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Assignments. I. Memorise the following words and phrases

I. Memorise the following words and phrases. Use them in sentences.

~ embargo ~
n. to lay (to place) an ~ on (upon) накладати ембарго (заборону) на
to take of (to lift) the ~ знімати ембарго
to be under an ~ бути під забороною
v. to ~ a ship затримувати судно в порту; накладати арешт на судно


II. Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents of the phrases below:

I regret to inform you that; to meet a bill; a bill due on…; to put an embargo on all machine exports; temporary difficulties; cash consignment; to clear an account; to draw a bill; the extension of time; bill of exchange.


III. Find English equivalents to the following phrases:

партія вантажу з післяплатою; погасити вексель; оплачувати рахунок; виписувати вексель(виставляти тратту); продовження терміну; вексель підлягає оплаті; перевідний вексель.


IV. Answer the questions:

1. What expression does the customer use instead of pay?

2. What is an embargo?

3. How does the customer intend to get the money for the cargo he cannot sell to Zurimba?

4. What solution does he suggest to the problem?

5. Which words in the letter have a similar meaning to the following?

a) not permanent

b) large

c) a quantity of goods

d) prepare (e. g. a bill of exchange/cheque)


V. Translate into English:

1. У цьому листі клієнт просить продовжити перевідний вексель на 60 днів.

2. Наш уряд наклав ембарго на експорт усіх машин до цієї країни.

3. ООН зняла ембарго на експорт нафти з цієї країни.

4. Експортувати зброю у цю країну заборонено.

5. Уряд Канади наклав арешт на український літак.


Payment (offer of a compromise)

Dear Mr F

I was sorry to learn about the embargo your government has placed on exports to Zurimba and of the problems this has created. However, the above bill already allows credit for 40 days, and although I appreciate your offer of an additional 6% interest on the outstanding 35.498.00 SF, it is impossible for me to allow a further 60 days' credit as I myself have commitments.

I think the following solution might help us both.

You need not add interest on the present amount, but I have enclosed a new draft (B/E 7731) for 17.749.00SF which is half the outstanding balance, and will allow you 40 days to pay it. But I expect you to pay the remaining 17,749.00SF by banker's draft.

Please confirm your acceptance by signing the enclosed bill and sending it to me with your draft by return post.

I hope that your negotiations with the Brazilian importers have a positive outcome and trust that this setback will soon be resolved.



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