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Assignments. I. Memorise the following words and phrases: acknowledgement підтвердження to verify підтверджувати справжність, достеменність

I. Memorise the following words and phrases:

acknowledgement підтвердження
to verify підтверджувати справжність, достеменність
to advise (smb) of smth повідомляти (кому-небудь) про що-небудь
shipment відвантаження
dependable надійний
walnut finish оздоблення з деревини горіхового дерева
chairs, upholstered in leather стільці, оббиті шкірою

II. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents of the phrases below:

business transaction; to advise of a shipment date; means of delivery; we appreciate your purchase; delivery is scheduled; inspect all merchandise upon delivery; to be responsible for damage in shipping; all merchandise carries a one-year guarantee; we appreciate your confidence in our products; feel free to call me.


III. Find English equivalents to the following phrases from the letter:

ми вдячні Вам за вашу покупку; бути відповідальним за пошкодження товару під час транспортування; повідомити про дату відвантаження; ділова угода; поставка планується; ми вдячні Вам за довіру нашим товарам.


IV.Answer the question:

What are the specific features of letters of acknowledgment?


V. Write a letter of acknowledgement of your own according to the plan:

1. Refer specifically to the customer's request.

2. Thank customer for interest.

3. Mention order number.

4. Describe in detail the product or service.

5. Include time and means of delivery.

6. Express appreciation for business.

7. Encourage further transactions.


Letter of Appreciation

Letters of appreciation are a personal way to thank a person or a company for extraordinary help or cooperation, especially for donations to charity. They are also sent to customers to thank them for their business. A letter of appreciation may consist of a one- or two-paragraph note.

Dear Ms.:

On behalf of the Woodfin Foundation I wish to thank you and your staff for the extraordinary help in preparing our annual report. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

The report looks splendid and has received much praise from our board. We apologize again for delivering the manuscript to you later than promised. Your staff performed beyond the call of duty in meeting the publication deadline for our annual meeting. Far from looking like a "rush job," the report looked very professional.

I just want you to know that the Woodfin Foundation appreciates your efforts ─ and we look forward to many years of continued business.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-13; просмотров: 203; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!; Нарушение авторских прав

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