АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
STANDARD 3. STUDENTS3.2.1 Student ArkGPI for mastering educational program forms an individual study plan (IEP), which determines the individual educational trajectory. FTI is approved for the coming academic year for senior students until 30 June to 1st year students - until 10 September. Changes in individual curriculum during the school year are not allowed. (Appendix 19.9). 3.2.2 Individual curriculum defines educational trajectory of each student individually and formed in accordance with CPL and QED for each academic year personally trained by a faculty advisor. In FTI shall also discipline academic student debt (if any) for the previous school year or the difference in the curriculum occurred during transfers or recovery, the timing of their study. FTI is preceded by the formation of registration (pre-registration) students of all forms of learning academic subjects. To do this with the help of student faculty advisor a special form, which shall be made compulsory and elective subjects selected from QED, as well as the names of teachers. (Appendix 19.9). 3.2.3 Student correspondence courses in an undergraduate program for one academic period develops 9 -12 credits and standard period of study is 5 years. Students of correspondence courses must be possible to contact with the teacher at least 6 weeks in the school year. Higher education institution can set uchebbny process in "5V010900 - Mathematics" for distance learning technologies. Distance learning technologies are implemented in accordance with the SES RK 5.03.004-2009. Organization of training using distance learning technology and the Rules of the educational process by remote technology, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 13.04.2010 g, №169. 3.2.5 Students educational program their learning outcomes can look at ArkGPI portal (http: //api.kz) in the electronic journal (, which allows students to fully monitor their own academic achievements, to obtain the necessary information throughout the learning process. The procedure for assessing the level of knowledge of the students with the results of learning objectives educational program, current, a landmark, the final control. Used for estimating the score-rating system (SRS). The final control in the form of test for full-time and part-time modes of study is conducted according to the Regulations of the testing (P ArkGPI 37/1) in the test program PLATONUS V 3.3 (Automated Information Sistem), for distance learning in the embedded system tester Module. The expert group at ISS provides high-quality and timely preparation of test items, carries out preliminary, formal and substantial, totaling testologicheskuyu examination of tests on meaningful valence. According to the results of monitoring and border- line faculty of academic rankings students. The high rating allows the student to obtain academic credits and benefits (increased grant, transfer to a grant for students on a commercial basis and so on.). Analysis of the academic performance of students is discussed at faculty meetings, faculty collegial bodies, as evidenced by the minutes of the meetings of chairs, the Faculty Council. 3.2.6 Within one academic semester full-time students must master to undergraduate at least 18-22 credits, correspondence courses - 9-12 credits (Standard 2.2.3 2.) .For the entire period of study the student must score 169 credits. 3.2.8 During the training, the graduates acquire: · general scientific competence: to have a basic knowledge of obligatory and majors, master the skills of search and acquisition of new knowledge required for professional and continuing education in the magistracy, etc .; · professional competence: the ability to demonstrate knowledge of basic terms and concepts in their specialty; ability to conduct training sessions and extracurricular activities, specialty, etc .; · competence in activities with the training profile: the ability to apply their knowledge and understanding in a professional manner, including elements of the most advanced knowledge in the field of mathematics. Each competency promotes creativity of students. 3.2.9. Description of study on the basis of the loan program is reflected in the statute on the organization of educational process on credit technology of education (bachelor) in ArkGPI (P ArkGPI -34). Summary of the required courses described in the standard program, elective courses - in QED. Course Outline as described in the syllabus. As part of the educational program in the study courses, the following educational technology: · information (computer, multimedia, network, remote) technology). · projective and activity-related technology. Method projects used at organizations NIRS, activity approach expressed focus to independence at CTO. · gaming technology (simulation; operating; the performance of roles). Creating a role situations during workshops on teaching mathematics: fragments of lessons, conducting extra-curricular activities, improvement of the formation of individual techniques. · Technology student-centered education. With the development of OP PPP promotes the formation of the individual student, prepares highly qualified teaching staff, with high social and civic responsibility · technology-based teaching mathematics problem solving. More p.12.2.18. 3.2.10. Self-study student (hereinafter SRO) - Work on a particular Prečna those allocated for independent study provided instructional literature and recommendations in the form of controlled tests, test papers, symposia, papers, essays and reports; depending on the category of students, it is divided into independent work of students (hereinafter CDS); the entire volume of CPO confirmed job requires the student daily independent work. Independent work of students under the guidance of a teacher (SRSP) is organized with the "Regulations on the organization of the CDS ArkGPI." independent work of students enrolled in credit technology, sostoavlyaet 70% of the total workload of the course. Of these, 50% of the time is devoted to independent work of students under the guidance of a teacher. CDS provides for all subjects of the curriculum, and two-thirds of the total workload of the course, of which one-third - SRSP. SRSP involves conducting individual counseling for students based on classroom training, on homework, the content of the additional types of SRSP SRS.Planiruemye with the topics and assignments, their labor input in hours, the shape and duration of monitoring, evaluation methodology contained in UMKD. Workload of students is determined by the duration of the academic hours and the amount of teaching hours (50 minutes), saprovozhdayuschih academic hours for different types of educational work. Since one academic hour of classroom work can be equal to 50 minutes, the academic hours of classroom work is supplemented by students sotvetstvuyuschim SRO number of hours so that one loan total student workload per week during the academic period in a semester is three hours in a bachelor degree. akadmichesky every hour of the final assessment of students is a training contact hours of work with the student teacher to fulfill and protect the thesis work the student or instructor-led training and pass the state exam. Each academic hour final certification of the student is accompanied by 6 hours SRO. 3.2.11. Admission to the educational program is carried out in accordance with relevant rules and procedures (Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 19, 2012 № 109 "On approval of the Model Rules of admission to the organization of education, realizing professional training programs of postgraduate education", Government Decision Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 19, 2012 № 111 "On approval of the Model Rules of admission to educational organizations that implement training programs of higher education"). Number of students is based on the state order and on a paid basis. Entrance examinations for bachelor students at the institute conducted in accordance with legal acts, concretized in the "Rules of admission to ArkGPI" approved each year. Entrance examinations are conducted on the basis of the results of applicants received at UNT (Appendix 4). In general, a contingent of students is sufficient for selection of the most prepared for the accredited specialty. 3.2.12. Procedures for assessing students' knowledge corresponds to the planned learning outcomes, goals and purpose educational program (current and final control). The main objective of the process of "Assessment of Knowledge" and provide the student organization, where he will be employed in the future, information on the level of knowledge and skills, the level of Learning, on the amount of practical skills. In terms of improving the system of assessing students 'knowledge, the Institute moved from the traditional methods of tests and examinations to progressive ranking system for assessing students' knowledge, meet international educational standards. During the academic period held current and boundary control of knowledge of students. With ongoing monitoring of progress Learning Outcomes measured at 100-point scale for each completed assignment: - Response to current employment; - Deposit homework; - Laboratory work; - Independent work of students (IWS). The final result of ongoing monitoring of progress with the calculation of the arithmetic mean summed total of all scores obtained during the entire period of the arithmetic and recorded in a special journal "Journal of current and boundary control" (F.ArkGPI 706-01-11) and kept in proper form by the department. Landmark control is carried out at least twice during one academic period within the same discipline. The exception is the volume of academic disciplines into a single loan. For boundary control of students' knowledge, the following forms: - Oral questioning; - Testing using manual inspection; Carrying out of testing and the use of computer control; - Other forms in accordance with the specific specialty. The rating results are transferred from the "Journal of the current and boundary control" in the "rating sheet" (FArkGPI 706-02-11). To assess the current and boundary control students need to develop criteria that should reflected in the relevant teaching materials teacher - UMKD, work programs, syllabuses, specific to the subjects taught. Students do not have a positive rating assessment tolerance in the discipline is not allowed to final control, and credits in the discipline considered underutilized. By the final certification allowed students who completed the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the worker and the individual curriculum and job training programs. The main criterion of completion of the educational process is the development of students the necessary theoretical training course and professional practices. Thus, the procedure for assessing the level of students' knowledge corresponds to the planned learning outcomes, objectives educational program (knowledge testing is carried out on the whole content of Rupa) and destination (all types of control are closely interrelated). 3.2.13 .Obuchayuschiesya informed of the criteria used for estimation of examinations and other forms of control through spravochnik- guide and syllabus. Syllabuses are always available, as either handed out or posted in the electronic library instituta.Vsya training documentation presented at the educational portal of the Institute, each student has access to the e-zine. The department has approved the Department of standardized tests on separate disciplines: mathematical analysis, probability theory and mathematical statistics, differential equations, and others. All the tests were made in a test program «Platonus». (Appendix 19.10). 3.2.14 Provision of control in the system of evaluation exercises Office of the Registrar (RR) The main objectives of the PR in the internal monitoring of the quality of knowledge are: · organization and conduct ongoing monitoring of progress, interim and final certification, the calculation of the academic rating of students (annual transferable GPA); · registration and account history of educational achievements of students for the entire period of study; · organization of the summer semester to meet the need for additional types of training and the elimination of academic debt, or the difference in the curriculum; · preparation of orders on appointment of state scholarships and awarding State registered scholarships and stipends of the President of Kazakhstan; · preparation of documents for the award of vacant educational state grants; · filling out forms, public reporting on progress and movement of a contingent of students (3NK, F34, etc.). A student who has fulfilled all the requirements of SES is allowed to rule. Prior to the final certification of students in SAC seems certificate OR on the implementation of FTI student, he received grades in all subjects, their volume, handed coursework, the kinds of professional practices and assess the value weighted average for the period of study GPA. Indicators of academic achievement of students in the reporting period: 1. measure performance results form semester sessions
The quality of academic achievement and students' knowledge of the educational program "5V010900 - Mathematics" can be judged by the external evaluation of educational achievements (TDMA), conducted in 2012-2013 academic year was 90%. State examination in the specialty performed by a program developed on the basis of curriculum subjects included in this comprehensive exam (Appendix 17). Examination tickets are drafted in accordance with the program state exam. State exam consists of the areas: 1.Kompleksny examination in the specialty (Theory and Methods of Teaching Mathematics) 2. Protection of the thesis or ET on specialty State Exam Questions are updated annually and are consistent with the work programs of disciplines. The results of the final certification of student learning, assessment graduation, diploma works and projects. Performance of graduates on the results of state examinations, specialty and diploma projects (in the last 4 academic years) are shown below. The average score on the state exam in the specialty is: 2009-2010 - Account. year: 3.8 points; 2010-2011 - Account. year: 4.2 points; 2011-2012 - Account. year: 4.5 points; 2012-2013 - Account. year: 4.1 points; 2013-2014 - Account. year: 4.5 points; Average for the Protection of degree works is as follows: 2009-2010 - Account. year: 3.8 points; 2010-2011 - Account. year: 4.6 points; 2011-2012 - Account. year: 4.2 points; 2012-2013 - Account. year: 4.1 points; 2013-2014 - Account. year: 4.7 points Analysis of the results of five state exams and defense of diploma work shows that the quality of education has a positive dynamics. 3.2.15. Research work of students (NIRS) is an essential part of the educational program of training and aimed at creating general cultural and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of SES higher education towards training in "5V010900 (050109) - Mathematics". Research aims to develop the students' ability to separate the theoretical and practical judgments and conclusions, abilities objective assessment of scientific information, freedom of scientific research and the quest for the application of scientific knowledge in the educational activity. Students majoring participate in scientific conferences of students in the Republican contest of research students in the natural sciences, competitions, conferences, which are held in the universities of Kazakhstan. So, in 2013, 3rd year student majoring mathematics Cabido Square hulsite became the owner of the diploma of 2 degrees in international scientific and practical conference "Satpaev readings", as well as in the student scientific and practical conference she was handed a letter of thanks and a diploma for active participation and a certificate. Student group M-11 Saparov Pernebayev participated at the international conference, which was held in Aktobe g. In 2014, a student of M-21 Imanberlina Kyzylgul participated in international student conference, which was held in Pavlodar. Degree in Mathematics works circle "algorithm", members of the circle are the students of 1-4 courses. Every year on the plan mug with various activities, such as math Olympiad, math games and competitions for I and II courses, historic decision problems in mathematics. The most important event of this circle organization of the annual Republican student conference "Tulegenovskie reading." Students with high activity are involved in organizing and conducting conferences. In the 2009-2010 academic year, students of the specialty "Mathematics" Kaliev Berwick, Urynbaeva Gulnaz, Altaeva Zhazira participated in the Olympiads held in Kokshetau under the guidance of senior lecturer Sabitbekovoy G. Students of "5V010900 mathematician" -vostrebovany in the labor market, so it is up to the job fair are petitions from employers. Annually employed graduates is 100%. Good pedagogical and methodological training of students at the institute promotes the professional development of graduates at the place of employment (Appendix 19.9). An analysis of the demand for graduates in the past three years shows that the number of applications from schools of the region exceeds the number of graduates. This indicates that employers give in hiring preference to graduates ArkGPI. Customer feedback about the quality of training of students in ArkGPI mostly positive. Noted a fairly high level of mathematical training, the ability to adapt quickly enough in school, ability and desire to learn new things, best. There is also quite a high level of professional knowledge and skills. Slightly below the estimated availability of skills and organizational management functions graduates. Efforts reviews graduates Karimov Erkanat Kamysbaevicha, Shekerova Tana. (Appendix 19.5) The level of training of students and the quality of teaching also show diploma works. All theses for the analyzed period consistent with the profile of training in the specialty. The chairmen of the SJC approved by order of the rector ArkGPI. Issue the content of diploma works broadly in line with modern requirements of training qualified specialists. In order to improve the quality of diploma work using modern computer equipment. Subjects of research papers constantly linked with educational and research activities of the department. 3.2.16.An important criterion for the quality of teaching is a professional practice that aims to consolidate the theoretical knowledge, practical skills, abilities and competencies for professional work of students after graduation.Students in the learning process are all the practices indicated in the standard relevant specialty: training, educational, industrial, which are conducted in accordance with the working curricula and programs of practices. Production and pedagogical practices are conducted in educational institutions, organizations, non-database practices and having a contractual relationship All documentation on teaching practice at the department stores. Thus, the Department by conducting continuous monitoring of practices that are working to improve, as the structure of objects practice and facilitate the acquisition and development of practical skills in the field. The main base practices are institutions Arkalyk having qualified human resources teachers of the highest and the first category. These schools are the leading educational institutions of the region, repeatedly proving their superiority on the subject competitions at various levels and in a competition of scientific projects students: SI "High school № 1.Valikhanov "SI" High school number 2 "SI" High school № 4 "SI" High school № 5. M. Auezov "SI" High school № 10 "SI" Gymnasium. I. Altynsarin "district education departments. During the internship, students master qualification competence as the main objective is to consolidate manufacturing practices of key competencies, practical skills and professional experience to educational program. During the period of practical training of students must meet the following objectives: · learn how to develop a mandatory documentation and creative teachers show a good level of knowledge of the factual material obtained in the study of psychology - pedagogical, methodological and special disciplines; · develop and implement the lessons of various types; · Plan and develop various forms of extra-curricular activities; · be able to carry out the analysis and introspection various activities teachers; · develop self-awareness and self-management preparedness for various types and forms of pedagogical process, specifically to work on self-development, self-improvement and self-affirmation of themselves as individuals, as a teacher - a professional. According to the curriculum teaching practice students specialty "5V010900 - Mathematics" held on 3 and 4 courses. 3 course teaching practice is scheduled for 6 semester for a period of 2 weeks. Students release candidate course practice in 5-for-8 th grade schools, high schools, gymnasiums. 4th year student production (teaching) practice is scheduled for 8 semester and lasts for 6 weeks. Interns are assigned to the 9th and 11th grades of secondary schools perform almost all functions predmetnika and the class teacher. Before teaching practice carried out the installation conference, who are familiar with the goals and objectives of the upcoming practice. Much attention is paid to the safety of students. Students are Methodists of graduate departments and methodologist on educational work, a psychologist with the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology. The results are discussed in the teaching practice school with subject teachers, headmasters, which assign grades for the lessons of algebra and geometry, educational work. At the final conference accepted accounting documentation of students. They share their impressions about the practice. Sounded Reviews The school subject teachers zakrelennyh for student interns, and estimates of students during the internship. (Appendix 19.11) If desired, students of correspondence courses may take practice to personal agreement or in the workplace, and the Department shall issue a corresponding direction. 3.2.17Training is conducted on credit educational technology. Students choose their own path of learning. From the selection of elective courses, finishing academic mobility, ie selecting another university for the development of disciplines. For example a student of M-31 2012-13 school year Cabido Square Gulsim studied at Aktobe State University named Zhubanov for 5 semester, as well as a student of M-31 2011-12 school year Eshpanova Aitkul studied at Almaty State National University . Al-Farabi. The applied methods for assessing the department of educational achievements of students adequate goals, objectives, results and the specifics of the program specialty "5V010900 - Mathematics". Development of lecture material and lectures by experienced teachers departments have, as a rule, PhD, Doctor of Science or Master. With the introduction of credit technology lecture method has been adjusted through the use of interactive learning tools. Conducting lectures involves the preliminary preparation of students who are provided with abstracts of lectures. As a result, increases the active role of students in a course of lectures, which often takes the form of discussions, roundtable forum. Conducting of seminars involves the formation of students' skills in the use of theoretical knowledge in relation to the characteristics of the study subjects. Topics of seminars is problematic, allowing students to master the skills of debate and scientific debate. An active participant in seminars serves the student who demonstrates the degree understanding of theoretical material. Traditional forms of seminars are interviewed, the game business, the education portfolio, preparation of essays, reports, creative projects. Classes are conducted using multimedia learning. A continuous process of self-education of students is aimed at forming professional mobility, research skills, creative potential, individual abilities and the personality. To improve and develop skills of independent work of the department faculty to help students develop guidelines. Academic mobility - a movement of students or teachers - researchers for teaching or research for a certain period of an academic semester or academic year at another institution of higher education (within the country and abroad), with mandatory perezachetom development of educational programs vvide credits in high school or continue their studies in another university. In the planning and organization of academic mobility, the following regulations: - A statement of the student - Transcript of the student - An agreement (contract with another university) -individual curriculum student The university develops and approves the order of credit transfer ECTS. information packet university consists of the following sections: · general information about the university · course information · More information for students Outcome dokumet confirming education student mobility program is a transcript of the training. Reference (optional) svideniya about the specifics of the program of study: description of high school grading system, grading system to ECTS, the number kroeditov per academic year, semester. An important area of educational activity is educational work with the students, which is planning and reporting character and also runs an educational environment that reveals the creativity and individual abilities of the individual student. For each academic year, a plan of educational work specialties, which are prepared on the basis of work plans curators groups. Theme events associated with patriotic education, promotion of healthy lifestyles, active citizenship and others. Every year, each group hold open vospitaelnye events dedicated to the Day of the Constitution, the First President's Day, Independence Day. 3.2.18The ability of students to work in teams - one of the core competencies in the future professional activity. Students in the course of educational and extracurricular work involved in the overall work, try to establish good business relationship with the rest of the academic group. Each member of the group tries to be loyal to fellow students. The work team has a positive influence on the development of cooperation, to encourage tolerance, order, recognition of another's opinion and correct discussion, overcoming selfish attitudes. Today graduates OP is required not only to have a stock of current knowledge and skills and the ability to easily navigate through the information flow, but also they should be able to apply their knowledge and skills into practice and create something new on the basis of the information received. At the present stage of development of society as never increased the demand for non-standard conceiving creative individuals possessing such abilities as to make choices, to make decisions, work in a team, take responsibility for the problem. These qualities are members of modern society, necessary in any sphere of life, should be formed in each graduate educational program. In most cases, a professional activity is closely connected with the competition, so an important part of teamwork is the tolerance of man, his ability to avoid conflicts. 3.2.19The indicator "satisfaction with the quality of the students educational services" detected by systematic survey of students, as well as during the examination session. Annexes 8 and 9 presents data on the following profiles: Profile 1 "Satisfaction with quality educational programs";About 2 "student satisfaction organization of educational process and intermediate certification"; About 3 "satisfaction of employers with the quality of graduates." Survey data are analyzed, discussed at faculty meetings, and then taken appropriate action. Thus, the implementation of educational programs for students of "5V010900 -Matematika" conducted strictly in accordance with the SES, the Model Rules of the activities of higher education.