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Bring smth home to smb

довести до сведения
Hopefully, this drama will bring it home to people the injustices of the existing system which leaves many having to prove their innocence.

Come to the point

прийти к выводу, дойти до сути
The jungle animals and creatures have all come to the point where they are living together in peace and harmony.

State of mind

состояние ума
The quality of the audio is not perfect, nor was the state of my mind.

slip one's mind

выскочить из головы
How could something this good slip my mind?

be printed on smb's mind

врезаться в память
A show which will be printed on your mind for the rest of your life.

keep one's mind off smth

выбросить из головы
Keep your mind off my work.

Be in the right mind

быть здравом уме
Who, in the right mind, wants to be born?

Be in the know

быть в курсе
I've never met a surgeon who enjoys a surprise because as surgeons we like to be in the know.

Be aware of

быть в курсе
I don't know if any of you are aware of this, but it's a federal offense to make licentious remarks on a network television broadcoast.

keep track / loose track

быть в курсе дел, cледить
It's my job to keep track of who's doing what and what you're doing .

Keep an eye on

I want you to keep an eye on her when I'm not here. Understand?

Get the feel of

привыкнуть, изучить
You're going to have to let him get the feel of this airplane on the way

See about something

узнать о чём-то, разведать
I've come to see about the room.

Keep quiet

For now the best thing we can do is to keep quiet about this.

bear in mind / keep in mind

Please keep in mind that this will all be videotaped, so put on your best friend faces, and may the best friend win.

Bring to light

рассекретить, предать общественности
Mrs. Collins, I have made it my mission to bring to light all the things the LAPD would prefer no one knew anything about.

Get a line on

собирать информацию о чём-то, прощупывать почву
Frank's got a line on another place you can use for now.

hold one's tongue

держать язык за зубами
Hold your tongue, you fool -- hold your tongue!

Keep to oneself

держать слова при себе
All of you who are putting negative comments, just keep to yourself.

keep one's word

держать слово
Well, I don't wanna be the sort of fella who doesn't keep his word. I gave you my time, Bitch. So fuck you now.

break one's word

нарушать слово
Edward says you would not break your word to save your life!

keep one's eyes open

быть начеку
Wait right here, keep your eyes open!


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 198; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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