АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Pre-text Exercises. I.Practise the reading of the following words:I.Practise the reading of the following words: knowledge ['nPlIG], record ['rekɔ:d], manual ['mxnjuəl], conversation [ˏkPnvə'seISn], drum [drAm], to shout [ʃaVt], pattern ['pætn], to reverse [rI'vE:s], to reproduce [ˏri:prq'dju:s], to wind [waInd], means [mi:nz], to store [stO:(r)], stereo ['steriqV], channel ['Cxnl]. II.Make sure if you can read these words correctly and say what words in the Russian language help you to guess their meaning: modern, person, phonograph, code, signal, telegraph, symbol, method, diaphragm, experiment, poem, to reproduce, stereo, process, principle, line, microphone, original, music, laboratory, energy, apparatus, instrument, diameter, type.. III.Form adjectives adding the suffix -ful to the given nouns. Translate the nouns and adjectives into Russian: Example: beauty – beautiful – красота – прекрасный harm, power, use, fruit, skill, purpose, wonder, care, success, truth hope, taste, respect, meaning, art, change, peace, watch, help. IV.Form adjectives adding the suffix -less to the given nouns. Translate the nouns and adjectives into Russian: Example: hope – hopeless – надежда – безнадежный wire, noise, help, motion, friend, aim, shape, branch, cause, character, sense, respect, object, ground, harm, change, power, colour, limit, meaning, voice, weight, life. V.Read the words and say what suffixes they have and what parts of speech they belong to: use, useful, usefulness; invent, inventor, invention; transmit, transmitter, transmission; work, worker; special, speciality, specialist; practice, practical; contain, container; lecture, lecturer; create, creative, creation; accelerate, acceleration, accelerator; determine, determination; proper, properly, property; science, scientific, scientist; discover, discovery, discoverer; important, importance; react, reaction, reactor, reactivity; arrange, arrangement; capable, capability; apply, application. VI. Make sure if you remember the following verbs. Consult a dictionary: to send, to cut, to represent, to notice, to sound, to happen, to find out, to consist of, to attach, to turn, to shout, to move, to hear, to store, to release, to repeat, to wear out, to transmit, to reproduce, to follow, to hit, to convert, to fit, to move, to represent, to wind, to claim, to damage, to link. VII. Define the tense-forms of the verbs in the following sentences. Translate them into Russian: 1. I havejust turnedthe radio on. 2. Haveyou listenedto the news? 3. He understoodthe text after he had readit again. 4. I have readthis book three times. 5. He hasnever beento the Carpathians. 6. He has seenthis film. 7. Haveyou ever beento St. Petersburg? 8. He hadfinished hiswork by 5 o'clock yesterday. 9. The technician will have recordedthe data before you come. 10. I have not seenhim since he graduatedfrom the University. 11.We shall have completedour experiments by the end of the week. 12. My friend had preparedhis report before we spoke to you. 13. Electronics has madea rapid progress. 14. He had publishedhis article by the end of the month. 15. We've playedlots of matches this season, but we haven't wonmany. 16. She has spenta great deal of time in the Far East. 17. They'll have finishedtheir work by lunchtime. 18. Haveyou readanything interesting lately? 19. They've probably forgottenthe time. 20. They have acceptedthe scientist's suggestion. 21. Moscow Radio has been transmittingits programmes to other countries since the thirties. 22. We had been conductingthis experiment for two hours before you came.23. When she arrived, I had been waitingfor two and a half hours. 24. It has been rainingsince two o'clock. VIII. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the predicates in the Perfect Passive: 1. This theory has been usedfor analyzing the experimental data. 2. In my opinion this result has not been provedby anybody. 3. The apparatus used in our research has been describedrecently. 4. We must compare our data with thosethat have been obtainedby other investigators. 5. Many difficulties had been overcomebefore the researcher succeeded in his work. 6. After the new device had been testedit was installed in our laboratory. 7. The construction of this television centre will have been completedby the end of the next year. 8. In our country great progress has been achievedin developing all branches of science and engineering. 9. Many different devices have been createdin order to improve the performance of communications. 10. The information has been basedon the data received from a computer. 11. Much research has been carried outin order to establish the causes of this phenomenon. 12. This question hasalready been discussedat the conference. 13. By the end of the year a large variety of semiconductor devices will have been produced.14. This equipment had been repairedbefore you came. 15. This text hasjust been translated.16. Mendeleyev's periodic law has been acceptedas a universal law of nature. IX. Translate the following word-groups into Russian, pay attention to the tense-forms of the verbs: the scientist has suggested; the motion had been caused; the theory has advanced; the methods have been developed; he has been developing; the progress has been made; the suggestion has been applied; the observation has shown; the problem has been solved; the error will have been determined; the point of view has influenced; the chemist has written; the number has exceeded; the energy had been converted; the radio has been transmitting. X. Compare the use of the Past Indefinite and the Present Perfect in the following sentences, translate them into Russian: 1. I have written several letters today. I wrote several letters yesterday. 2. They have made a new experiment this week. They made a new experiment last week. 3. She has been to the theatre this month. She went to the theatre last month. 4. Have you ever been to London? Yes, I've been there once. I went there in 1998. 5. Have you ever seen "Hamlet"? Yes, I've seen "Hamlet" several times. I saw it at our theatre three years ago and at Moscow theatres in 1995 and 2000. 6. He has graduated from the Moscow University. He graduated from the Moscow University in 1988. 7. He has seen this film. He saw this film yesterday. 8. He has improved his device; you may use it. He improved his device a week ago. 9. He prepared his report ahead of time. Have you prepared your report? 10. The results of this research were published long ago. My friend has already published the results of his discovery. XI. Define the functions of the verb to have in the following sentences. Translate them: 1. They havealready passedthe examination in electrical engineering. 2. Automated systems havea number of advantages. 3. Our district hasnow been transformedinto a big construction site. 4. Gamma rays haveno electric charge. 5. Cosmic television hasa great future. 6. He had to workhard to complete his investigation in time. 7. The engineer will have to improvethe accuracy of this machine-tool. 8. A new method has been usedin order to investigate this problem. 9. I have to dothis work now. 10. We had to repeatthe experiment. 11. Our planet haspowerful sources of energy. 12. You will have to goto the library to get this book. 13. I had to leaveearly because I didn't feel well. 14. We've gota new teacher. 15. She hasa lot of character and energy. 16. Yesterday I hada bad headache. 17. She will havemany new subjects next term. 18. The scientist had to stopthe experiment. 19. Besides literature, we have to studyhistory and philosophy. 20. The electron hasalmost the same mass as the proton. XII. Define the functions of the word since in the following sentences. Translate them: 1. Colour television has been functioning in our country since1967. 2. More than a hundred years have passed sincethe day when A.S.Popov demonstrated his radio receiver. 3. Many expeditions have been here since.4. I've known her sincewe were children. 5. Sinceyou are here, I may go home. 6. There is no flow of electrons sincethe electric current is broken. 7. We've lived in three different towns sincelast year. 9. Sinceyou weren't at the meeting, we took the decision without you. 9. How long is it sinceyou left school? 10. London has been a capital since1066. 11. Telescopes are beingused sincetheir invention. 12. People wished to handle atom sinceancient times. 13. It's ages since Isaw you last. 14. He left for the Crimea and has been living there since. 15. Sinceyour first letter, we haven't heard from you. 16. Sinceyou have not got anything to read, let's talk. XIII. Match up the words which are opposite in meaning: to stop, frequently, high, charge, to start, important, first, part, common, rarely, low .complicated, discharge, the whole, quick, transmitter, to heat, unimportant, increase, receiver, to cool, light, decrease, simple, heavy, to begin, slow, special, last, to finish. XIV. Try to memorize the words and word-groups: ■ to have a good knowledge of – иметь хорошие знания ■ to play records – проигрывать пластинки ■ in order to do this – чтобы сделать это ■ a strip of paper – полоска бумаги ■ to send messages – посылать сообщения ■ much more quickly – гораздо быстрее ■ to be a true scientist – быть настоящим ученым ■ a little more complicated – немного более сложный ■ speed – скорость ■ to devise – изобретать, придумывать ■ needle – игла; стрелка ■ tin – олово ■ foil – фольга ■ certain – определенный ■ to reverse – менять (направление) ■ to wind (wound) – вертеть, крутить ■ accident – случайность; случай ■ to hit (hit) – ударять. LESSON TWO I. Before reading the text answer the following questions: I. What is the English for "проигрывать"? 2. Do you know that the original record-player was called a phonograph? 3. Who invented the phonograph? 4. Do you know the history of the invention of the first phonograph? II. Find some information about a modern record-player in the text: Text A The Record-player. How Does It Work? 1. You may know a lot about music: you may have a good knowledge of modern records: but how much do you know about the machine that plays your records? How, for example, does it work? It will help you to understand how record-players work, if you go back to the person who invented the first phonograph, Thomas Edison. 2. He had been experimenting on ways of sending Morse Code1 signal more quickly by telegraph: in order to do this, he built a machine which cut out small marks, representing the Morse symbols, into a strip of paper. By running the paper2 through the transmitting machine at a very fast speed, he could send messages much more quickly than by the manual method. He noticed that the machine was making a noise which sounded like human voices3 in conversation. Edison was a true scientist: if something unusual happened he wanted to find out why: so he decided to fit a diaphragm to the machine, to see what this would do. After a few experiments, Edison devised a machine which consisted of two diaphragms on either side4 of a drum of tinfoil. Each diaphragm was attached to a needle, which rested on the foil. Edison turned the drum by hand and shouted a poem into one of the diaphragms – the recording unit – which then cut a pattern into the tinfoil. This is because the diaphragm vibrations moved the needle in certain directions, which were recorded on the foil. 4. Edison then reversed the process so that the reproducing needle was at the start of the newly-cut needle path5 and started winding the drum again. He then heard his own voice repeating the poem: the needle, following the path in the foil, vibrated its diaphragm which then reproduced the sounds that the other diaphragm had recorded. 5. This all happened in 1877, more or less by accident. In a hundred years of development and experimentation, the phonograph has developed into what we know now as the record-player. The principle is still the same, however, sound waves hitting a microphone (diaphragm) are then converted onto a record by mechanical or electronic means. The sound is then stored, it is released as vibration when the needle follows the path that has been cut, and reproduces the original message. Stereo sound is a little more complicated. Two microphones, each attached to its own recording systems, record the sound that is produced from the loudspeakers. It appears very similar to the original sound. Nowadays, by "mixing" the sound, and by changing it from one channel to the other, you can make the sound travel from one loudspeaker to the next one. Notes 1. Morse Code – алфавит Морзе 2. by running the paper – посредством пропускания бумаги 3. like human voices – подобно человеческим голосам 4. on either side – с обеих сторон 5. the newly-cut needle path – только что прорезанная дорожка
III. Say whether the following statements are true or false: 1. Edison had been experimenting on ways of sending Morse Code signals more quickly. 2. The machine was making a noise which sounded like human voices in conversation. 3. Edison turned the drum by hand but couldn't shout a poem into the diaphragm. 4. The diaphragm vibrations moved the needle in certain directions. 5. The work of the modern record-player is based on other principles. 6. One can make the sound travel from one loudspeaker to the next one. IV.Look through paragraph I and say in what connection the name of Edison is mentioned in it. V.Read paragraph 2 attentively and retell its contents to your partner. You may use the following plan: 1. Edison made experiments on the ways of sending Morse Code signals (how?) 2. He made a special machine (what was this machine?) for his experiments. 3. While experimenting on his machine at a very fast speed he noticed some strange noise (what was the noise like?). 4. Edison wanted to find out why the machine was making a noise and ... (what did he decide to do?) VI.In paragraph 3 find the English equivalents for: замечать, создавать шум, звучать, беседа, истинный, голос, выяснять что-то, происходить, решать, человеческий, необычный, поэтому. VII.Translate paragraph 4. VIII. Describe the construction of the phonograph using the words:
IX.Write out of paragraph 6 the words which can be used for describing how modern record-players work. X.Tell the story of the record-player and the principle of its work.