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Points to Remember


1. Minor complaints can be faxed or emailed, but use letters when dealing with more serious ones.

2. Before writing a letter of complaint, make sure you have got your facts right.

3. Complaints are not accusations, they are requests to correct mistakes or faults. They should be written remembering that the supplier almost certainly wants to put things right.

4. Never make the complaint personal (e.g. your mistake, your fault, you are to blame). Use an impersonal tone (e.g. the mistake, it must have happened because..., the error).

5. When answering a complaint, thank your customer for pointing out the problem. If the complaint is justified, explain how the problem occurred and how you intend to deal with it.

6. If you need more time to investigate the complaint, tell your customer.

7. If the complaint is unjustified, politely explain why, but sympathize about the inconvenience it has caused.




Request for a Standing Order

Dear Sir / Madam


Account No. 331521109501


We have just moved to new premises at the above address and would like to pay our monthly rent of £1,574.00 to our landlords, Richard & Long, 30 Blare Street, London SW7 1LN, by standing order.


Would you please arrange for £1,574.00 to be transferred from our No. 2 account to their account with Dewlands Bank, Leadenhall Street, London EC2, on the 1st of every month, beginning 1 May this year?


Please would you confirm that the arrangement has been made.



I. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents of the phrases below:

to move to new premises; monthly rent; standing order; please arrange for £ 1,500 to be transferred from our account to our landlords’ account.


II. Find English equivalents to the following phrases:

щомісячна орендна плата; постійне доручення клієнта банку; домовласник, який здає внайми приміщення.


III. Translate into English:

Ми хотіли б сплачувати орендну плату нашому домовласнику за допомогою постійного доручення клієнта банку.

Credit (request for general credit facilities)


Dear Herr


I intend to place a substantial order with you in the next few weeks and wondered what sort of credit facilities your company offered?


As you know, over the past months I have placed a number of orders with you and settled promply, so I hope this has established my reputation with your company. Nevertheless, if necessary, I am willing to supply references.


I would like, if possible, to settle future accounts every three months with payments against quarterly statements.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-13; просмотров: 227; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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