АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Availability of teaching materials.To implement an educational program designed undergraduate educational-methodical complexes specialty (according to the provisions of Republic Kazahstanalyksky State Pedagogical Institute 09.25.2013) and TRAINING COMPLEX DISCIPLINE (according to the provisions of Respublika Kazahstanalyksky State Pedagogical Institute 09.25.2013) comprising a set of documents and teaching teaching materials. METHODICAL COMPLEX SPECIALTY specialty, includes in addition to regulations, guidelines on the implementation of the thesis, IGA, organizing and conducting training, educational, industrial practices and ezheodno being analyzed bibilioteka Book Supply of specialty. METHODICAL COMPLEX DISCIPLINE develeducational programsed by teachers, leading discipline, under the guidance of the lecturer before the meeting and majorsproved by the Department of Scientific and Methodological Council of the Faculty. Responsibility for the content and timeliness of METHODICAL COMPLEX DISCIPLINE lies on the head of the chair. In the further develeducational programsment and improvement of METHODICAL COMPLEX DISCIPLINE , takes into accounified national testing suggestions and wishes of students and employers. The department has 45 METHODICAL COMPLEX DISCIPLINE . 2.2.12METHODICAL COMPLEX SPECIALTY specialty, includes in addition to regulations, guidelines on the implementation of the thesis, IGA, organizing and conducting training, educational, industrial practices and ezheodno being analyzed bibilioteka Book Supply of specialty. – METHODICAL COMPLEX DISCIPLINE specialty develeducational programsed by leading professors and regulatory requirements to: – training of students (in the introduction of the woRepublic of Kazakhstan program specified goals and objectives of the study subjects. Tasks of the discipline of the future specialist qualifications are defined and formulated as requirements for knowledge, skills and skills that students should have depending on the specific discipline. Also, the data requirements prescribed in the syllabus for student. - Technology organization, management and maintenance of the learning process: METHODICAL COMPLEX DISCIPLINE contains materials lectures, woRepublic of Kazakhstansheducational programss, methodological develeducational programsments and INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF A TEACHER INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS materials for this, the border- line, intermediate, final control, the mmajors of educational and methodical and technical support discipline, set demonpatsionnogo and supporting material . - The content and organization of the final qualification tests and to meet the requirements of the employer: the final questions ET toward bachelor mathematics fully comply with EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS (for more details p.13.2.13), mastered graduate. Subjects some degree woRepublic of Kazakhstans are used in the methods of teaching mathematics in the future graduates. (Majorspendix 19.7). 2.2.13 Credit system implies the freedom to choose subjects included in QED, ensuring their direct participation in the formation of FTI, the freedom of choice to train teachers and involvement in the learning process advisors. – Students of "5V010900 - Mathematics" enrolled in an educational program, and choose their own plans to sequence the study subjects specialty using credit as a unified unit of volume measurement study of students and teachers. When this is the basis for calculating complexity of course, not only classroom hours. – - The objectives of the educational process with the use of credit technology is the unification of knowledge, creation of conditions for maximum individualization of training and strengthening the role and effectiveness of the INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS. - Independent woRepublic of Kazakhstan of students (INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS) held by a specified list of those designated for independent study provided instructional literature and recommendations. - As a control, the INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS used tests, test pmajorsers, colloquia, reports, estudent governmentys and reports. Monitoring performance: assessment on a 100-point system for lectures, woRepublic of Kazakhstansheducational programss and exhibits INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS weekly electronic system Platonus. 2.2.13.The organization of educational process meets the requirements of the loan program. Planned, training and internal regulatory documentation demonstrated compliance with the rules of the educational process on credit technology from 20.04.2011g. №152 Adequate use of credit technology in the educational program to successfully implement the principles of the Bologna process: academic mobility, the system of joint degrees and characteristics of different positions on the student's educational trajectory, lifelong learning. In accordance with its purpose credit technology must perform two functions: a) providing a possible offset courses develeducational programsed in one institution by another institution (transfer function). So, for example, a student of 3rd course specialty akkreditiruemoy Cabido Square hulsite on academic mobility was trained in Aktobe Pedagogical Institute during the academic year 2012-2013 semester 5 (Majorspendix 19.6). b) determining the position of the student in his educational trajectory with respect, first of all, to the possibility of continuing education and the transition to the next educational level (cumulative function). To move from course to course provides cumulative function. The student must gain the necestudent governmentry threshold GPA, which is reviewed and majorsproved by the Academic Council ARepublic of KazakhstanGPI. In the transition from 1 to 2 year GPA must be at least 1.5; from 2 to 3 year - no less than 1.7; 3 to 4 year - not less than 2.0. (Resolution CM from 28.05.2012)