АстрономияБиологияГеографияДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника
Component of your choice - 27 creditsBasic disciplines aimed at forming a professional, theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students specialty "5V010900 -Matematika." Additional courses (38 credits) Thus, disciplines in woRepublic of Kazakhstaning curriculum specialty "5V010900 - Matemaitka" divided into the following sections: General education courses (34 credit hours in 1530): General education aimed at the formation of public and professional knowledge of students on the most important areas of higher education. Basic courses (64 credit hours of 2880): Basic disciplines aimed at forming a professional, theoretical knowledge and practical skills of students specialty "5V010900 (050109) - Mathematics". Majors (32 credits, 1440 hours): Majors are designed to deepen the theoretical knowledge of students, expand the overall outlook. Total theoretical training plan 129 credits (5850 hours); b) the integrity of the EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS ensures compliance with SES specialty content EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS combines fundamental training with professional activity due to the simultaneous study of psycho-pedagogical disciplines and areas of fundamental mathematical disciplines. c) the relationship between the classroom and independent woRepublic of Kazakhstan load: in woRepublic of Kazakhstaning curricula 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2012-2013, 2013-2014 academic year 1/3 class hours, 1 / 3- INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF A TEACHER, 1/3 - for INDEPENDENT WORK OF STUDENTS full-time training. g) the relationship between the theoretical and practical components of the curriculum is determined by the number of credits allocated to the study and the specificity of each discipline. For example, in the study of "differential equations" in the curriculum is given 2 credits, respectively theoretical course is 1 hour per week classroom, practical lesson - 1 hour classroom; to study the discipline "Methods of Teaching Mathematics" - 3 credits; respectively, on the theoretical course is given 2 hours of classroom, on a practical lesson - 1 hour classroom. d) Training sessions are conducted to meet the requirements of the credit system of training: one classroom is given 50 minutes. Form of training sessions - lectures, seminars, woRepublic of Kazakhstansheducational programss. The most effective types of training sessions are sessions, which use information technology (since according to credit technology students need to learn a lot of information on their own), modular technology (structuring large amounified national testings of information, develeducational programsment of critical thinking) and contextual learning (link with future professional activities). 2.2.2. Formation of the student body of the university is carried out on the basis of "Model Regulations of admission to the organization of education, realizing professional training programs of higher education", majorsproved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from 19.01.2012g. №111, as amended on 19.04.2012, № 487. The composition of the selection committee, majorsproved by order of the rector of the Institute include the vice-rector, deans, heads of departments of creative disciplines and leading scholars of the university. Rector also majorsproves the list of the technical secretary of the selection committee, whose functions include the pmajorserwoRepublic of Kazakhstan entrants. Enrollment in the number of students of the institute conducted the selection committee from 10 to 25 August. In ten days, the Ministry of Education and Science college is the final report on the organization and conduct of receiving a ceducational programsy of the orders of enrollment of students. Admission to the specialty "5V010900 - Mathematics" carried out by results of uniform national testing or complex testing. In order to attract students to the specialty teachers of the department during the academic year conducts career woRepublic of Kazakhstaning with students of schools and colleges ARepublic of Kazakhstanalyk city, Kostanai region. Teachers of the department MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS Cand-m n. Umbetov AU, senior lecturer in Dzhaketova SD over the years, are members of the jury research projects and school Olympiads in physics and mathematics. The department is actively coeducational programserating with the Education Department of ARepublic of Kazakhstanalyk and region. Teachers of the department Uzakova BZ, Abdrakhmanova MT taught refresher math teachers, which took place in the institute on "Zhana aқparattyқ technology elementterіn paydalana otyryp, mektep kursynda matematikany oқytudy zhetіldіru." For mathematics teachers of the department of the city annually held training seminars. Such as: in the First Congress of teachers of mathematics Kazakhstan held a seminar on "Қazaқstandaғy mektep matematikasynyң lady: Men of Modern zhaғdayy bolashaғy" (26.06.2011), with the Director of the Department of Education named Altynsarin AE Abylkasymova and candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. academics RB Basharov on "Mathematics Physics zhane pәnderіn oқytudyң of Modern zhaғdayy changed bolashaғy" (05.10.2011), "Matematikany oқytudaғy Zhana tehnologiyalyқ әdіster changed perspektivalary lady" (March 2012)., With the participation of the academician of the Department of Education named Altynsarin Cand-m .N. RB Basharova professor and Ph.D. BR Kaskataevoy on "Mathematics zhane Fizikal oқytudaғy of Modern zamanғy tehnologiyalar changed әdіstemeler" (October 2012)., With the participation of PhD, associate professor KazNPU Abay BM Kostudent governmentnov and doctor of sciences., Professor at KSU A.T.Baymakulova "Mathematics zhane Fizikal oқytudyң zamanaui Maseleleri" (10.04.2014g.). The establishment of a contingent specialty Mathematics and conducted at the annual meetings with the teachers, by scientists, woRepublic of Kazakhstaners of secondary and higher education, organized by the graduate departments through training seminars, schools and courses, lectures: 4.2014g.). - At the time of the passage of pedagogical practice 3, 4 full-time training courses provided propaganda material (information about the Republic Kazahstanalyksky State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of specialties). - Campaign conducted interviews with teachers and Amangeldy Zhangeldinskogo area ARepublic of Kazakhstanalyk grammar school in seminars for teachers. - Campaign activities carried out by teachers departments during scientific and practical conference "Tolegenov okulary." - We are actively woRepublic of Kazakhstaning with alumni credit education technologywoRepublic of Kazakhstan in schools and ARepublic of Kazakhstanalyk Kostanai region and beyond (Altynsarinsky, Taranovsky, Amangeldy, Mendykarinsky, Auliekolsky et al. Districts, South Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda, North Kazakhstan, Akmola region ). The plans for career guidance departments are planned: - Seminars and number of events (classes, conferences) with schools ARepublic of Kazakhstanalyk and region; - Participation in the "Educational programsen Day" of the Institute on the faculty. - Visits to schools (according to the schedule of the Faculty). - Organization of professional orientation event "Educational programsen Day" of the department. For the purpose of career guidance teachers departments go to school nearby villages and districts. So, 11-14 May 2011, has been committed to leaving Amangeldy and Zhangeldinskie areas. Career Guidance held at the following schools: №2 High School s behalf. Altynsarin school named after K. Kaydosova school named after NG Ivanov and Zhangeldinskoy secondary schools (the official language of instruction). Conducted personal interviews with majorsplicants. During the interviews demonstrated the presentation on the activities of the Department of MOF, presented brochure. In an interview high school students to the most frequently asked questions: "What is the cost of education?", "How many points you need to dial to study for a grant?", "Are there other cities hostel?", "If you transfer from one institution to another, save the grant? ". April 15, 2012 lecturer at the Department Uzakova BZ A meeting was held with graduates humanitarian College. N. Kulzhanovoy. 10 students of the total number of graduates (about 60 people) have expressed their desire postipovoy curricula at short distance education in the specialty "Mathematics". January 16 as part of career-oriented work carried out by the Republic of Kazahstanalyksky State Pedagogical Institute teachers of the department Uzakova BZ, Tulegenova AK visited the school №1 them. Ualikhanov Arkalyk city of Kazakhstan. During the Educational programsen Day November 27, 2012 Department of Mathematics and Physics, visited students in urban schools. Teachers of the department Zhumabaeva SB and Tulegenova AK for majorsplicants was a tour of the laboratories and classrooms of the department with the demonstration of equipment, carried out an entertaining experience in various branches of physics and observations on solving mathematical problems. Active preducational programsaganda woRepublic of Kazakhstan carried out by teachers of faculty training courses (Uzakova BZ, Abdrakhmanova MT). Campaign literature distributed by students living in the neighboring areas, remote settlements. It should be noted that, despite the fact that the management and staff of the Faculty of Science and Information and graduate departments conducted a lot of woRepublic of Kazakhstan to ensure an enrollment of specialty Mathematics, the annual intake of students is poor. This is due to the general trends of a social nature: a decrease in the interest of the younger generation in the natural sciences, the expansion of spheres of functioning state and English languages. As a result, enrollment of students on a specialty "5V010900-Mathematics" often carried a "point" principle: the woRepublic of Kazakhstan is done with specific schools, with specific teachers and students with concrete. 2.2.3.The curriculum provides a degree sequence of study subjects based on continuity, which is reflected in postrekvizitah and Prerequisites syllabus disciplines EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS. The common structural element of the curriculum are: schedule of the educational process; a summary of the budget time student; Plan of the educational process, including a list of volumes and the sequence of study subjects, types of studies, forms an intermediate, final control and final certification. Educational woRepublic of Kazakhstan of students is uniformly distributed within one academic semester students learn an average of 20 credits. Table 1. Distribution of credits per semester in WORKING CURRICULUMspecialty "5V010900-Mathematics", receiving 2013god (Majorspendix 19.4)
Curriculum is specifically provided under various forms of control achievements of students' knowledge: current control, which is carried out in the course of training (lectures, seminars, woRepublic of Kazakhstansheducational programss, laboratory) classes. Throughout the semester, held two boundary control: on the eighth and fifteenth week training period. LandmaRepublic of Kazakhstan control takes the form of a colloquium, written assignments, tests. Pre-designed themes tests, tests. To implement the curriculum provides efficient use of human resources. Lecturing on specialty is only teachers with a doctorate degree or candidate of science, masters. (For details, see. In Standard 5) Efficient use of material and technical potential of the Institute is reflected in Standard 6. 2.2.4.Bachelor specialty "5V010900 - Mathematics" in accordance with SES REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN of 23.08.2012 №1080, majorsproved and put into effect by order of MES REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN № 779 of 23 December 2005, agreed with the Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Republic of Kazakhstan 13.09.05g. Number 1290, and the types of programs disciplines. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS on compulsory component includes mandatory disciplines, including: History of Kazakhstan, philoseducational programshy, foreign languages, political science, and others. General education disciplines focused on the formation of public and professional knowledge of students on the most important areas of higher education. 2.2.5.Akkreditiruemaya EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS includes disciplines aimed at formation of professional competence of students, develeducational programsing competencies and skills.These include "Introduction to the teaching profession", "Pedagogy", "Psychology and Human Develeducational programsment", "Methods of Teaching Mathematics", "Methods of educational woRepublic of Kazakhstan", "Elementary Mathematics". Intellectual and academic skills are develeducational programsed in the course of practical foreign language, problem solving Methodical bases, Differential equations, WoRepublic of Kazakhstansheducational programs on solving mathematical problems, Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Mathematical logic and discrete mathematics and drIntellektualnye and academic skills are develeducational programsed in the course of practical foreign language Methodical bases problem solving, Differential equations, WoRepublic of Kazakhstansheducational programs on solving mathematical problems, Theory of probability and Mathematical Statistics, Mathematical logic and discrete mathematics, etc. Correspondence between the key qualifications of the student - the future teacher of mathematics and content EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS represented schematically:
Presented in RUP elective courses are designed to meet the requirements of modern education maRepublic of Kazakhstanet. As a result of the develeducational programsment of the program Bachelor of Education majoring in Mathematics 5V010900 perform the following professional activities: - Education; - Experimental research; -organizatsionno-management; -Social and teaching; - Teaching and educational; - Training and technology. 2.2.7. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS components include disciplines that contribute to personal develeducational programsment of students, forming a special competence and educational abilities. Goals and objectives of each EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS and any discipline is not only to impart knowledge and skills in these disciplines, but also to create conditions for personal develeducational programsment of students, enhance their creativity and social skills.To a large extent the communicative skills of communication, creativity, self-acquired by students in classes that are held in an interactive manner. Self-develeducational programsment skills, independent critical thinking and search for knowledge acquired through home study courses, separate sections, in writing the thesis. At the same time, there are a number of disciplines that are fully focused on the develeducational programsment of personal qualities. These include such subjects as "Pedagogy", "Philoseducational programshy", "Environment and Sustainable Develeducational programsment", "Foundations of Economic Theory", "Sociology", "Political Science", "Law", "Introduction to the teaching profession", "Ethneducational programsedagogics "," Psychology and Human Develeducational programsment "," Self-knowledge "," Psychology and school health. " В РУП к компонентам, способствующим личному развитию студентов относятся: General subjects: 1. History of Kazakhstan 2. Philoseducational programshy 3. Foreign Language 4. Kazakh (Russian) language 5. Computing 6. Environment and Sustainable Develeducational programsment 7. Sociology 8. Politics 9. Foundations of Economic Theory 10. Foundations of Law 11. Basics of Life Safety 12.Religious Basic courses (64 credit hours in 2880): Required component (20 credits, 900 hours) 1. Introduction to the teaching profession 2. Pedagogy 3. Self 4. Ethneducational programsedagogics 5. Psychology and Human Develeducational programsment 6. Age physiology and school hygiene 7. Professional Kazakh (Russian) language 8. Professionally Oriented Foreign Language 9.Methods of Teaching Mathematics Component of choice (44 credits, 1980 hours) 1. Religious 2. Algebra and Number Theory 1 3. Analytical Geometry 4. The system of equations and inequalities of higher order 5. Mathematical Analysis 4 6. Mathematical Analysis 2 7. Mathematical Analysis 1 8. Mathematical Analysis 3 9. WoRepublic of Kazakhstansheducational programs for solving mathematical problems 1 10. Differential Equations 11. Methods for solving problems at the rate of solid geometry 12. WoRepublic of Kazakhstansheducational programs for solving mathematical problems 2 13. Algebra and Number Theory 2 14. Introductory course in mathematics 15. Foundations of Geometry 16. Majorsplication of definite integrals 17. Teaching Mathematics in English 1 18. Teaching Mathematics in English 2 19. Teaching Mathematics in English