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Английские волшебные сказки 12 страница

As they were all of them (когда они все: «все из них») (Jack, mouse, frog and eagle) passing over the great sea (проходили великим морем), they fell to quarrelling (они заспорили) about which it was that got the little box (о том, кто это был, который достал маленькую шкатулку = кто же на самом деле раздобыл шкатулку), till down it slipped into the water (пока вниз она не скользнула в воду). (It was by their looking at it (это было при их смотрении на нее = когда они смотрели на нее) and handing it from one hand to the other (и передавания ее из одной руки в другую) that they dropped the little box (что они уронили маленькую шкатулку) to the bottom of the sea (на дно моря).) ‘Well, well,’ said the frog (сказала лягушка), ‘I knew that I would have to do something (я знала, что я бы сделала что-то), so you had better let me go down (так что вы бы лучше позволили мне спуститься вниз) in the water (в воду).’ And they let him go (и они пустили ее идти = отпустили ее), and he was down for three days and three nights (и она была внизу в течение трех дней и трех ночей); and up he comes (и вверх она приходит = и вот она выныривает), and shows his nose and little mouth out of the water (и показывает свой нос и маленький рот из воды); and all of them asked him (и все они спросили ее), Did he get it (раздобыла ли она ее /шкатулку/)? and he told them (и она сказала им), No (нет). ‘Well, what are you doing there, then (ну, что ты делаешь там тогда)?’

‘Nothing at all (ничего вовсе),’ he said (сказала она), ‘only I want my full breath (я только хочу мое полное дыхание = хотела вдохнуть как следует)’; and the poor little frog (и бедная маленькая лягушка) went down the second time (пошла вниз второй раз = нырнула), and he was down for a day and a night (и она была внизу день и ночь), and up he brings it (и вверх она приносит ее /шкатулку/).


quarrel [`kworəl], bottom [`botəm], breath [breT]


They killed a calf, and sent the best part of it to feed the eagle on his journey over the seas, and he had to carry Jack on his back. Now when they came in sight of the castle, they did not know what to do to get the little golden box. Well, the little mouse said to them: ‘Leave me down, and I will get the little box for you.’ So the mouse stole into the castle, and got hold of the box; and when he was coming down the stairs, it fell down, and he was very near being caught. He came running out with it, laughing his best. ‘Have you got it?’ Jack said to him. He said: ‘Yes’; and off they went back again, and left the castle behind.

As they were all of them (Jack, mouse, frog and eagle) passing over the great sea, they fell to quarrelling about which it was that got the little box, till down it slipped into the water. (It was by their looking at it and handing it from one hand to the other that they dropped the little box to the bottom of the sea.) ‘Well, well,’ said the frog, ‘I knew that I would have to do something, so you had better let me go down in the water.’ And they let him go, and he was down for three days and three nights; and up he comes, and shows his nose and little mouth out of the water; and all of them asked him, Did he get it? and he told them, No. ‘Well, what are you doing there, then?’

‘Nothing at all,’ he said, ‘only I want my full breath’; and the poor little frog went down the second time, and he was down for a day and a night, and up he brings it.


And away they did go (и прочь они пошли), after being there four days and nights (после того, как пробыли там четыре дня и ночи); and after a long tug over seas and mountains (и после долгого трудного пути: «напряжения» через моря и горы) arrived at the palace of the old king (прибыли во дворец старого короля), who is the master of all the birds in the world (кто есть хозяин всех птиц в мире). And the king was very proud to see them (и король был очень горд увидеть их), and had a hearty welcome and a long conversation (и имел = оказал им сердечный прием и долгую беседу = удостоил их долгой беседы). Jack opened the little box (Джек открыл маленькую шкатулку), and told the men to go back (и сказал человечкам пойти назад) and to bring the castle here to them (и принести замок сюда к ним), ‘and all of you (и все вы) make as much haste back again (делайте так много спешки назад снова = поспешите обратно) as you possibly can (как вы только: «возможно» можете)’.

The three little men went off (три маленьких человечка ушли прочь); and when they came near the castle (и когда они пришли близ замка) they were afraid to go to it (они были испуганы = боялись пойти в него) till the gentleman and lady and all the servants were gone out (пока джентльмен, и госпожа, и все слуги не вышли = не ушли) to some dance (на какой-то танец). And there was no one left behind there (и там не был никто оставленный сзади там = и никого не осталось в замке), only the cook and another maid with her (только кухарка и еще одна горничная с ней); and the little red men asked them which would they rather (и маленькие красные человечки спросили их, что бы они предпочли: «желали скорее»)— go, or stop behind (идти или остаться: «остановиться сзади»)? and they both said (и они обе сказали): ‘I will go with you (я пойду с вами)’; and the little men told them to run upstairs quick (и маленькие человечки сказали им бежать наверх быстро). They were no sooner up (как только они поднялись: «они не были скорее наверху») and in one of the drawing-rooms (и в одной из гостиных) than there came just in sight (чем там появились: «пришли прямо в вид») the gentleman and lady and all the servants (джентльмен, и госпожа, и все слуги); but it was too late (но было слишком поздно). Off the castle went at full speed (прочь замок ушел на полной скорости), with the women laughing at them through the window (с женщинами, смеявшимися над ними: «на них» через окно), while they made motions (пока они делали движения) for them to stop (для них остановиться = чтобы они остановились), but all to no purpose (но все бесцельно: «к никакой цели»).


hearty [`ha:tı], conversation [konvə`seıSən], both [bəuT]


And away they did go, after being there four days and nights; and after a long tug over seas and mountains, arrived at the palace of the old king, who is the master of all the birds in the world. And the king was very proud to see them, and had a hearty welcome and a long conversation. Jack opened the little box, and ‘told the men to go back and to bring the castle here to them, ‘and all of you make as much haste back again as you possibly can’.

The three little men went off; and when they came near the castle they were afraid to go to it till the gentleman and lady and all the servants were gone out to some dance. And there was no one left behind there, only the cook and another maid with her; and the little red men asked them which would they rather — go, or stop behind? and they both said: ‘I will go with you’; and the little men told them to run upstairs quick. They were no sooner up and in one of the drawing-rooms than there came just in sight the gentleman and lady and all the servants; but it was too late. Off the castle went at full speed, with the women laughing at them through the window, while they made motions for them to stop, but all to no purpose.


They were nine days on their journey (они были девять дней в своем путешествии), in which they did try to keep the Sunday holy (в котором они старались соблюсти воскресенье священным), when one of the little men turned to be the priest (когда один из маленьких человечков превращался: «обращался», чтобы быть священником), the other the clerk (другой дьячком), and third preside at the organ (а третий, чтобы восседать у органа), and the women were the singers (и женщины были певицами), for they had a grand chapel in the castle already (ибо у них уже была великолепная часовня в замке). Strange to say (странно сказать), there was a discord made in the music (был разлад в музыке), and one of the little men (и один из маленьких человечков) ran up one of the organ-pipes (побежал вверх по одной из органных труб) to see where the bad sound came from (чтобы увидеть, откуда исходил плохой звук), when he found out (когда он обнаружил) it only happened to be (что это только оказалось = что это было всего лишь из-за того) that the two women were laughing at the little red man (что две женщины смеялись над маленьким красным человечком) stretching his little legs full length (протягивающим свои маленькие ноги на полную длину) on the bass pipes (на басовых трубах), also his two arms the same time (также его две руки в то же самое время), with his little red nightcap (с его маленьким красным ночным колпаком), which he never forgot to wear (который он никогда не забывал носить), a sight they never witnessed before (зрелище, которого они никогда не наблюдали раньше), and which could not help making them laugh (и которое не могло не заставить их смеяться = вызывало их невольный смех) long and loud and heartily (долго, громко и сердечно). And poor things (и бедные существа)! through their not going on (через то, что они не продолжали) with what they begun (то, что они начали), they very near came to danger (они очень близко пришли к опасности = оказались в опасности), as the castle was once all but sinking in the middle of the sea (когда замок один раз чуть не утонул посреди моря).

At length (наконец), after a merry journey (после веселого путешествия), they came again to Jack and the king (они прибыли снова к Джеку и королю). The king was quite struck with the sight of the castle (король был совершенно поражен видом замка; to strike — ударить, поразить); and going up the golden stairs (и, поднявшись вверх по золотым ступеням), went to see the inside (пошел посмотреть, что было внутри: «нутро»).

The king was very much pleased with the castle (король был весьма обрадован замком), but poor Jack’s time (но время бедного Джека) of twelvemonths and a day (год и один день) was drawing to a close (приближалось к завершению); and he, wishing to go home to his young wife (и он, желая отправиться домой к своей молодой жене), gave orders to the three little men (дал приказания трем маленьким человечкам) to get ready by the next morning (приготовиться: «стать готовыми» к следующему утру) at eight o’clock (в восемь часов) to be off to the next brother (отправиться: «быть прочь» к следующем брату), and to stop there for one night (и остановиться там на одну ночь); also to proceed from there (также продолжить оттуда) to the last or the youngest brother (к последнему или младшему брату), the master of all the mice in the world (хозяину всех мышей в мире), in such place where the castle should be left (в таком месте, где замок должен быть оставлен) under his care (под его присмотром) until it’s sent for (пока за ним не пошлют). Jack took a farewell of the king (Джек попрощался: «взял прощание» с королем), thanking him very much for his hospitality (благодаря его очень много за его гостеприимство).

Away went Jack and his castle again (прочь пошел Джек и его замок снова = Джек отправился восвояси вместе со своим замком), and stopped one night in that place (и остановился на одну ночь в том месте); and away they went again to the third king (и они отправились к третьему королю), and there they left the castle under his care (и там они оставили замок под его присмотром; to leave — оставлять). As Jack had to leave the castle behind (так как Джек должен был оставить замок: «имел оставить замок сзади»), he had to take his own horse (ему пришлось взять свою собственную лошадь), which he left there when he first started (которую он оставил там, когда он впервые пустился в путь).

So our poor Jack leaves his castle behind (так что наш бедный Джек оставляет замок) and faces towards home (и направляется к дому); and after having so much merriment with the three brothers every night (и после того, как повеселился с тремя братьями каждую ночь) Jack became sleepy on horseback (Джек стал очень сонным = задремал на спине лошади), and would have lost the road (и потерял бы дорогу) if it was not for the little men a-guiding him (если бы не маленькие человечки, которые его вели). At last he arrived weary and tired (наконец он прибыл, измотанный и усталый), and they did not seem to receive him with any kindness whatever (и, кажется, они не приняли его с добротой: «и они не показались принять его с какой-либо добротой вообще»), because he had not found the stolen castle (потому что он не нашел украденный замок); and to make it worse (и, чтобы сделать это хуже = а что еще хуже), he was disappointed (он был разочарован) in not seeing (не увидев) his young and beautiful wife (свою молодую и прекрасную жену) come out to meet him (как она выходит наружу встретить его), hindered as she was by her parents (поскольку она была задержана: «задержанная как она была» своими родителями). But that did not stop long (но это не оставалось долго = но так недолго продолжалось). Jack put full power on (Джек приложил всю /свою/ силу) and set off with the three little men (и отправился с тремя маленькими человечками) to bring on the castle (притащить замок), and they soon got there (и они скоро добрались туда).

Jack shook hands with the king (Джек пожал руку королю), and returned many thanks (и вернул = высказал много благодарностей) for his kingly kindness (за его королевскую доброту) in minding the castle for him (в сбережении замка для него); and then Jack instructed the little men (и затем Джек научил маленьких человечков) to spur up (поспешить: «пришпорить»; spur — шпора) and put speed on (и ускориться). And off they went (и они отправились), and were not long before they reached their journey’s end (и не были долго, прежде чем они достигли = и не замедлили достичь конца своего путешествия), when out comes the young wife (когда наружу выходит молодая жена) to meet him with a fine jolly, bonny young son (встретить его с замечательным, веселым, хорошеньким маленьким сыном), and they all lived happy ever afterwards (и они все жили счастливо всю жизнь: «всегда потом»).


journey [`Gə:nı], bass [beıs], hospitality [hospı`tælıtı]


They were nine days on their journey, in which they did try to keep the Sunday holy, when one of the little men turned to be the priest, the other the clerk, and third preside at the organ, and the women were the singers, for they had a grand chapel in the castle already. Strange to say, there was a discord made in the music, and one of the little men ran up one of the organ-pipes to see where the bad sound came from, when he found out it only happened to be that the two women were laughing at the little red man stretching his little legs full length on the bass pipes, also his two arms the same time, with his little red nightcap, which he never forgot to wear, a sight they never witnessed before, and which could not help making them laugh long and loud and heartily. And poor things! through their not going on with what they begun, they very near came to danger, as the castle was once all but sinking in the middle of the sea.

At length, after a merry journey, they came again to Jack and the king. The king was quite struck with the sight of the castle; and going up the golden stairs, went to see the inside.

The king was very much pleased with the castle, but poor Jack’s time of twelvemonths and a day was drawing to a close; and he, wishing to go home to his young wife, gave orders to the three little men to get ready by the next morning at eight o’clock to be off to the next brother, and to stop there for one night; also to proceed from there to the last or the youngest brother, the master of all the mice in the world, in such place where the castle should be left under his care until it’s sent for. Jack took a farewell of the king, thanking him very much for his hospitality.

Away went Jack and his castle again, and stopped one night in that place; and away they went again to the third king, and there they left the castle under his care. As Jack had to leave the castle behind, he had to take his own horse, which he left there when he first started.

So our poor Jack leaves his castle behind and faces towards home; and after having so much merriment with the three brothers every night Jack became sleepy on horseback, and would have lost the road if it was not for the little men a-guiding him. At last he arrived weary and tired, and they did not seem to receive him with any kindness whatever, because he had not found the stolen castle; and to make it worse, he was disappointed in not seeing his young and beautiful wife come out to meet him, hindered as she was by her parents. But that did not stop long. Jack put full power on and set off with the three little men to bring on the castle, and they soon got there.

Jack shook hands with the king, and returned many thanks for his kingly kindness in minding the castle for him; and then Jack instructed the little men to spur up and put speed on. And off they went, and were not long before they reached their journey’s end, when out comes the young wife to meet him with a fine jolly, bonny young son, and they all lived happy ever afterwards.


The Story of the Three Bears (История о трех медведях)


ONCE upon a time there were Three Bears (однажды жили-были: «там были» три медведя), who lived together in a house of their own (которые жили вместе в их собственном доме), in a wood (в лесу). One of them was a Little, Small, Wee Bear (один из них был Маленький, Небольшой, Крохотный Медведь); and one was a Middle-sized Bear (а один был Среднего размера Медведь), and the other was a Great, Huge Bear (а другой был Большой, Огромный Медведь). They each had a pot for their porridge (они каждый имели горшочек для своей каши), a little pot for the Little, Small, Wee Bear ((маленький горшочек для Маленького Медведя), and a middle-sized pot for (и среднего размера горшочек для) the Middle Bear (Среднего Медведя), and a great pot for the Great, Huge Bear (и большой горшочек для Большого Медведя). And they each had a chair to sit in (и они каждый имели стул, чтобы сидеть на нем); a little chair (маленький стул) for the Little, Small, Wee Bear; and a middle-sized chair (и среднего размера стул) for the Middle Bear; and a great chair (и большой стул) for the Great, Huge Bear. And they each had a bed to sleep in (и они каждый имели кровать, чтобы спать в /ней/); a little bed for the Little, Small, Wee Bear; and a middle-sized bed for the Middle Bear; and a great bed for the Great, Huge Bear.

One day (однажды), after they had made the porridge for their breakfast (после того, как они сделали кашу для своего завтрака), and poured it into their porridge-pots (и налили ее в свои горшочки для каши), they walked out into the wood (они вышли в лес) while the porridge was cooling (пока каша остывала), that they might not burn their mouths (чтобы они могли не обжечь своих ртов), by beginning too soon to eat it (начав слишком скоро есть ее). And while they were walking (и пока они гуляли), a little old Woman came to the house (маленькая старая женщина пришла к дому). She could not have been a good, honest old Woman (она не могла быть доброй, честной старухой); for first she looked in at the window (ибо сперва она посмотрела внутрь в окно), and then she peeped in at the keyhole (и затем она заглянула внутрь в замочную скважину); and seeing nobody in the house (и, не видя никого в доме), she lifted the latch (она подняла щеколду). The door was not fastened (дверь не была заперта), because the Bears were good Bears (потому что эти медведи были хорошие медведи), who did nobody any harm (которые не причиняли никому вреда), and never suspected that anybody would harm them (и никогда = вовсе не подозревали, что кто-нибудь захочет причинить вред им). So the little old Woman opened the door (так что маленькая старая женщина открыла дверь), and went in (и вошла внутрь); and well pleased she was (и очень обрадована она была) when she saw the porridge on the table (когда она увидела кашу на столе). If she had been a good little old Woman (если бы она была хорошей маленькой старушкой), she would have waited (она бы подождала) till the Bears came home (пока медведи придут домой), and then, perhaps, they would have asked her to breakfast (и тогда, возможно, они бы пригласили ее к завтраку); for they were good Bears (ибо они были добрые медведи) — a little rough or so (возможно, немного грубые), as the manner of Bears is (как манера медведей есть = в соответствии со своей медвежьей манерой), but for all that (но при всем этом) very good-natured and hospitable (очень добродушные и гостеприимные). But she was an impudent (но она была бесстыдная), bad old Woman (плохая старая женщина), and set about helping herself (и приступила к тому, что стала угощаться).


huge [hju:G], honest [`onıst], suspect [səs`pekt]


ONCE upon a time there were Three Bears, who lived together in a house of their own, in a wood. One of them was a Little, Small, Wee Bear; and one was a Middle-sized Bear, and the other was a Great, Huge Bear. They each had a pot for their porridge, a little pot for the Little, Small, Wee Bear, and a middle-sized pot for the Middle Bear, and a great pot for the Great, Huge Bear. And they each had a chair to sit in; a little chair for the Little, Small, Wee Bear; and a middle-sized chair for the Middle Bear; and a great chair for the Great, Huge Bear. And they each had a bed to sleep in; a little bed for the Little, Small, Wee Bear; and a middle-sized bed for the Middle Bear; and a great bed for the Great, Huge Bear.

One day, after they had made the porridge for their breakfast, and poured it into their porridge-pots, they walked out into the wood while the porridge was cooling, that they might not burn their mouths, by beginning too soon to eat it. And while they were walking, a little old Woman came to the house. She could not have been a good, honest old Woman; for first she looked in at the window, and then she peeped in at the keyhole; and seeing nobody in the house, she lifted the latch. The door was not fastened, because the Bears were good Bears, who did nobody any harm, and never suspected that anybody would harm them. So the little old Woman opened the door, and went in; and well pleased she was when she saw the porridge on the table. If she had been a good little old Woman, she would have waited till the Bears came home, and then, perhaps, they would have asked her to breakfast; for they were good Bears — a little rough or so, as the manner of Bears is, but for all that very good-natured and hospitable. But she was an impudent, bad old Woman, and set about helping herself.


So first she tasted the porridge of the Great, Huge Bear (так что сперва она попробовала кашу большого, огромного медведя), and that was too hot for her (и та была слишком горяча для нее); and she said a bad word about that (и она сказала плохое слово о ней). And then she tasted the porridge of the Middle Bear (а затем она попробовала кашу среднего медведя), and that was too cold for her (и та была слишком холодна для нее); and she said a bad word about that, too (и она сказала плохое слово о ней тоже). And then she went to the porridge of the Little, Small, Wee Bear (и затем она пошла к каше маленького, небольшого, крохотного медведя), and tasted that (и попробовала ее); and that was neither too hot nor too cold (и та не была ни слишком горяча, ни слишком холодна), but just right (но как раз в порядке = совершенно подходящей); and she liked it so well (и ей она так понравилось: «и она так ее полюбила») that she ate it all up (что она съела ее всю); but the naughty old Woman (но гадкая старуха) said a bad word about the little porridge-pot (сказала плохое слово о маленьком горшочке для каши), because it did not hold enough for her (потому что он не вмещал достаточно для нее).

Then the little old Woman sat down in the chair (тогда маленькая старуха уселась на стул) of the Great, Huge Bear, and that was too hard for her (и он был слишком тверд для нее). And then she sat down in the chair (а затем она уселась на стул) of the Middle Bear, and that was too soft for her (и он был слишком мягок для нее). And then she sat down in the chair (а затем она уселась на стул) of the Little, Small, Wee Bear, and that was neither too hard, nor too soft, but just right (и он не был ни слишком жестким, ни слишком мягким, но как раз в порядке). So she seated herself in it (так что она уселась на него), and there she sat till the bottom of the chair came out (и там она сидела, пока сиденье: «донышко» стула не провалилось: «вышло наружу»), and down she came (и вниз она упала), plump upon the ground (прямо на землю). And the naughty old Woman said a wicked word about that, too (и гадкая старуха сказала паршивое слово о нем /стуле/ тоже).


naughty [`no:tı], porridge [`porıG], wicked [`wıkıd]


So first she tasted the porridge of the Great, Huge Bear, and that was too hot for her; and she said a bad word about that. And then she tasted the porridge of the Middle Bear, and that was too cold for her; and she said a bad word about that, too. And then she went to the porridge of the Little, Small, Wee Bear, and tasted that; and that was neither too hot nor too cold, but just right; and she liked it so well that she ate it all up; but the naughty old Woman said a bad word about the little porridge-pot, because it did not hold enough for her.

Then the little old Woman sat down in the chair of the Great, Huge Bear, and that was too hard for her. And then she sat down in the chair of the Middle Bear, and that was too soft for her. And then she sat down in the chair of the Little, Small, Wee Bear, and that was neither too hard, nor too soft, but just right. So she seated herself in it, and there she sat till the bottom of the chair came out, and down she came, plump upon the ground. And the naughty old Woman said a wicked word about that, too.


Then the little old Woman went upstairs into the bed-chamber (затем маленькая старуха пошла наверх: «вверх по лестнице» в спальню) in which the three Bears slept (в которой спали три медведя). And first she lay down upon the bed (и сперва она легла на кровать; to lie — ложиться) of the Great, Huge Bear; but that was too high at the head for her (но та была слишком высока в изголовье для нее). And next she lay down upon the bed (и затем она улеглась на кровать) of the Middle Bear, and that was too high at the foot for her (и та была слишком высока в изножье для нее). And then she lay down upon the bed (и тогда она улеглась на кровать) of the Little, Small, Wee Bear, and that was neither too high at the head nor at the foot, but just right (и та не была слишком высока ни в изголовье, ни в изножье, но как раз в порядке). So she covered herself up comfortably (так что она укуталась: «закрыла себя» удобно; to cover up — укутывать), and lay there till she fell fast asleep (и лежала там, пока не заснула крепко).

By this time the Three Bears thought their porridge would be cool enough (к этому времени три медведя подумали, что их каша была достаточно прохладной = остывшей), so they came home to breakfast (так что они пришли домой на завтрак). Now the little old Woman had left the spoon of the Great, Huge Bear (а маленькая старуха оставила ложку большого, огромного медведя) standing in his porridge (стоять: «стоящую» в его каше).


chamber [`tSeımbə], cover [`kAvə]


Then the little old Woman went upstairs into the bed-chamber in which the three Bears slept. And first she lay down upon the bed of the Great, Huge Bear; but that was too high at the head for her. And next she lay down upon the bed of the Middle Bear, and that was too high at the foot for her. And then she lay down upon the bed of the Little, Small, Wee Bear, and that was neither too high at the head nor at the foot, but just right. So she covered herself up comfortably, and lay there till she fell fast asleep.

By this time the Three Bears thought their porridge would be cool enough, so they came home to breakfast. Now the little old Woman had left the spoon of the Great, Huge Bear standing in his porridge.


‘Somebody has been at my porridge (кто-то ел мою кашу: «был у моей каши»)!’

said the Great, Huge Bear, in his great, rough, gruff voice (сказал большой, огромный медведь своим громким, грубым, хриплым голосом). And when the Middle Bear looked at his (и когда средний медведь посмотрел на свою), he saw that the spoon was standing in it, too (он увидел, что ложка была стоящей в ней тоже). They were wooden spoons (это были деревянные ложки); if they had been silver ones (если бы они были серебряные ложки), the naughty old Woman would have put them in her pocket (гадкая старуха положила бы их в свой карман).

‘Somebody has been at my porridge!’

said the Middle Bear in his middle voice (сказал средний медведь своим средним голосом).

Then the Little, Small, Wee Bear looked at his (тогда маленький, небольшой, крохотный медведь посмотрел на свою), and there was the spoon in the porridge-pot (и там была ложка в горшочке для каши), but the porridge was all gone (но каша вся исчезла: «ушла»).


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