

АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника



1.2.1 Training of the educational program specialty 5V010900 (050109) - Mathematics (hereinafter OP) is conducted on the basis of a State license AB№ 0,137,447, issued 03/02/2010 by the Committee for Control of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science, (without limitation of the term) to 19 undergraduate majors, including specialty and accrediting (see. Annex 19.1). Terms of training full-time education on the basis of secondary education - 4 years; by correspondence on the basis of secondary vocational - 3 years; by distance learning on the basis of higher education - 2 years, on the basis of secondary vocational - 3 years. Language: state and Russian.

The main objective of preparing students for the OP, is a quality organization and management of the educational process and focus on the active development of pupil methods of cognitive activity, the personal importance of education, training and orientation on the individual student, providing the possibility of its self-discovery, self-realization, the use of various technologies of training and education, the main purpose of which is the communion of gifted and talented children in creative activities, creation of favorable conditions for self-education and vocational training students.

Knowledge and skills that students should acquire during the training.


• methodological bases and categories of pedagogy;

• psychological abilities and needs of students grades 5-11, typological and their individual characteristics;

• theoretical foundations taught subject, its structure and content in the system preprofile training;

• the place and role of each member of the pedagogical process (teachers, students, parents);

• values and norms, based on the ideals of goodness, justice, honor, duty, love of children and to his profession;

• theoretical bases of the organization of pedagogical activity in a multicultural society; different cultures, religions and national circumstances;

• Methods of Teaching Mathematics of educational work, the requirements for equipment and machinery mathematics classrooms;

• training tools and teaching opportunities.


• plan and organize yourself;

• self-learning;

• be aware of their individual learning styles, thinking and learning;

• develop the need and the ability to self-education and self-development;

• evaluate the achieved level of self-education and self-development; use information and communication technologies in the teaching activities at the qualified user (up annotations, letters);

• possess computer methods of data collection, storage and processing of information on the Internet, use e-mail);

• conduct training and educational activities in the e-learning system «e-learning» technologies will be used in their daily lives and professional activities;

• critically analyze the experience of teachers, teaching literature and regulatory documents;

• apply innovative methods and technologies in the teaching of mathematics;


• develop their own methods of teaching mathematics;

• draw on the progressive ideas of the past and contemporary forms and methods of active learning mathematics;

• Design and test their innovations;

• analyze and evaluate the results of innovation in the educational process;

• interact with people in a multicultural environment;

• self-regulation and reflection;

• critical and creative thinking;

• awareness, formulation and solution of educational problems;

• transfer of common cultural values, norms and traditions;

• personification of themselves as individuals

ArkSPI mission: to prepare competent, as multilingual, knowledgeable and possess mechanisms, instruments for implementing a modern model of education, teaching staff with a strong civil position for image togatelly , cultural and social development of the region.


- The leader of the region to produce highly qualified teachers;

- Consolidating center and driving scientific, social and cultural force in the region

Strategic objectives:

become a leading educational, scientific and educational center for training teachers with competitive competencies in organizations pre-school education and training, educational and small schools in the functioning of 12-year-old model of learning.

The main goal provides for the implementation of activities in the following areas, which will cover all aspects of the Institute:

1. Strengthen the training program within the divisions: the language and

2. Develop and implement a work in small schools additional adjacent (intercathedral and interdepartmental), interdisciplinary specialization in the main field.

3. Increase the level of PPP through targeted training of undergraduates and doctoral students.

4. Start the introduction of "E-university"

5. Ensure the integration into the European Higher Education Area by bringing the content of education in accordance with the parameters of the Bologna Process.

6. Implement a set of measures on patriotic education and formation of civic engagement, social responsibility and mechanisms for realizing the potential of youth.

7. Implement a uniform for the entire period of study in high school program "Kazakh Eli", aimed at the formation of a stable ethno-cultural foundations of Kazakh society.

8. Implement a system of distance learning.

Basic mechanisms of the decision of tasks to achieve the goals XP:

- Continuous improvement of the educational process, the development and introduction of new forms and methods of training, the systematization of educational content;

- The effective use of scientific and pedagogical potential of teachers of the institute;

- Strengthening and development of the material base and information support of the educational process;

- Individualization of learning that allows to realize the full potential of scientific and pedagogical bachelor;

- Dynamic educational programs focused on the demand of the market of intellectual labor;

- Constant and effective communication with the employing organization.

Thus, the objectives of OP correspond to the mission and goals of the university.

- Raw data:

- Have a license to conduct educational activities to 19 teaching professions;

- All specialties of full-time and correspondence courses are taught by the credit technology;

- The institution is certified by the International Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2008;

The mission of the department, respectively, is to prepare competitive specialists in mathematics, ready to carry out professional activities in research, educational spheres.

1.2.2.The goals are clear, clear, fully compliant with SES RK, as the legal framework OP are:

- Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" from 27.07.2007g. amended and restated as of 07/04/2013;

- State educational standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Higher Education. Undergraduate. The main provisions. 5.04.019-2011 (Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan № 261 from 17.06.2011);

- The model curricula. Undergraduate. Specialty "050 109 - Mathematics". Part 1 and Part 2 (approved and put into effect the decision of the meeting of the Republican educational-methodical Council of Higher and Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 22.06.2006);

- The model curricula. Undergraduate. Specialty "5V010900 - Mathematics" (considered at a meeting of the Republican Training and Methodological Council of 15.05.2012 № 18 Minutes; Agreed and put into effect the MES);

- "Rules of the organization of educational process on credit technology", approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 20, 2011 № 152;

- Model Regulations for the ongoing monitoring of progress interim and final evaluation of students, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of March 18, 2008 № 125.

The main purpose of the educational program of Bachelor of Education majoring 5V010900-Mathematics:

- Education in the spirit of patriotism, drubzhy Peoples Republic of Kazakhstan, respect for different cultures, traditions and customs;

- Formation of human, social and personal values of the graduate;

-Formation environmental, physical. ethical, legal culture, the culture of thinking;

- Bachelor of language training;

- Formation of the fundamental knowledge required for mastering of professional disciplines;

- Formation of theoretical and practical knowledge and skills necessary for their implementation in the profession.

1.2.3 The objectives of OP transparent, dynamic and responsive to the needs of society, the economy, the labor market (Appendix 2).

Objectives OP 5V010900 majoring in Mathematics, meets the needs of the labor market, as evidenced by the high percentage of graduate employment, employer references.

Since the objectives of OP can be found at http: //api.kz that provides access to information about the goals and mission. Staff of the department shall cooperate with educational institutions in the region, responding to a vision of employers in today's highly qualified teachers of mathematics. (see. 5. Standard p.15.2.9.)

Preparation of Bachelor of Education majoring in Mathematics 5V010900 is based on a national model education , result-oriented and involves training specialization new formation, which owns multicultural, communicative, capable of creatively and professionally decide on the modern scientific and practical level, socially significant problems in teaching field.

The purpose of the cycle of educational disciplines (OOD) - ensuring social -liberal education based on knowledge of the laws of socio-economic development of society, the history of Kazakhstan, modern information technologies, the state language, Russian and foreign languages as a means of international communication.

The purpose of the basic disciplines (BD) - providing basic knowledge of psycho-pedagogical and technical nature as the foundation of professional education.

The purpose of the cycle majors (AP) - providing professional knowledge and practical skills in the field of mathematics.

Tasks of professional development activities of teaching methods:

- Improving the quality of education in accordance with national and international standards;

- Mastery of advanced educational technology and its implementation in practice;

- Learning the basics of mathematical knowledge, methodic knowledge of the world, the phenomena of real activity;

- Study for the methods of science, practical skills;

- Providing general education and physical development of pupils;

- The development of mathematical thinking ability of students, forming a creative approach to academic work;

- The creation of mathematical models and software tools for solving problems of Natural Sciences;

- The creation of mathematical models and software tools for solving problems of the economy;

- The creation of mathematical models and software systems to solve scientific and engineering problems.

1.2.5 In order to reflect the characteristic of the educational program specialization achieved by the inclusion in the program block of elective courses. Educational institutions in the region take part in the discussion of the contents of OP. On the basis of consultations and surveys of employers, the various activities of the regional education departments, employers' applications, interviews with former graduates conducted a comprehensive analysis of current problems and defined the requirements for the qualification of teachers. After that, in order to solve these problems in the department, a list of elective courses, and is distributed to employers. Elective courses are selected by employers, are included in the curriculum. Thus, the catalog of elective courses are reviewed with the requirements of the environment and the market economy. For example, in the course of conversations with teachers of mathematics transpired difficulties in solving mathematical problems Olympiad. So, on the basis of petitions were included elective courses "Methods of solving problems stereometric", "Methods of teaching mathematics in high school." The list of elective courses initiated by employers' decisions Olympiad problems "," Methods of Teaching mathematics in high school, "" Methods of teaching mathematics in small schools "," Methods of teaching mathematics in an inclusive education system "," Solution of equations and systems of higher order. "(Appendix 19.2)

1.2.6. The international aspect of the objectives of the educational program aims to achieve integration into the global educational and scientific information system that is primarily in the use of the principles of the credit system. With the development of OP acts ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) - as a tool for integration of the university into the world educational space.

1.2.7. The objectives of the educational program consistent with available resources and market requirements. Strategic Management OP covers numerous internal (improvement of material and technical base, electronic library resources, equipping new teaching equipment, computerization and information of the educational process, and others.) And external (agreements to establish bases for the passage of teaching and research practices with employers , development of academic mobility of students) implementing the program.

The department provides a high level of training of mathematics teachers, ensuring their competitiveness and demand in the labor market. Thus, the degree of relevance of the results of the development of OP consumers of educational services high in comparison with other educational institutions implementing this program. This is evidenced by the high percentage of employment of graduates majoring 5V010900-Mathematics. Thus, in the 2012-2013 academic year, carried a 100% placement of graduates with a degree in Mathematics-5V010900. Of the 17 full-time students on the basis of general secondary education, completed training in this academic year, distributed and employed in urban and rural schools Kostanai and Akmola region. Also coming year graduates majoring in graduate school. (Appendix 19.3)

An educational program takes place with the study of the consumer market and the demand for specialists (in the region there is a shortage of mathematics teachers; essential resource maintenance, constant improvement resources and conduct continuous monitoring in these areas, as well as the study of the requirements for training in the field of innovation at certain stages research activities.

1.2.8. Systematically assesses the effectiveness of program objectives that determine the effectiveness of its results.

Effectiveness analysis of the results is carried out annually by the OP monitoring of employed graduates and the quality of their professional activities. (Appendix 19.4)

1.2.9. The objectives of the educational program linked with the development of a culture of quality in higher education. Graduates develop and implement social and cultural programs for the development of self and personality and various samorelizatsii categories of the population, including the use of modern information and communication technologies in the field of leisure. Possess the skills of the organization of free time: communication productions and assimilation of cultural values in the historical-cultural, ecological and other spheres. Professional interaction with the participants of socio-cultural activities.

1.2.10. Graduating department is the department of mathematics and physics.

OP objectives developed by leading teachers of the department based on the mission and vision of the Institute, the need of specialists in the labor market. Annually actively work to strengthen ties with employers: the requests are sent to the reconciliation theme of final qualifying works; organized surveys of employers about the quality of the knowledge, skills, abilities, graduates, leading practitioners involved as reviewers and final works.

1.2.11. Priorities program objectives take into account the changing conditions of the social and economic environment designed to create and support an enabling environment for innovation and creativity.

Complex multidisciplinary competences Bachelor of Mathematics opens up broad prospects for future employment and professional growth; Acknowledge the holder of a diploma in international educational space.

The quality of training of the teaching staff in "5V010900 - Mathematics" in Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute, evidenced not only by the facts of their professional growth and advancement, and consumer reviews. Those comments show that graduates' 5V010900 -Mathematics "meet the modern demands of the market, as evidenced by reviews heads of educational institutions (as an example, we give a review of their principals. I.Altynsarin Amangeldi District). (Appendix 19.5).

To ensure quality education of students meeting the requirements of innovative development of education and training that can respond quickly to changing educational market one of the priorities of the institute is to establish communication with some universities of Kazakhstan. In order to exchange experiences annually organizes academic mobility of students. For example a student of M-31 2011-2012 school year Eshpanova Aitkul studied at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay for 5 semester, as well as a student of M-31 2013-14 school year Cabido Square Gulsim trained in Aktobe State Pedagogical Institute for 5 semester.

The Department of MoF sets the connection with employers and the area of the city. For example, students majoring in Mathematics 5V010900 annually pass their educational and industrial practices in urban schools Arkalyk (№1, №2, №3, №4, №6), in the gymnasium named Altynsarin and rural schools (average Rodinsky school, secondary school of the village Ekidin, Saryozenskaya High School), where they can develop their methodological skills. And each year from district departments of Arkalyk, Amangeldi and Zhangeldi areas received the invitation to work for our graduates.

1.2.12. Stability of student enrollment for OP provided an ever-growing needs of educational institutions for highly qualified specialists in mathematics. Conditions in the implementation of the OP are teaching staff, material and technical resources and information resources (Standards 5 and 6).

1.2.13. Thus, the OP is implemented in accordance with the objectives of higher education of Kazakhstan, its mandatory standards and mission of the institute, has the necessary legal and regulatory framework, clearly defined goals, objectives and mechanisms for achieving them.

Preparing graduates OP in the context of national and regional interests and the needs of professionals in the profession seems reasonable.



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