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UNIT FOUR• Grammar:Sequence of Tenses (§ 4). Specific Cases of Passive Voice (§3). • Word-formation: suffix -ly; prefix un-. • Individual Work:Lab Work "Specific Cases of the Passive Voice". LESSON ONE Pre-text Exercises I.Practise the reading of the following words: to alter ['O:ltq], objective [qb'GektIv], specific [spI'sIfIk], enterprise ['entqpraIz], stage [steIG], primarily ['praImqrIlI],whole [hqVl], evident ['evId(q)nt], to foresee [fO:'si:], comparison [kqm'pxrIs(q)n], to scatter ['skxtq], rivalry ['raIv(q)lrI], controversy [ˏkOntrq'vq:sI], priority [praI'OrItI], incentive [In'sentIv], response [rIs'pons].
II. Make sure if you can read these words correctly and say what words in the Russian language help you to guess their meaning: history, technology, television, complex, electricity, telegraphy, photography, period, realization, social, material, special, generation, phase, test, phosphor, control, operator, patent, disc, logical, lamp, colour, to sort, nature, master, to stimulate, pulse, specific, fact.
III. Give the initial words of the following derivatives: primarily, considerable, selective, comparison, investment, separately, mobility, industrial, invention, development, actively, transformation, logical, clearly, communication, transmission, original, digital, researcher, information.
IV. Form adverbs adding the suffix -ly to the given adjectives and translate them: Example:sure —surely separate, objective, quick, primary, active, considerable, complete, evident, social, competitive, mechanical, great, general, definite, absolute, different, automatic, sure, easy, similar, certain, frequent, constant, direct, main, probable.
V. Form adjectives adding the prefix -un to the adjectives and translate them: Example:natural — unnatural important, usual, complicated, completed, conventional, human, interesting, stable, economic, able, reliable, happy, available, limited, productive, balanced, like, easy, fortunate, original, sophisticated, true, natural, disciplined, discovered VI.Read the words and say what parts of speech they belong to: produce, product, production; frequent, frequency; physics, physical, physicist; act, active, activity; develop, development; nature, natural; measure, measuring, measurement; direct, director, directive, direction, directness; operate, operating, operation, operative, operator; relative, relatively, relation, relativity; mean, meaning, means; technical, technique, technician; system, systematical, systematically; electron, electronic, electronics; consider, consideration, considerable, considerably. VII.Make sure if you remember the following verbs. Consult a dictionary: to alter, to depend, to separate, to involve, to seek, to introduce, to create, to become, to transform, to pass, to replace, to improve, to apply, to describe, to convert, to foresee, to relate. VIII.Translate the sentences paying attention to the sequence of tenses: 1. He wanted to know what powerful radio stations were being built in Byelorussia. 2. The students asked how the strength of the radio wave had been measured. 3. The engineer said they would carry out an experiment with the new transistor device. 4. The reporter asked if the scientific group was working out the design of this new installation. 5. They wished to know what these radio-electronic systems would ensure. 6. I told him that I should let him know the date of the conference. 7. The newspaper wrote that in the modern world people could not imagine their life without radio and television. 8. The teacher said we might complete our drawings next week. 9. The lecturer said that television played an important role in our life. 10. The engineer informed that all the equipment was functioning normally. 11. The chief engineer said that the reconstruction of the plant would begin next year. 12. I was asked whether I could take part in the research work. 13. The students were told that they didn't need to translate the text. 14. We asked if we should have a lecture on electronics next week. IX. Change the sentences from direct into indirect speech. Mind the rule of sequence offenses: Example: She said, "I am going to the theatre with my brother."