In vain
без толку I'll not have the Lord's name taken in vain in my prison.
go right / go wrong
происходить как надо / не как надо If everything goes right, this will be my car
Make a fortune
разбогатеть Trade or traffic, you make a fortune by keeping the poorest people on the planet killing each other.
Give way to
уступить, поддаться The plants have given way to desert. The suns hang low in the crimson sky.
get the worst of it / have the worst of it
потепрпеть неудачу It feels good to quit when I have the worst of it and it feels good to continue when I have the best of it. What costs money is not knowing.
Make good
выполнить успешно что-либо Signal the men, set the flags, and make good to clear port!
Make headaway
добиться прогресса The laborers are starting to make headway.
Take a chance that
предположить, что But I'm willing to take a chance that you'll prove me wrong.
Take advantage of
воспользоваться, извлечть пользу They made her drink whiskey and then they tried to take advantage of her. She resisted; she kept her honor.
Make use of
извлечь пользу More people need to make use of my phenomenal gifts, huh?
take one's chances
рискнуть, принять риск I'll take my chances with the -weather.
can't do anything with
быть не в состоянии что-то поделать Teal'c's attempting a manual dial now, Sir, but we can't do anything with the wormhole open from your end.
get nowhere / not get anywhere
не продвинуться в чём - либо He can do all the tests he wants, it's not going to get us anywhere.
In trouble with
иметь проблемы, связанные… Are you in trouble with the law?
Get into trouble
нажить неприятности He said I was going to get into trouble.
At any price
любой ценой My doctors didn't want a settlement at any price. They wanted this cleared up in court.
it's no go
безнадёжное дело But it's no-go for Robo.
Golden opportunity
блестящая возможность But this was a golden opportunity for me, because I happen to have a particular fondness for a number of cities in Spain
Be well off
быть обеспеченным However, financially she is well-off as her father in Germany sends her cash every month and she saves her money in the basement.
On the nose
в точку Okay, that was a little more on the nose than I would have liked.
Get a grip on smth
совладать Listen, Richard, you have got to get a grip on yourself.
Be in for it
влипнуть And when the lid blows off, brother, we are going to be in for it!
Without a hitch
без задоринки или как ни в чём ни бывало He is skillful enough to bring the whole thing off without a hitch.