АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Majors credita) mandatory component - 5 credit 1. Theory and methods of educational woRepublic of Kazakhstan 2. Basic Mathematics component of your choice - 27 credits 1. Differential geometry and teducational programsology 2. Physics 3. Mathematical logic and discrete mathematics 4. Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 5. Methodological bases for solving mathematical problems 6. Databases and Information Systems 7. The decision of test problems for develeducational programsment of the equation 8. Numerical methods 9. History and Methodology of Mathematics 10. Effective methods for solving exponential and logarithmic equations. Personal develeducational programsment of students, their creativity and social skills are formed with the participation in the public life of the Institute (curator hours, woRepublic of Kazakhstan in clubs, studios, etc .; a variety of activities: competitions, conferences, round tables, debates, discussions, etc.) . In rezultatet student has knowledge of modern pedagogical anthreducational programsology and skills to learn, oboschat, rasprostronyat and majorsply experience vysokeducational programsrofessonalnyh teachers have a high motivation to teaching, to strive for self-education and self-knowledge. 2.2.8.Upon completion of the course of study in the Bachelor graduates majoring in Mathematics 5V010900 have the educational programsportunity to continue their education in master's and doctoral specialty "Mathematics", "Informatics", "Pedagogy and Psychology". 2.2.9 РУП 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014 учебных годов специальности «5В010900 - Математика» также составлены в соответствии с ГОСО РК 23.08.2012 г. №1080 и Типовым учебным планом (ТУП) данной специальности. Высшее образование. Бакалавриат. ГОСО РК 6.08.065-2010 и Приложением 18 к перечню типовых учебных по специальностям высшего и послевузовского образования, утвержденными Приказом МОН РК № 158 от 10.04.2012 г. Puktura and content RUPov corresponds types of plans and the catalog of elective courses for bachelor '5V010900 - Mathematics ", due to the fact that the develeducational programsment of Rupa based on MODEL CURRICULUM and QED. Leading teachers of special educational material is sorted according to the specific discipline and the individual characteristics of the group to calculate the complexity of learning activities (Annex 18). WORKING CURRICULUMdeveleducational programsed the language of instruction in accordance with the MODEL CURRICULUM SES and CATALOG OF ELECTIVE COURSESgraduating department in conjunction with the TRAINING RESOURCE COUNCIL faculty and MIND Institute in three forms: basic curricula (PMU), RUP, individual education plans (IEP). 1) Сomprehensive DISTSIPLINY- mandatory national komponedinoe testirovanie33 credit komponedinoe national testirovaniepo selection – 0 2) General education - a mandatory component of 33 credits, component selection - 0 3) majors - a mandatory national komponedinoe testirovanie 5 credits komponedinoe national testirovaniepo choice - 27. With a view to the successful implementation of educational programs in undergraduate Republic Kazahstanalyksky State Pedagogical Institute educational programmyredelena clear procedures for their development and approval, provides an appropriate educational programs SES specialties and types of educational programs (Application 19.2.).