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Down and out

дела из рук вон плохо
Friendless, jobless and foodless, Donald was down and out.

go / get far

далеко уйти, в прямом и переносном смыслах
Don't worry. He won't get far without this.

Make the grade

добиваться успеха
That is why when you find people who make the grade and who offer helpful, supportive suggestions remember to hire them next time.

Do well

достичь успеха
Gordon Ramsay's new show does well, while Tony Robbins fails to inspire

carry / gain one's point

достичь цели
Surely now I shall gain my point.

Go to waste

идти насмарку
I'm just not hungry today but I don't want my lunch to go to waste.

Stand a chance

иметь шанс
Of course, Crewe dosen't expect his boys to stand a chance against Hazen's Guards.

On the right track

на верном пути
If you believe in ghosts, you're on the right track. I'm out of the grave, and roaming the moores.

within a hair's breadth

на волосок от
In my seven years as Secretary, we came within a hair's breadth of war with the Soviet Union on three different occasions!

Good for nothing

ни на что не годный
Stay the hell out of my store, you good-for-nothing punks!

Be too much for smb

оказаться не по силам
The sight of Mary and the children suffering is too much for George.

take one's chance

пойти на риск
I would take my chance. Let me go!

Let smb down

Don't let me down, boys.

make one's way

пробивать путь
So I haven't been anywhere or done anything in my whole life except come to Chicago and try to make my way.

Go up in smoke

исчезнуть как дым
Chris is on the verge of a complete mental collapse as he watches his work go up in smoke.

Good fortune

счастливый случай
It was certainly my good fortune running into you!



Cогласие, несогласие, отказ





Quite so

Вполне верно

That's right


Right on!


I agree with you

Я согласен.

That goes without saying

Об этом и говорить не стоит

There is no denying it

Глупо отрицать это

I think so / I don't think so

Думаю, да / Думаю, нет

Most likely

Очень похоже на то

I'm afraid so

Боюсь, что так

I am sure of it


I believe so/I suppose so

Я считаю, что так

It looks like that

Похоже на то

In a way

В каком-то смысле

To a certain extent

В каком-то смысле

You read my mind

Ты читаешь мои мысли

And how!

Ещё как!

Аnything goes

Всё разрешено, всё пойдёт

For certain /For sure


No doubt

без сомнения

To be sure


Just so

Именно так

Far from it

Совсем не так

Nothing of the kind

ничего подобного

I should not say so

Я бы так не сказал

I doubt it


Most unlikely

Непохоже, чтобы было так

You don’t say

Не может быть


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