the one who first locates all three "foxes" in sequence7. The kind of competitive spirit8 that characterizes radio sport is typical of electronics in general. Whether it be the technological state of the art, TV via communication satellite, or techniques for electronic training, the our people are fully aware of the importance9 of communications-electronics in the space age, and they intend to remain competitive in every possible way. Notes l) a portable direction finder – переносный радиопеленгатор 2) race against time – бегут на время 3) fthe rules call for – правила требуют 4) identify themselves by voice announcements – дают знать о себе голосом 5) on the air – в эфире 6) amateur band – радиолюбительский диапазон частот 7) in sequence – последовательно, одну за другой 8) competitive spirit – дух соревнования 9) are fully aware of the importance – вполне понимают значение
III. Say whether the following statements are true or false: 1. In radio sport the key word is competition. 2. One particularly interesting form of radio competition is called "Fox Hunting". 3. Each "fox" is on the air once every five minutes. 4. The announcements, which are very long, are made on amateur bands. 5. The winning "hunter" is the one who last locates all three "foxes" in sequence. 6. They are fully aware of the importance of communications-electronics in the space age. IV. The text contains three main ideas. Divide the text into three logical parts and say briefly what each part is about. V. Say how radio sport is characterized in the introductory part. VI. a) What is the main principle of radio competition called "Fox Hunting"? b) Find the information in the text about the rules of "fox hunting" and answer the following questions:
1. What do the "foxes" do at the starting signal? 2. How often do "the foxes" identify themselves? 3. What devices do "the foxes" use to make voice announcements? 4. The winning "hunter" is the one who first locates all three "foxes" in sequence, isn't he? VII. Can you say in what way the competitive spirit that characterizes radio sport shows itself in the development of electronics. VII.Retell briefly the information you have learned from the text. IX.Imagine that you are going to take part in a scientific conference. The theme of your report is "The Family of Electromagnetic Waves". While preparing the report use the information of texts А, В, С and the following plan: 1. Seven kinds of rays are close relatives. 2. The use of electromagnetic waves. 3. Characteristics of radio waves. 4. Short waves and their application in radio sport.