АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
6.2.1. INSTITUTION of higher learning disposes the modern level of material and technical base, by resources for the grant of quality educational services : material and technical resources are present in an amount, quality and scales, sufficient for making reality of mission and strategy of the educational program "Mathematics" and her effective realization. The equipped of material and technical base allows to conduct an educational process at level conforming to the requirements of state standards of higher education. АркГПИ has the sufficient audience fund, equipped by the technical equipments of educating, including audio and video equipment. 9 computer classes, 8 specialized reading-rooms, are equipped, among them there are an electronic resource center, медиацентр, videohall, 2 лингафонных classes, the zones of Wi are created - Fi, in every computer class there is access to the Internet. Engaging in a physical culture pass in a sport complex, in gymnasia and on sport outside court. The first-aid station works for students. From another city students have the opportunity to live in two modern comfortable dormitories. Area being on a 1 student the brought contingent over makes from the calculation of real-estate being in an operative management : 15669: 1340 = 11,7 sq.m., that corresponds to the set norms in 6 sq. m. (п.69 ГОСО РК, ratified by Decision of Government of РК from 23.08.2013г. № 1080). The educational area of audiences of speciality of "Mathematician" fully corresponds to the sanitary and fire-prevention norms and rules (the number of landings places corresponds to the necessities of educational process and research activity of ППС, students), set to the norms of ГОСО РК, ratified by Decision of Government of РК from 23.08.2013г. № 1080. The conclusions of СЭС and fire service are present. Annually to educational New Year repair and preparation of audience fund are conducted. After the department of methodology of physics and mathematics 15 audiences, that is equipped by a modern equipment assisting satisfaction of educational, personal and quarry necessities of students, are envisaged . Realization of lessons a department gets organized in educational audiences (Table 1).
State of audience fund. For the conduct of educational process educational audiences, laboratories, specialized cabinets, computer classes of institute, are used. In every cabinet there is a passport, plan of work, instruction and magazine on accident prevention in a laboratory, instruction on fire safety measures, commemorative booklet on fire safety measures. Every cabinet is equipped by facilities of extinguishing of fire : fire-extinguisher, box with sand. All cabinets are thematically executed. Table 2. Information on cabinets on ОП 5В010900- "Mathematics"
After speciality of mathematician 3 specialized audiences are envisaged 509, 510 and 514. Audience 509 3d is equipped by a complex that is equipped by contents of mathematical lessons in English language. Employments of mathematician in English language and professional English are here conducted for specialities. Audience 510 equipped by an interactive board. It allows to conduct lecture and practical employments, СРСП, to get ready to the students to СРС in the interactive mode, using information technologies. Audience 514 equipped by 10 monoblock. It allows to conduct employments, СРСП, to get ready to the students to СРС in the interactive mode, using information technologies. Also by means of the mathematical programs and facilities such, as: "Living geometry" of Geometer's SketchPad, Geogebra, SketchUp students conduct researches, supervisions and analysis of decision of tasks, build charts and drafts of proofs of theorems.
1. Independent work of students is provided: - by informative resources (textbooks, train aid, jars of individual tasks, reference books, teaching the programs, electronic educational интернет-ресурсы); - by methodical materials (pointing, recommendations, guidances, educational and учебно-методические manuals of and other); - by supervisory materials (tests, questions for self-control of and other); by material resources (computers of and other); are consultations of teacher; -возможностью of public discussion of theoretical or practical results, got students independently (realization of смотров-конкурсов, competitions of presentations, student scientific mugs, participating, is in institution of higher learning, republican and international scientific conferences, participating in the subject olympiads of and other); - by -исследовательскими works within the framework of the separate read courses, implementation of term, diploma papers with the elements of scientific analysis; - by elections by the students of disciplines at own discretion, by the underbacks of chancellor. 2.\u0009Organization of current and border control. Software - QuizMaker (test shell) Aim: realization of the programed control, a correction ЗУН. 3.\u0009Organization of educational-acquainting practice (2 credits). Software - MSExcel, MathCad. Aim: calculation and simplification of character expressions; calculation of integrals and derivative functions; decision of the systems of linear algebraic equalizations, work with matrices and determinants; construction of charts both in cartesian and cylindrical and in arctic coordinates. 4.\u0009Preparation of students to pedagogical and productive to practices. Software - Active Inspire, GeoGebra, Geometer's SketchPad. Aim: organization and conducting lesson with the use of ИКТ, preparation of evident, distributing didactic material. The purchased facilities and equipment on specialities have inventory numbers and fixed the material table of АркГПИ centralized in a book-keeping, envisaged after a financially responsible person (by a laboratory assistant). 6.2.2. The dataware of educational and scientific process comes true taking into account the pedagogical profile of institution of higher learning, this an informatively-library complex (further ИБК) engages in. The general area of library makes - 771,2 sq.m., area of книгохранилища - 83,3 sq.m., area of subscriptions - 151,9 sq.m. Readers are served in the reading-room of учебно-методической literature, reading-room of magazines, electronic resource center, медиацентре, reading-room of foreign literature, on subscriptions of educational and scientifically-artistic literature. 250 landings places are counted in the reading-rooms of library, i.e. a 1 landing place is on 5 students the brought contingent over, that corresponds to the necessities of educational process and research activity of ППС, students and personnel of institution of higher learning. There are passports of audiences in all structural subdivisions of ИБК. Today a library disposes 85 ед. computer technique, including 47 personal computer, 6 notebooks, 12 netbooks, 13 monoblock, 5 неттопов, 2 IPAD. In ИБК also there are 2 plane-table scintiscanners and 5 ед. МФУ (ксерокс, scintiscanner, printer), 10 - DVD - плееров, 12 e-books, 2 televisions, 1 musical center, 1 mobile multimedia projector with a notebook for realization of different library events. All technique of new generation. The park of computer technique of software renovates annually. The computers of ИБК are incorporated in the local network of institute. Every user of library has the opportunity to get access to the e-catalog, global network of INTERNET There is a dynamics of height of computer technique in the library of institution of higher learning for the last 5. (Table 3) Table 3. Dynamics of height of computer technique
For the decision of educational tasks in a library there is all necessity: it is free access to the informative resources, including to the network of INTERNET; it is a debenture fund satisfying the informative necessities of users; it is a flexible chart of work; are comfort terms. At forming of library fund РУП and programs of speciality is taken into account, tasks in area of scientific researches, educator process. A specific aspect - printed, audiovisual documents, electronic editions is maintained. Educational, учебно-методические, scientific, certificate editions are acquired . The Language range is presented by documents on official and Russian languages. For development of the harmoniously developed personality fiction counting 32 887 copies is acquired. It is Russian literature, literature of people of the CIS, foreign, Kazakh literature, modern Kazakhstan literature. For students-freshmen excursions on a library, on that they are acquainted with the rules of the use by a library and works with catalogues, are conducted. Updating of fund for speciality 5В010900 - "Mathematics" proceeds. Lists youписываемых of magazines get on a statement to the chancellor with the ground of their necessity or stopping of subscription. There is a dynamics of height of the facilities distinguished on taking out a subscription on magazines and corresponding increase of amount of the written names and copies of magazines for period from 2009 to 2013. (Table 4) Table 4. Facilities distinguished on taking out a subscription on magazines for period from 2009 to 2013
A library fund (educational, methodical and scientific literature on general, base and profiling disciplines of obligatory cycle and on the professional programs, including in official language) has the single system. He is accessible for ППС, students and personnel of department. Annually a department is give a request on закуп of necessary учебно-методической literature. There are annual subscription editions on speciality "5В010900 is "Mathematics" on two languages: "Mathematics", "Mathematics of және physicist", "High school of Kazakhstan - Қазақстан thirl of мектебі", "Шағын мектеп is Littlecomplete school", "Mathematics at school with an appendix on CD- disk" of and other Information about material well-being educational and scientific literature of students of speciality of "5В010900 is "Mathematics" on years presented in a table 5:
Table 5. Information about material well-being by educational and scientific literature of students of speciality of "Mathematician" Department of mathematics and physics
Information about the presence of library fund calculating on one student the brought contingent over of speciality of "5В010900 is Mathematics" on years presented in a table 6: Table 6. Information about material well-being by educational and scientific literature of students of speciality of "Mathematician" Department of mathematics and physics
These tables testify that fund educational, учебно-методической, scientific, literatures in relation to the brought contingent over on one student on the complete cycle of educating makes 173/437 copies accordingly on Kazakh and on the Russian separation, that corresponds to the set norm (140 units of editions on a 1 student the brought contingent over). Information about a library fund on the Kazakh and Russian separation proportionally presented the contingent of students in a table 7 and 8:
Table a 7 Information about a library fund on the Kazakh separation of speciality 5В010900 is Mathematics of department of mathematics and physics
Table 8. Information about a library fund on the Russian separation of speciality 5В010900 is Mathematics of department of mathematics and physics
Analysing data of the higher presented tables, it is possible to draw conclusion, that a library fund on the languages of educating (Kazakh, Russian) is proportional to the contingent of students student on the Kazakh and Russian languages. Material well-being by educational and scientific literature of students of speciality 5В010900 - Mathematics corresponds to the norm 140 copies on a 1 student the brought contingent over on the Kazakh and Russian languages (173/16757 accordingly). In an informatively-library complex and on a department there is a map of книгообеспеченности on every discipline of speciality of "5В010900 is "Mathematics". As far as entering of literature fund of library, every edition passes treatment through library CAS ИРБИС and brought in the map of material well-being on speciality 6.2.3. All entering library literature passes a timely account and operative cataloguing. In 2008 in a library was purchased and inculcated the library-informative CAS "ИРБИС-64", intended for complex automation of library processes and creation of e-catalog. The program is realized with the observance of operating international standards in library business; complete support of alphabet of Kazakh is carried out in the system "ИРБИС", that allows to conduct an e-catalog in official language. The e-catalog formed on library CAS "ИРБИС" includes a retrospective fund and regularly filled up by bibliographic descriptions of the purchased editions. An e-catalog is placed on the educational web-site of institute. A local network is conducted in ИБК. In a reading-room the "Electronic resource center" the next programs are set: "ИРБИС", "e-library of АркГПИ". Connection of library to the network the INTERNET, presence of e-mail and WEB - web-site of institute of http: //аpi.кz, gives an opportunity of receipt of additional information from other institutions of higher learning of Kazakhstan, Russia, far abroad, libraries of the different systems and departments. Use of resources of the Internet in informatively - library service serves as the important adding to the present traditional resources Annually the debenture fund of library of institute is filled up on the average on 15 thousand copies, a percent of renewed of fund for the last three years was 8 %. cited data in a table 9: Table 9 Renewed of book fund
Thus, the percent of updating of fund corresponds to the norms (no less than 5% from the general fund of library), updating and addition to the book fund of library is priority direction in activity of library of institution of higher learning. In respect of quantitative index of financing of library fund, then there is a dynamics of height of selection of financial means for acquisition of educational, учебно-методической and scientific literature. These financing of library fund is presented in a table 10. Table 10 is Selection of financial means on acquisition of literature and magazines
6.2.4. To учебно-методической literature учебно-методические manuals, methodical manuals, didactic, evident manuals, учебно-методические developments, behave are the methodical pointing or recommendations on the study of discipline, methodical pointing on implementation of laboratory, course, diploma and other types of writing works, certificate manuals and editions on educational disciplines. They are accessible for students, ППС and personnel of department in a paper and electronic variants (all library fund, presence and availability the Internet is lines, availability of teaching electronic textbooks, fund of reading-room the "Electronic reading-room", controlled from distance educating, educational TV of and other). Material well-being on digital carriers makes educational literature no less than 40 % base and profiling disciplines of curriculum of speciality. Fund educational, учебно-методической, scientific, literatures in relation to the brought contingent over on one student on the complete cycle of educating makes 173/437 copies accordingly on Kazakh and on the Russian separation, that corresponds to the set norm. The library of institution of higher learning is prolong a межвузовский agreement with the scientific library of the Костанайского state pedagogical college with the purpose of providing of operative access of users to the informatively-educational resources of pedagogical profile of e-librarys of institutions of higher learning. This initiative is supported by guidances of institutions of higher learning, an agreement is attained, and work proceeds in this direction. 6.2.5. In order that to conduct employments the presence of modern computers is up-to-date needed. On a department for students there are 27 computers, all have an access to the network the Internet, because bound by a single local network, and off-wire Wi is similarly set - Fi system allowing free of charge to go out in the Internet. Technical equipments, educating used in the educational process of department conform to the modern requirements. On the whole, material well-being of speciality of "5В010900-Математика" conforms to informative resources the licensed requirements, development of resource base and renewed of library fund come true in соответсвии with ГОСО РК, ratified by Decision of Government of РК from 23.08.2013г. № 1080. In an educational process within the framework of the educational program of department, the computer classes of institute (№ 204, 203, 225, 226, 223 and in the 4th reading-rooms of library), in that there is access to the informative resources (local network, Internet), are used. 6.2.6. Material well-being is taken computers and notebooks of educational process to the level a 1 computer on 4 students on the average on the brought contingent over of student (or a 1 computer on 3 students on the average on an internal separation). The amount of computer classes, reading-rooms, multimedia, лингафонных and scientifically-methodical cabinets and number of landings places in them correspond to the necessities of educational process and research activity of ППС, students. All students and ППС of institute have an equal access to the network the internet and to of informatively-communication technologies (ИКТ) of institute, both on a local network and on the network of Wi - Fi. All computers of institute are incorporated in a local network and have a high-speed exit in the Internet. Presently in an institute 4 points are connected the Internet: 1.\u00091 point of network the Internet at a speed of 16 Мбит/с, volume of traffic - безлимитный (Ауельбекова 17, Main corps) 2.\u00091 point of network the Internet at a speed of 8 Мбит/с, volume of traffic - безлимитный (Ауельбекова 17, Main corps) 3.\u00091 point of network the Internet at a speed of 4 Мбит/с, volume of traffic - безлимитный (Ауельбекова 17, Main corps) 4.\u00091 point of network the Internet at a speed of 4 Мбит/с, volume of traffic - безлимитный (Ауельбекова 17, Main corps) 5.\u00091 point of network the Internet at a speed of 16 Мбит/с, volume of traffic - безлимитный (Ш.-Ш. Жанибека, 91, corps № 2) IP is organized - VPN between the Main corps of institute, dormitories of institute and second corps on speed 50 Мбит/с on оптоволоконным flow lines. 6.2.7. 7 computer classes function in an institute, 2 portable computer class, 5 reading-rooms equipped by computers and having an access to the Internet, 3 лингафонных classes, Wi is created - Fi zones, providing access to the corporate network and network the Internet, IP- telephony, system of videoconferencing. In the dormitory of institute a local network is conducted in every room, Wi function - Fi of zone, that provides off-wire access to all students and teachers to the informative resources of АркГПИ and to the Internet. Material well-being is taken computers and notebooks of educational process to the level a 1 computer on 4 students on the average on the brought contingent over student (or a 1 computer on 3 students on the average on an internal separation). The amount of computer classes, reading-rooms, multimedia, лингафонных cabinets and number of landings places in them correspond to the necessities of educational process and научно-исследова-тельской activity of ППС, students. All students and ППС of institute have an equal access to the network the internet and to of informatively-communication technologies (ИКТ) of institute, both on a local network and on the network of Wi - Fi. In an institute CAS of management is created by an educational process, including the system of the network testing of students, electronic system "AIS Platonus" containing information about students, their progress, curricula of disciplines, student office. There is the e-catalog placed to address of www.api.kz, internal e-library, plugging in itself books, textbooks, manuals, lectures, УМКД of and other materials for an educational process, An institute disposes an own educational web-site with the domain name of api.kz, by the web-site of the controlled from distance educating, personal cabinet of student, by an e-library. E-mail: arkgpi@mail.ru (АркГПИ), administrator@api.kz . (Table 11) Table 11. Educational web-site АркГПИ
--\u0009Every student, ППС of institute is provided достпом to интернет-ресурсам of АркГПИ. Access of users to интернет-ресурсам of АркГПИ : the Personal cabinet, Web-site of the controlled from distance educating, the electronic system "AISPlatonus" comes true on Login and Password, that is given out individually to every student, teacher for viewing of visited and progress of students, curriculum of employments, curricula and charts of educational process of and other On Web- web-site of institute information is situated about all teachers providing ОП, about the events of educational, scientifically-methodical, educator character, information renovates systematic. 6.2.8. A strategic aim of institution of higher learning library is providing of maximal availability of informative resources for all groups of users on different carriers. For students and ППС of institution of higher learning there is access to the modern electronic databases such, as Scopus, Tomson Reuters, РМЭБ, DB of publishing House "Fallow deer" (Russia, Санкт- Petersburg), ЭБ АркГПИ (e-library) etc. With the purpose of rendering support and help in an information retrieval in electronic databases for students and teachers centre organizing public lectures is conducted "Library in a help to the students and ППС". Centre organizing public lectures plugs in itself meeting with the leaders of structural subdivisions of ИБК, presentation, reviews of profile literature for every faculty, excursions on subscriptions and reading-rooms, introductory conversations, conversations with freshmen about the rules of the use by a library, reviews of bookfairs, acquaintance with organization of library-bibliographic service and educating to the use by the electronic resources of ИБК, such as АИБС "ИРБИС" is an e-catalog, "e-library", DB of "Изд-ва Fallow deer", "Republican Межвузовская E-library", informative platform of "Thomson Reuters" and resource the internet. 6.2.9. For realization of remote обученияи service services of all consumers of corporate network and the Internet is provided timely registration and grant of login and password for access on the portal of the system of the controlled from distance educating (СДО) of "Moodle". More detailed п.12.2.17. Controlled from distance educating on speciality "5В010900-Математика" is provided with next informative resources (Table 12) : Table 12. Informative resources of the controlled from distance educating
6.2.10. Virtual laboratory works are used for the study of physics. 6.2.11. A department disposes the packages of softwares of computer demonstrations of physical processes, virtual laboratory works, educational computer courses, electronic encyclopaedias, modern software products : "1С: Educational collection is Algebra. 7-11 кл"., "1С: Educational collection is Mathematics. Account", "Algebra. 7-9 кл. (DVD)", "Algebra. 7-9 кл. Edition second", "Algebra and beginning of analysis. 10-11 кл. (DVD)", "Algebra and beginning of analysis. 11 class", "Final attestation of graduating students. (DVD)", "Algebra and beginning of analysis. 11 class. Edition is second" to and other For students ОП 5В010900-"Математика" the educational films of series of ВВС are given in медиацентре, for example: "Open mathematics. Algebra", "From the point of view of science: Pyramid", the "Best on a planet: Ray.Aquariums of earth" of and other 6.2.12. For independent educational and research work all possibilities are given students: access is organized from 8.00 to 19.00 hours in computer classes and reading-room, equipped by a computer technique; the material and technical base of speciality allows to conduct practical employments, research works. A major instrument is a modern e-library. The e-library of АркГПИ is created from 2007. Filling of array of e-library is produced by translation in the electronic form of the printed originals from the funds of libraries of republic, by the receipt of copies of electronic documents from authors, from publishing organizations and from the Internet. Collection of ЭБ carries universal character. The databases of e-library of АркГПИ are accessible to the readers not only in the apartment of library, but in the local network of institution of higher learning. A volume of ЭБ is 28 689 documents. Thematic profile: education, pedagogics, Казахстаника, natural science, humanity/pls, culture and art, fiction.Types of documents of ЭБ : electronic copies of paper originals, copies of electronic documents and resources the Internet, abstract magazines, video data, teaching the programs, УМКД of teachers of institution of higher learning, силлабусы, executable codes, tests and т.д.Обновление array of e-library - daily. 6.2.13. Sources and volumes of financing
Dynamics of volumes of financing for 2009 -2013 (тыс.тг) : A large niche is occupied by charges on events on social defence of students, such as payments on passage of студентов-грантников, feed and uniform of children-orphans. Provided funds from a republican budget and due to facilities of institute. In 2009 on an institute it was distinguished on a feed and uniform of students-orphans - 1845,9 тыс.тенге, in 2010 - 4297,7 тыс.тенге, in 2011 - 4723,7 тыс.тенге, in 2012 году- 3698,5 тыс.тенге, in 2013 - 4199,3 тыс.тенге. Sponsorship comes true to the needing students in form grant of discounts and on payment for educating of students. For this period students from of scanty means families got a discount on payment for educating are students-orphans, invalids, students from having many children families, студенты-сотрудников institution of higher learning. Discounts to the students for educating
Also for a residence in a dormitory discounts are given to the students to the orphans -100% discount. 6.2.14 A material and technical base within the framework of the educational programs constantly renovates and improves on the requests of department. For past time (2008-2013) it was purchased on the equipment of material and technical base of speciality 5В010900 "Mathematics" is 5 097 401 тенге, from them on a material and technical base in a sum are 2 205 185 тенге, on acquisition of computer technique in сумме- 2 892 216 тенге. The purchased facilities and equipment on specialities of department have inventory numbers and fixed the material table of АркГПИ centralized in a book-keeping, envisaged after a financially responsible person (by a laboratory assistant). Financing of material and technical and учебно-методической base (Tables 13, 14, 15, 16) Table 13. Facilities distinguished on the equipment of material and technical base for period 2009-2014
Table 14. Facilities distinguished on acquisition of computer technique for period 2009-2014
6.2.15. The level of professional competense of departments is shown by scientific researches of scientists within the framework of different projects. 6.2.16. Dynamics of height of the facilities distinguished on taking out a subscription on magazines and corresponding increase of amount of the written names and copies of magazines for period from 2011 to 2013 : Table 15. Facilities distinguished on taking out a subscription on magazines and corresponding increase of amount of the written names and copies of magazines for period from 2009 to 2013 :
Table 16. Dynamics of height of speed of access to the network the Internet
In an institute to services of users in the Electronic resource center and medias, videohalls there are the electronic resources placed on CD, DVD- disks, audio and video cassettes. For period from 2009 to 2014 fund 3843 экз entered . on electronic carriers (CD, DVD - disks), and also 28 689 documents in an e-library: labours of teachers of АркГПИ, учебно-методические manuals, УМКД, lectures, methodical recommendations, tests etc. Dynamics of height of fund on electronic and magnetic carriers: Table 17 is Dynamics of height of fund on electronic carriers
Thus, a stake of library fund on electronic carriers is 19 % from the fund of educational, scientific and methodical literature (174 052 экз.) and 13% from the general fund of library (245 860 экз.)